
Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Class Teacher: Mrs Nicol

Teaching Assistants: Miss Marsh

Welcome to the Year 5 class page!

We are delighted to welcome you back for another exciting year at school and look forward to working with you all and sharing in your successes as we move through the year. In year 5, we work hard and always try our best and together we know that you can achieve greatness and fulfil your potential.


Music- Composition to represent the festival of colour

The children had fun learning how to represent music visually, in a graphic score, using colour as notes while describing what they think the music looks like and why.

Holy Family PE Showcase

The children were delighted to show parents and carers what they experience in PE lessons during a super showcase, displaying their hockey skills. After working through a warm up, they went on to show their skills dribbling with a ball and stick. It was wonderful to see so many parents coming to see the children working hard.

Take a look at what the children were doing below... 

Reading- Author Event

We were lucky enough to be invited to an author event with the amazing Michael Rosen to mark the beginning of Refugee Week. He shared lots of poetry about where we fit in, in the world and shared many stories about the journeys that refugees make to find a home.

RSE- Created to Love Others

The children were excited to learn all about 'Giving Assistance' by helping others in need. They were taught basic first aid knowledge including the recovery position and the DR ABC primary survey and were able to role play to practice their newly learnt skills. 

Music- Composition to represent the festival of colour

The children explored how music can be experienced visually by associating sounds and songs with different colours and ideas.

They listened to different music and then shared their ideas as a class.

RE- Dialogue and Encounter

To begin our new topic, Dialogue and Encounter, where the children will be learning all about the Bible and it's origins, the children in year 5 explored other books that are special to them by sharing them together in the library.

PE- Athletics

The children have enjoyed practising their athletic skills in the first PE lessons of this half term.

Active Fusion- Sports Leader Session

The children took part in a sports leadership session led by Active Fusion and School Games. They started with a warm up and then took part in team tasks to develop their communication skills. The children then planned their own team activities which they led with the class, ready for being sports leaders in Year 6.

D-Day 80th Anniversary

The school were lucky enough to have a visit from a member of the Royal British Legion to lead an assembly all about D-Day and the upcoming 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. The children discovered what happened on the day that helped lead to victory and how it is being celebrated locally.

Year 5- To the Ends of the Earth

To finish our topic about Pentecost and the power of the Holy Spirit, the children visited the chapel to prayer the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary reflecting on Jesus' journey to Heaven. 

Science- Life Cycles

The children learnt all about life cycles, exploring the differences between flowering and non-flowering plants and the life cycles of insects and mammals.

Geography- Biomes

The children started their topic exploring the different biomes around the globe then they began to identify individual features including climate zones and flora and fauna. They finished their topic by completing an investigation into the impact of deforestation on the deciduous forests in the UK.

Take a look at our learning journey below...

Book Talk- Boy in the Tower

The children thoroughly enjoyed reading their class text this half term- Boy in the Tower. They were completely hooked, right up until the very last chapter and were happy to know that all of the characters survived the deadly 'Blutchers'.

Let's hope they never invade Stainforth! 

Scotty's Heroes

The children were focusing on fitness in this weeks session, developing their upper body strength. 

Music- South and West Africa

Lesson 5- The children created an eight beat break to play alongside traditional African music.

DT- Digital World: Monitoring Devices

The children used the laptops to learn about and practise 3D CAD skills to build the final design of their monitoring device and its case. They were able to place and manoeuvre 3D objects on the Tinkercad interface by changing the properties of and combining one or more 3D objects on a plane.

Literacy- Science Fiction Narrative

The children explored the genre of science fiction narratives through the lens of the famous text- War of the Worlds.

They immersed themselves in the story by creating their own version of the alien invaders, using this stimulus to then write their own narratives.

Ultimate Frisbee

Year 5 were lucky enough to take part in an Ultimate Frisbee session learning how to throw a Frisbee, earning hundreds of points for their teams. The children had lots of fun taking part in challenges of ever-increasing difficulty and working together as teams.

French Day

The children had a fantastic French day learning all about the different French speaking countries around the world. They learnt about the compass points to direct fellow globetrotters to different countries and created fun fact files about each place.

DT- Digital World: Monitoring Devices

The children explored the design development process by generating creative and unique micro:bit case, stand or housing ideas to hold their earthquake monitoring device.

Maths- Fractions and Decimals

The children learnt all about identifying, comparing and ordering fractions and how to read, write and order numbers up to 3 decimal place.

Take a look at our learning below.

Music- South and West Africa

Lesson 4- The children really enjoyed learning how to play call and response rhythms, clapping and drumming together.

DT- Digital World: Monitoring Devices

The children were learning how to write a program to instruct a micro:bit to monitor movement, including an alert in the event of an earthquake.


Geography- Asia: Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes

The children really enjoyed their topic all about the mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes in Asia. They learnt all about the processes that form mountains and volcanoes and how earthquakes are causes. They finished their topic with a case study into an earthquake and volcano event, exploring the after effects including tsunamis. 

Science- Properties and Changes of Materials

The children learnt all about the properties of different materials, learning how to classify their strengths and weaknesses. They then explored different processes to separate mixtures and finished the topic by investigating famous material scientists.

Easter Cards

The children had a wonderful time making paper that could be used to make 3D flowers to decorate their very own Easter cards.

Take a look at their beautiful creations.


Holy Week- The Stations of the Cross

The children created and performed a tableau depicting each of the Stations of the Cross for pupils and parents on the last day of school in Holy Week.

Music- South and West Africa

Lesson 3- The children used tuned percussion instruments to play as an ensemble after warming up by learning traditional African dancing.

Author Event- Steven Camden

Working with the Local Community- Shaping Stainforth

The children enjoyed a visit from representatives for 'Shaping Stainforth' to discuss their ideas for making improvements to Doncaster. They spoke about what they liked and disliked about Doncaster and what their dreams for the city would be.

All of the children's ideas will be taken to the council to represent their voice and be taken into consideration when improvements are made.

Music- South and West Africa

Lesson 2- The children used tuned percussion instruments to play a chord progression using the A major, D major and E major chords. 

McAuley French Visit

The children had the most wonderful afternoon with a visit from the language department of McAuley High School. The visitor spent time teaching the children about different French speaking countries in the world and even taught them how to solve maths problems in French!

Maths- Area and Perimeter

The children enjoyed learning all about area and perimeter in rectilinear and non-rectilinear shapes. Take a look at their amazing learning journey!

Music- South and West Africa

Lesson 1- The children listened to traditional songs sung in the Xhosa language, joining in by singing the songs themselves. 

Scotty's End of Half-Term Session

The children had lots of fun playing laser tag in an end of half-term session with Scotty!

Other Faiths- Islam

The children in year 5 enjoyed learning all about Islam and the celebration of Ramadan. They were able to understand the significance of this special time in the Islamic calendar and make links to other religious celebrations.

Music- The Blues

We had lots of fun learning how to play the first line of the 12-bar Blues. We had to practice the chord of C , knowing that it is made of the notes C and E, and play it 16 times altogether. It was wonderful to hear everyone playing together as a class.

PE- Fitness

The children had lots of fun developing their speed and stamina playing team games.

Reading- Book Club

This week, the children chose Beowulf as the 'Book I'd Like to Read Again'. They really enjoyed hearing all about the Dragon and how he came to be in the mountain with his golden hoard.

Music- The Blues

The children really enjoyed exploring the history of Blues music, listening to a range of songs and showing their understanding of the music by representing it using drawn objects, colours or patterns. They then learnt the song, 'Moanin' Lisa Blues' from the The Simpsons and performed it as a class using vocal expression.


The children learnt all about the importance of 'mission' in life by exploring Jesus' mission and that of the Christian community and the Diocese. 

PE- Fitness

In the first PE lesson of the new year, year 5 have been developing and awareness of what their body is able to do by taking part in fitness activities and challenges. 

Computing- iDraw

To finish our computing unit, the children designed and created their very own vector images using all of the skills they have learnt this half term. Take a look at their wonderful work below!

Cooking and Nutrition: What could be healthier?

History- The Vikings

The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about their history topic this half term- the Vikings!

They explored where the Vikings came from and the reasons why they migrated to Britain and as a class, they concluded that the Vikings were not just raiders and invaders but people who wanted better land to live on and space for their families to grow.

To conclude their learning, the children held a museum afternoon for parents to see their amazing work- it was wonderful to be able to share all of their learning.

Take a look at their learning journey below.

Music- Composition and Notation- Egyptians

The children explored different forms of musical notation, creating and improvising their own piece of music using hieroglyphs. 

Reading- Library Visit

The children enjoyed taking a trip to the local library where they were able to spend quality time reading a range of different books.

The children were even able to chose a book to take home and keep!

Black History Month

During Black History Month, the children learnt all about the lives of Katherine Johnson and Maggie Alderin-Pocock. From their interests as children, to their careers as adults, we explored the inspiration that led them to be the iconic figures we know them as today.

Computing- iDraw

The children have been learning how vector images are constructed using layering. They then created their own images by importing a resource onto Sketch Pad to design their very own Christmas tree

Cooking and Nutrition: What could be healthier?

Music- Composition Notation- Egyptians

The children have really enjoyed the first lesson of their new music topic- Composition Notation.

They took part in warm up activities, pretending to dig the foundations of the pyramids and lifting the stones to build them. They then practised vocal warm-ups before listening to and singing the song, 'Gift of the Nile'.


Computing- iDraw

The children have been learning how to use digital tools to improve an image using zooming in and out to resize on Sketch Pad.

Picture News- Protected Characteristics and British Values

Year 5 took part in a wonderful session learning all about protected characteristics and British values and why the are important in everyday life. We learnt that everyone is equal and deserves to be respected. Well done year 5!

Factors and Multiples

The children have been accessing their learning through the use of QR codes in maths. By scanning the code, they were able to access the NRICH learning platform to consolidate their learning about factors and multiples.


Scan the QR code below if you want to challenge yourself to a game.

Scotty's Heroes

Year 5 have been developing their teamwork tactics during a fun game of handball.

Computing- iDraw

This week, year 5 have been learning how to duplicate, move, resize and rotate graphical objects to create digital images. Take a look at their wonderful creations below...

Remembrance Day 2023

To commemorate Remembrance Day this year, the children held a liturgy in the school chapel to remember the sacrifices of those who gave up their lives for our freedom. Through prayer and reflection, the children gave thanks and prayed for the souls of the fallen.

Computing- iDraw

To begin our topic of iDraw, the children have been learning how to create vector images out of shapes and lines using the artist Henri Matisse for inspiration.

Game On!

The children were eager to take part in a small sided game of hockey to celebrate the end of their PE topic and show off what they have learnt. It was wonderful to see their competitive sides come out and the amazing team work they displayed.

Line Graphs and Timetables

The children have started their topic by exploring the story of a graph, working collaboratively to share and explain their learning.

Year 5- Conversation Poems

Year 5 explored poetry by reading a variety of conversation poems and performing them to the class.

Author event- Illustrator Jackie Morris

Year 5 enjoyed taking part in an author event with the illustrator Jackie Morris. We learnt about her inspiration and methods used for drawing and we were introduced to her new book of illustrations depicting animals in poems. We all agreed that her pictures really were beautiful.

French Monster Pets

The children developed their knowledge and vocabulary by exploring the topic of French monster pets. The identified cognates (French words that sound the same or similar in English) in a piece of French text and then explored nouns by looking at their gender and number. They then created their own French monster pets and used their learning to describe them.

Take a look at the amazing learning that took place...

Year 5- Livin' On A Prayer

The children enjoyed using movement and clapping to identify the beat and rhythm of the music and were eager to perform their rendition of the famous Bon Jovi track Livin' On A Prayer. They were enjoying themselves so much that they were even caught dancing along!

RE- Ourselves

Year 5 explores their qualities, gifts and talents as the learnt about the topic of 'Ourselves'. They discovered how God gave them their qualities and talents and how He has a plan for us all and then made links to the life of St Francis of Assisi and how he was called to use his gifts for good. 

Take a look at our wonderful learning journey...

Computing- iProgram

The children in year 5 developed their understanding of using x and y coordinates when programming graphics on Scratch. They then explored Boolean variables (if statements) to make characters interact and programmed statements to make something happen in response to a variable. Finally, they developed a computer game and shared their work with the class in order to test and debug the program.


Book Talk- Beowulf

The children thoroughly enjoyed reading their class text this half term and were eager to find out what happened to Beowulf as he battled monsters and beasts throughout the story. The loved exploring the characters and their motives and even, at times, empathised with the beasts as they sought their revenge against the hero himself. Take a look at some of the amazing work and responses the children developed in lessons as they explored the text...

Science- Let's Learn About Space!

The children enjoyed learning all about Earth and Space in their recent topic. They explored the planets in our solar system and created graphs to show how many moons each planet had. They also discovered why we have day and night and how the heliocentric model of our solar system works. Take a look at some of their wonderful work below...

Maths- Whole Integers

Year 5 have been exploring whole integers including place value, the worth of a digit, rounding and Roman numerals.

Take a look at our amazing work...

Scotty's Heroes

The children took part in activities that built their resilience and developed their team building skills. They enjoyed taking part in tasks that tested their fitness and working together to complete a challenge.


'It was hard but I kept going.'

'I really liked it because it was all about endurance and determination and we all succeeded in the end.'

'It was fun working as a team.'

Pupil voice

Let's Play!

The children enjoyed their PE session this week, learning how to receive a ball under control. They were developing their teambuilding skills whilst playing hockey, passing the ball to their partner and their partner stopping the ball.

Author Event- #Take 10 with Susie Dent

The children enjoyed taking part in a '#Take 10' for mental health author event with Susie Dent.

They learnt all about lexicology and explored their own favourite words and why they are special to them.

Earth and Space

The children had so much fun this week exploring how the Earth moves around the Sun. They discovered that it moved in an elliptical orbit.

Prayer Liturgy

The children planned a prayer liturgy exploring their hopes and dreams for the coming year. The spent time reflecting on their expectations and on their path that God has planned for them. They then wrote prayers asking God for guidance and help on their journey and started to fill our 'prayer cross'.

Writing our own historical narrative...


What better way to begin writing a historical narrative, then acting out our very own battle scene. 

Inspired by the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons, the children took part in their own battle acting out the journey to Britain and a fierce battle with the Britons themselves. 

Book Talk- Beowulf

The children were excited to start their new class text- Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo. They explored the first chapter of the book and identified important characters and facts they now know. They then developed questions based on what they would like to find out as we read the book further and gave their opinions on the text so far.

We can't wait to find out what happens!

Welcome Back!


To celebrate the return to school, children and staff took part in a welcome mass led by Father Joseph.

Children offered symbols to represent their hopes and dreams for the coming year and asked God to help them achieve them.

It was wonderful to hear the whole school singing together and have some of our own year 5 children reading in the mass.

Key information for Year 5

â–ºReading - Reading underpins all of the learning that takes place at Holy Family and it's at the heart of our curriculum. To support reading, please could all children ensure that they read their school reading book each evening and that their reading planner is signed by an adult. At Holy Family, we encourage children to choose their own read for pleasure book. I am really looking forward to hearing about the books and comics they have been reading over the holidays. 


â–ºSpellings -New spelling rules and spelling patterns will be taught each week. Every Wednesday, all children will receive a new spelling list and then we will have a spelling test the following Friday. This allows children to have a week to learn the new spelling rules. As well as recalling spelling rules, it is very important that the children understand new vocabulary and know how to apply this in a sentence. Therefore, children will need to apply the given spellings into their own written sentences and hand this in alongside their spellings. 


â–ºHomework - All children will be given weekly English or Maths homework. The given homework will alternate from English to Maths each week. Children will receive homework each Wednesday and they are required to hand this in on the following Monday. 


â–ºPE - PE will take place every Thursday and Friday. All children must have the correct school PE kit of white t-shirt and black shorts. (Track suits may be worn as the weather turns colder). Please ensure that all children have trainers to enable them to fully participate. 


Thank you for your continued support.

Please don't hesitate to contact me at school if you have any questions or concerns.


Mrs Nicol

Academic Year 2022-2023


Reading- Parvana's Journey

The children in year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed immersing themselves in their new class book- Parvana's Journey. This story follows the adventures of a young girl, whose father has just died, on her way to find her mother and sisters. Take a look at what they have been working on so far.

Active Fusion- Sports Session

The children have been taking part in sports sessions with staff from Active Fusion developing their team building, leadership and communication skills. Working in groups, they have been discussing how to work well as a team and how to encourage others to build their resilience when taking part in sports activities. Then, taking to the playground, the children were able to demonstrate their learning by taking part in activities led by members of the class.

Asia: Mountains, Earthquakes and Volcanoes- End of Topic

The children have learnt so much in their geography topic all about Asia. From describing human and physical features to explaining the effect of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, the children have recorded their work in the most creative ways. Take a look!

Properties and Changes of Materials- End of Topic

The children in year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed their science topic of Properties and Changes of Materials. From testing acids and alkalis, to mixing their own solutions, the children were able to plan their own experiments and test their hypotheses.

Take a look at their wonderful learning below.

Science Day 2023

To celebrate science day this year, the children explored non-Newtonian fluids by mixing oobleck- a mixture of cornflour and water. This mixture has special properties as it can be both a solid and a liquid depending on how it is being handled- it is also very messy which the children loved!

We also had fun creating a bang with coke and mentos- luckily we did this outside as it made a bit of a mess!

Take a look at the fun that was had!

Stations of the Cross

The children in year 5 created and performed a tableau depicting each of the Stations of the Cross for pupils and parents on the last day of term.

Art and Design- Painting

The children explored painting this half term by taking part in a study of the artist William Turner, where they learnt all about his life and works. They then practiced using tint and tone to create different depths of colour which they could then apply to their final pieces. Take a look below at the beautiful artwork the children created.

Kingswood Trip- 2023

The children thoroughly enjoyed their residential trip to Kingswood this year, taking on challenges and smashing their goals. From tricky climbs to frightening heights, the children all tried their best and enjoyed spending quality time with their friends.

Take a look through the videos below to see the children on their adventure!

Day 1

Still image for this video

Day 2

Still image for this video

Day 3

Still image for this video

Shopping in France

The children used their counting skills to practice French money and then named fruit in French. They used these skills to ask the price of items at a French fruit market. Then, by exploring a traditional French text, they were able to identify cognates and near-cognates in a recipe.

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

The children in year 5 have enjoyed learning the iconic theme tune to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. They have played dancing games to identify the beat and rhythm of the song and played along on the glockenspiels using the notes A and D. Take a look at children in action.

Separating Mixtures

Our Shakespeare Day

The children took part in a national event where schools across the country were visited by dance teachers that taught them interpretive dances to the theme of Macbeth. They really enjoyed the opportunity to express themselves creatively and learnt more about the famous play which they could take into their creative writing later in the day.

Our Shakespeare Day

Still image for this video

Languages Trip to McAuley

The children in year 5 really enjoyed a trip to McAuley to take part in a Languages day run by staff at the school. The children began the day with a continental breakfast and received a bag of with their very own learning passport as well as a pencil and ruler to help them with their learning.

They took part in French and Spanish lessons and finished the day off with other schools in a quiz to show off all their learning.

Take a look at our amazing day!

Myths and Legends

The children were excited to learn all about myths and legends in their recent literacy journey and enjoyed writing their very own. 

Space Exploration in French

Year 5 identified planetary objects in our solar system in small groups and the explored the solar system further by watching a video from the European Space Agency in French and matched the French pronunciations to the English words. The children then compared the planets to each other and created a 'Galaxy Guide' using the vocabulary they had learnt.

Topic- History

The Vikings and the Anglo-Saxons

The children have been learning all about the vicious Vikings and how the invaded Britain in 793AD.

They really enjoyed learning about the Viking raids and discovering what daily life was like for the Anglo-Saxons.

Take a look at our learning journey below.

Jingle Bell Bash

Year 5 really enjoyed their trip to McAuley High School to take part in a ‘Jingle Bell Bash’.

They were treated to hot chocolate and gingerbread biscuits and took part in plenty of fun, entertaining games led by the children in sixth form.

Take a look at some of the funny photos from the day below!

Year 5- Life Choices

The children in year 5 enjoyed learning about Life Choices.

They learnt about the sacraments of marriage and the blessing of the rings, where they performed their very own wedding. They also discovered what it takes to have a happy marriage and how others are called to have a different vocation committing to God.

The King Charles and Queen Consort Visit

Children from year 5 were lucky enough to be able to visit Doncaster on the most memorable of days- to see King Charles and the Queen Consort.

They travelled on the service bus to Doncaster where they were escorted to a VIP area to meet the royal visitors.

Take a look at the once in a lifetime trip below!

King Charles and The Queen Consort visit Mansion House Doncaster 09.11.22

Still image for this video

Topic- History

The Anglo-Saxons and Scots

The children really enjoyed learning all about the Anglo-Saxons and Scots in their first history topic of the year!

From discovering the initial invasion of Angles and Saxons, to becoming historians and investigating primary sources, the children were able to discuss their learning and display it in wonderful, creative ways.

Take a look at their fantastic work below.

Year 5- Earth and Space

The children in year 5 have enjoyed learning about the topic Earth and Space.

From identifying the planets and how they orbit the Sun, to debating the theories about the workings of the universe, the children were able to describe their learning and use the key vocabulary throughout their work.

Take a look at their wonderful work below!

St Bernadette Relic Tour 2022

The children in year 5 were honoured to take part in a once in a lifetime opportunity- to visit the relics of St Bernadette.

The children travelled to Doncaster on the bus and continued their Pilgrimage of Faith by visiting St Peter in Chains church where the relics had travelled to, all the way from Lourdes.

Take a look at the video to join us on our journey

St Bernadette Relic Tour

Still image for this video

Calming the Storm

The children in year 5 having been looking at the topic- Calming the Storm.

We have been learning how to have faith in ourselves and God and how we can use that faith to help us through challenging times in our lives. We looked at the Gospel of Jesus calming the storm and how the fishermen didn't have faith in him and explored what lessons could be learnt from this.


" Faith is trusting and believing in God and Jesus and relying on them even though you can't see them."


"Faith can help you by giving you strength and courage when you're doing something new or experiencing new things."


"Faith in God can help when things change or there are storms in our lives."

Year 5 pupil responses.

RE- Ourselves

The children in year 5 have been exploring the topic of 'Ourselves'. They have been learning about who they are as people in the world and also in the eyes of God. By identifying their qualities, talents and gifts, the children now understand how they are holy people and how they can use their qualities, talents and gifts to help others in the world. By learning about St Marguerite, the children are able to show an understanding of how the call to be holy shapes lives and can describe and show an understanding of Paul's letters to the Colossians.
