
Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Class Teacher: Mrs Nicol

Teaching Assistants: Miss Ellams & Miss McLaughlin

Welcome to the Year 5 class page!

We are delighted to welcome you back for another exciting year at school and look forward to working with you all and sharing in your successes as we move through the year. In year 5, we work hard and always try our best and together we know that you can achieve greatness and fulfil your potential.


Reading for Pleasure

The children took the opportunity to visit the reading room to enjoy reading for pleasure and chose to listen to our new 'Spotlight Author' book, Giant. Many of the children are now enjoying this as their class reading book!

Celebration of the Word

We enjoyed taking part in a child-led Celebration of the Word about peace. We responded to the word of God by singing hymns and praying for peace in the world in response to the recent unrest across England. 

Computing: i-Program

In computing, the children have been learning that a program can do different things when Boolean variables are true or false and then programmed statements to make something happen in response to events on screen. They used this skill to make sprites interact when they bump into each other on the program Scratch.

Science- Earth and Space

To explore the movement of the Earth around the Sun, the children went outside to demonstrate Earth's orbit while it rotates on its axis. We had to take turns as we got a little dizzy!

Earth in action...

Still image for this video

Computing: i-Program

The children have been learning to recognise that computer programs contain graphics that move on x and y coordinates and when graphics turn, their movement is measured in degrees. They have demonstrated this using Scratch to program a sprite to walk backwards and forwards across a backdrop and then bounce on a trampoline.

Literacy- Historical Narrative

The children had a wonderful time immersing themselves into the history of the Anglo-Saxon invasions of England by watching and then re-enacting the storming of Pevensey Castle. While performing the long journey over the North Sea, to the attack on the unsuspecting Britons, the children really enjoyed learning about this historic event that will influence their writing in the following weeks.

Key information for Year 5

Reading - Reading underpins all of the learning that takes place at Holy Family and it's at the heart of our curriculum. To support reading, please could all children ensure that they read their school reading book each evening and that their reading planner is signed by an adult. At Holy Family, we encourage children to choose their own read for pleasure book. I am really looking forward to hearing about the books and comics they have been reading over the holidays. 


Spellings -New spelling rules and spelling patterns will be taught each week. Every Monday, all children will receive a new spelling list and then we will have a spelling test the following Friday. This allows children to have a week to learn the new spelling rules. As well as recalling spelling rules, it is very important that the children understand new vocabulary and know how to apply this in a sentence. Therefore, children will need to apply the given spellings into their own written sentences and hand this in alongside their spellings. 


Homework - All children will be given weekly English or Maths homework. The given homework will alternate from English to Maths each week. Children will receive homework each Monday and they are required to hand this in on the following Thursday. 


PE - PE will take place every Wednesday and Thursday. All children must have the correct school PE kit of white t-shirt and black shorts. (Track suits may be worn as the weather turns colder). Please ensure that all children have trainers to enable them to fully participate. 


Thank you for your continued support.

Please don't hesitate to contact me at school if you have any questions or concerns.


Mrs Nicol
