
Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

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Maths Intent at Holy Family


We strongly believe that all children, no matter what their starting points, can become confident, competent mathematicians. The use of Inspire Maths Mastery is fundamental to ensuring children experience a range of concrete, pictoral and abstract learning to maximise their understanding of mathematics. It is essential that, through EYFS and KS1, children have a secure knowledge of number at the earliest opportunity and use all available time to make as much progress as possible in this area. Our Maths curriculum, through consistent high expectations and challenge, ensures the majority of children leave KS2 with sustained Mastery. This means children are fluent in basic concepts, can reason mathematically and are able to make links with their knowledge to solve problems in relation to National standards. It is our intent that children build on some of the school’s intents in Maths specifically, working independently and collaboratively, building on prior knowledge, show resilience and peer and self-reflect.

Year 1: Capacity and Volume

Measuring to the nearest litre, half a litre or quarter of a litre. Pupils take it in turns to measure either one quarter or one half litre and pour it into the large container. The pupil who makes the container overflow loses.

Shape in Reception

Children in Reception worked together to make shapes using shapes. They used problem solving skills, shared resources and used newly taught vocabulary to make different shapes, making sure they all matched.

Year 1: Multiplication and Division: Arrays

Children used their square tiles to create different rectangular arrays. compare sets of arrays, Children explained what’s the same and what’s different.

Year 1: Money

Applying a strategy to solve the puzzle:

Children worked together to solve the puzzle. They used bead strings or other manipulatives to support their calculations.

In Year 2, children worked together to solve a range of investigations. They consolidated their learning by applying everything they have learnt in this unit and then worked collaboratively to solve investigations Miss Dyson and Miss Gibson set them. 

Year 1: Money

Children looked at the physical characteristics and properties of UK coins. They then grouped and sorted coins according to their physical properties.

In Year 4, the children have studied decimals and solved problems using their knowledge of place value.

Year 4 - Fractions

Year 4 have been studying fractions in maths. Take a look at their learning journey!

Shape in Nursery

Children in Nursery have been learning all about shape. They really enjoyed using lego to print different shapes.

Year 5- Fractions and Decimals


The children in year 5 learnt all about identifying, comparing and ordering fractions and how to read, write and order numbers up to 3 decimal place. Take a look at our learning...

Y3-Angles and shapes

Here is our display, and some of the children’s learning from our unit of shapes and angles. The children have enjoyed learning about 2D and 3D shapes, parallel and perpendicular lines, symmetry and developing understanding of angles.

Year 1: Addition and Subtraction

Shop Subtraction Challenge:

The children calculated how much money each pupil has left, representing each calculation with Dienes or a bead string and put this on the part-whole model. They practised regrouping one ten for ten ones, describing this to a partner.

Year 1: Addition and Subtraction with 100

Sweet Shop Addition Challenge:

The children calculated the total cost of each child’s sweets by representing each amount on a part-whole model. They practised regrouping ten ones for one ten, describing this to a partner.


Year 2 enjoyed experimenting with different apparatus, predicting and measuring the different capacities and volumes of objects within the classroom. 


Year 1: Length and Mass: Comparing to 1kg

The children compared the mass of each box to a kilogram, using a balance scales.

Year 5- Area and Perimeter

The children in year 5 enjoyed learning all about area and perimeter in rectilinear and non-rectilinear shapes. Take a look at their amazing learning journey!

In year the children have learnt about fractions. They have enjoyed heightening and developing their knowledge of equal and unequal parts, unit and non-unit fractions, finding fractions of a given quantity, comparing and ordering, equivalent fractions and adding fractions.

Year 2- Numbers to 1000

Children in Year 2 were getting betterr at comparing numbers to 1000. They took turns to roll a dice and then create a 3-digit number. They then had to compare that number with the number their partner rolled. 


Maths Consolidation in Reception

Children in Reception have had lots of opportunities to practice addition, subtraction, doubling and halving. What amazing mathematicians we have!

Year 1: Length and Mass: Weighing objects in non standard units

Children chose a unit and wrote it at the top of the sheet (e.g. ‘marbles’).

They choose five objects. For each one, they predicted the mass, then weighed it using a balance scale and their chosen unit.

Year 1: Length and Mass: Comparing the masses of three objects

Children had a pair of balance scales and three items of ‘post’. They used their problem solving skills to work out and order the packages from lightest to heaviest.

Year 1: Doubling and Halving Lengths

Year 1 have used problem solving skills to explore doubling and halving.


Investigating halving lengths:

They worked in pairs to investigate which coloured rod is half the length of the brown rod. They take it in turns to choose two of the same colour of rod and place them together against the brown rod. Children then investigate other halves they can find within their set of Cuisenaire rods.


Investigating doubling lengths:

They worked in pairs to investigate which rod is double the length of the purple rod. They take it in turns to choose a bar to compare to the length of two purple rods. Children then investigate other doubles they can find.

Year 1: Length and Mass: Measuring using standard units

Exploring measuring using a metre stick.

Children worked in pairs to measure classroom objects using a metre stick with four equal subdivisions. They chose items which are shorter than one metre in length.

Year 6 - Percentages and Statistics

Year 6 - Decimals and Measure

In year 3, the children have been learning about time. The children have built their conceptual understanding of time and used this to recognise, explain, estimate and order throughout this topic.

Year 1: Fractions: Turns and Directions

Turtle is going to see Anansi for dinner. The children described the route that Turtle takes using the star words. Children challenged themselves by finding multiple routes for the turtle.

Year 1: Addition and Subtraction within 20

Children picked a word problem and decided whether it was an addition or subtraction. They completed the problem using manipulatives.

Year 1: Numbers to 50: Greater than and Less than

Children worked in pairs, with a bead string each. They identified the number on the bead string and found numbers greater and less than it.

Year 1: Numbers to 50: Tens and Ones

Children chose a number between 20 and 50 and represented it in concrete, pictorial and abstract ways.

Year 1: Selecting Strategies for addtion within 20

The children worked in pairs, using cubes, a bead string, a part-whole model and wipeable number line etc. Children picked an equation and chose which strategy to use to carry out the calculation and justify why they have chosen that strategy. They sorted the calculations according to strategy.

Year 1: Make ten method

In this lesson, the children used bead strings to complete the ‘make ten’ strategy. We discussed the use of the tens frame and the bead string and decide which strategy they preferred.

Year 6 represented fractions, found equivalent fractions and decimals, added and subtracted fractions, multiplied fractions and divided fractions

FS2 Maths - Addition and Subtraction within 10.

Children in Reception used concrete representations using animals or counters. They are beginning to understand adding and subtraction.

In this lesson, year 2 were getting better at identifying fractions of shapes with different numerators. 

During the talk task they identified different fractions and then sorted them into a Venn diagram, fantastic! 

Year 1: Time

Using clocks, the children looked at what happens to a clock’s hands as one hour passes. They add one hour or half an hour onto an o’clock or half past time.

This second maths session was all about matching Numicon shapes to numerals, combining, equivalence, pattern and generalising and using Numicon to add. All the children worked extremely hard and completed some really tuff challenges.  

Year 1 - Time

In year 1, we are getting better at knowing and ordering the months of the year. The children ordered the months of the year with a partner.

Year 6 - Missing Angles and Length

In Missing Angles and Lengths, Year 6 learnt angle facts, angles in triangles and quadrilaterals, missing angles and lengths and recapped on measuring and drawing angles accurately

Y3-Learning journey

This term,Y3 have been working hard to use the column method to calculate addition and subtraction. Y3 have also enjoyed completing their length and perimeter unit, exploring all the ways to measure and calculate distance.

Y2 Maths: Multiplication and Division

The children in Year 2 have started their new unit of learning: multiplication and division. They have explored arrays, developing vocabulary such as represent, value and commutativity. 

Y3-Maths-Length and perimeter

Y3, have been looking at estimating using their finger, and then finding the actual measurement of flat objects using a ruler. The children were careful to line their ruler up to 0, to gain the correct and exact measurement  to the nearest Cm and Mm.

Year 6 - Calculation problems

Year 6 used their knowledge of place value and the four operations from previous units to solve calculation problems

Year 1 Unit 4: Numbers to 20

Making a number line:

Children are making connections between the cardinal representations (quantity of cubes) and ordinal representations (positions on the number line).

Year 1 Unit 3: Shape and Patterns

Year 1 - Position and Direction

In Maths, we linked our position and direction learning to our Autumn 1 unit of Computing. We discussed the keyword algorithm and recalled what it meant. We then created multistep algorithms to move Ted the Teddy around the grid. We used lots of key vocabulary to describe the movements.

In Maths, Year 6 have completed their second topic; Multiplication and Division. Children learned place value including up to 3 decimal places, multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000, prime numbers, factors and common factors, and formal methods for multiplication and division...

In Nursery, we are learning about colours. We are recognising them, naming them and sorting them into groups. We have also been finding two things that match exactly. We have lots of Autumn leaves in our outdoor area so we collected some and compared their size. We sorted them into big leaves and little leaves then made a wreath by pushing little leaves onto the wire and another one by pushing big leaves onto a bigger wire.

Y3 have been creating different numbers using number cards. They have been using multiplication, addition, division, and subtraction skills to create 2 and 3 digit target numbers. They have been using each card only once. Y3 have been explaining and justifying their choices, using the language of place value.

Year 5- Line Graphs and Timetables

The children have started their topic by exploring the story of a graph, working collaboratively to share and explain their learning.

Look at our Addition Sweet Challenge in year 1.

Year 1 started their maths journey looking at numbers to 10. First, we looked at composing and counting numbers. Then, we looked at part wholes and the number bonds to create each number. Finally, we also compared and ordered numbers. Look at all the fun we have had.

Y3- Our first units of learning have been number sense, and calculation strategies. Year 3 have been using known facts to work out calculations, and number bonds to 20. Y3 then moved on to Place value, where they have been applying their skills to create target numbers. Our final unit of learning this term has been Graphs. The children have enjoyed Reading, comparing, and creating scaled bar charts and interpreting data to form pictograms.

Y3 finding number bonds to 10 & 20

Year 2 - Numbers within 100

Year 2 have enjoyed their first unit within our math's learning journey. They have been reading, writing, represented, partitioned, compared and ordered numbers within 100. They then moved on to exploring patterns including odds and evens and tens and ones. 

As part of the transition into Reception, provision has been planned to enable children to develop early mathematical concepts in classifying, matching, comparing and ordering.  Children's experiences in these concepts have been explored through child-initiated learning, and developed through incidental opportunities.

Year 5 Maths- Whole Integers

Year 5 have been exploring whole integers including place value, the worth of a digit, rounding and Roman numerals.

Take a look at our amazing work...

Year 6 children completed their first ARK Maths Mastery Unit - Integers and Decimals. Children learnt how to read and write numbers numbers beyond a million, understand place value, round to various amounts and addition and subtraction...

Numbers to 100 

In Year 2 we have enjoyed identifying, recalling, ordering and pattern spotting using numbers to 100. The children worked very hard during our investigative lessons partitioning numbers! We are now moving on to our next unit exploring addition and subtraction. 

Year 2 Numbers to 100

Year 1- Numbers 50 to 100

Year 1 have explored numbers to 100 this half-term, they have used concrete materials to represent tens and ones within numbers. We have looked at one more and one less and ten more and ten less than a given number. We have used cubes and dienes to represent numbers to 100. 

Year 1- Fractions- Exploring halves and quarters

We used foods and fruits to explore creating equal halves and quarters.

Year 4- telling the time and converting units of time

Nursery parents were invited into school to work alongside their children to experience what Maths looks like in FS2.

During the session, parents were introduced to Numicon and informed how it is a must-have resource in teaching the early year's maths curriculum and that they are perfect for tactile, multi-sensory, hands-on learning experiences. Parents were told that using Numicon regularly, empowers children to become familiar with the shapes, recognising them visually and linking them to the representative of number. 

All parents that attended, were given a Numicon starter pack to use at home with their child and throughout the afternoon, activities were demonstrated so parents could use these at home to support their child.  












Year 1- Multiplication and Division

Year 1 have been learning and exploring multiplication and division strategies this half-term. We have explored doubling equal numbers and looking at patterns. We have explored adding equal groups and unequal groups, representing them in different ways such as using number sentences or part-whole models. We have explored sharing groups equally, using arrays to help us divide. 

Year 2- Maths Learning Journey

Year 1 have explored different calculation strategies during this topic such as counting on, make ten method, near doubles and doubles and known facts. We have explored all strategies using different concrete equipment and choosing our preferred methods to work out addition problems. 

Shape in Year Two

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We were able to build on prior knowledge from Year One, exploring and discussing similarities and differences of 2D and 3D shapes. We then investigated further and recorded all of our learning in our books.

Examples of Year 6 Maths work on Perimeter, Area and Volume

Examples of Year 6 work on Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

Year 6 'Keeping up with the kids' Parent Workshop

Year 6 parents took part in a Parent workshop which focused on Year 6 Maths problems. With their children, parents were able to learn the different strategies Year 6 children use to answer questions on arithmetic and reasoning. 

Year 3 - Money

Year 6 - Ratio

Year 3 - Length and Perimeter

Year 1- Place Value (within 50)

Year 1- Addition and subtraction (within 20)

Year 1 have been learning how to add and take away numbers to 20. We have explored different methods using number lines, concrete objects and mental math's. We have learnt vocabulary such as addition, plus, subtraction and minus. 

Year 1 have been learning all about place value within 20, looking at numbers to 20 counting forwards and backwards, tens and ones and how to represent numbers. The children have used a variety of methods when representing numbers to 20 such as using counters, dienes, numicon, part-whole models, numerals and written numbers. 

Reception children getting better at 2D shape

Reception children subitising to 4

Year 6 - Fantastic Fractions!

Year 6 - Place value

Reception children have been building on prior learning and making links in maths.

Children in Reception have been getting better at doubling, halving, adding and subtraction. Today the children put all their knowledge together. They used fine motor skills and applied art skills to create their own calculation critter.

Children were asked questions to deepen their understanding.

"What is double 3?" Double 3 is 6

"If double 3 is 6, what is half of 6? Half of 6 is 3

"3+3=6 what other sentence can we say for this? "Double 3"

Year 4 - Decimals

In year 4, the children have been learning about decimals. Recently, the children have been learning how to round one decimal place to the nearest whole number and recognising and writing decimal equivalents to 1/2, 1/4 and 3/4. 

Year 2 - Measurement

In Year 2, we have been studying measurement. We have calculated length and we have read time on analogue clocks. We have worked really had to apply knowledge to problems and explain our answers. 

Year 3 - Fractions

Year 5- Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

Year 5 have been learning about fractions, decimals and percentages. The children apply what they have learnt to a task and then extend their knowledge using the skills they have learnt into reasoning problems Take a look at some of their amazing work!

Year One Maths

This term, we are focussing on multiplication and division. Here is some of the work that is displayed on our working wall following a week of multiplication.

 At the end of last term, Year One used pan balances to compare numbers, and used 'less than', 'more than' and 'equal to' symbols to exemplify their findings.

At the end of last term, Year One used pan balances to help them to compare numbers, using the mathematical symbols for 'less than', 'more than' and 'equal to' to exemplify their findings. 

Learning Number Bonds in Reception

Reception children have been using a range of resources to help them learn number bonds to 10 ready to recall some of these facts to 10.

Mathematicians in Reception

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Children have applied what they have learnt and produced a book to help others with their learning. Children have identified patterns within numbers, subitised, recognised numbers, wrote numbers as words, recognised odd and even numbers, counted on and back, consolidated their understanding of circles and rectangles within other shapes! When their book was complete, they explained their learning to Nursery! Reception have been very busy!

Year 6 - fractions, decimals and percentages

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Reception maths learning during Chinese New Year.

This young man received the maths trophy for his ability to subitise! What great mathematicians we have in Reception, well done!

The following video shows a sample of work from Year 6! Children have worked incredibly hard understanding numbers to 1,000,000, rounding and the four calculation methods!

Year 6 - Number and place value

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Our Maths environments around school

Our Maths environments provide support for our pupils and celebrate fantastic work. Our lovely children use our Maths areas as learning tools if they struggle with their work and are excited when we celebrate their outstanding work on displays! The slideshow above shows our Maths learning environments from EYFS to Year 6. 

Year 6 Marvellous Maths

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