
Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

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Computing Intent at Holy Family

At our school we want our children to be active participants in a digital world by fostering children’s thirst for new experiences. Through teaching computing, we will build on prior learning and equip our children to be resilient in the ever changing technology world. Children will be independent and collaborative learners and learn how to use technology responsibly and safely to develop their love for computing in future life.  

Year 1:iProgram: iTravel

The children developed an understanding that backgrounds can be used and/or created and how to program a sequence of commands that make a sprite move.

Year 1: iProgram: iMove

 The children combined motion blocks to make a sprite move from one side to another to meet another sprite.

Year 1: iProgram: iFind

 Children learnt how sequence Scratch Jr blocks to make a sprite move.


In year 3, the children have been getting better at understanding that sound can be stored digitally. Here are some pictures from our iEdit lesson.


Today in year 3, the children have been getting better at understanding technology can be used to control sound. Here are some pictures from our iRecord lesson.

Year 4 have made cartoon flip books so they can understand what an animation is and how they use to be created. 

Year 4 have programmed a virtual robot to move and draw.

Year 4 - iprogram 2

Year 4 have amended an algorithm to change the size of a shape. 

Year 4 have programmed Turtle Art with a set of statements that perform a specific task.

Year 4 have used Turtle Art to program a turtle icon to execute a sequence of statements. 

In Year 4, the children have learned how to send an email, create a subject and add attachments.

In Y3s iHunt lesson, they have been getting better at understanding that copyright is an author’s right of ownership and it is illegal to steal other people’s material.

Year 3:iconnect

In year 3, children have been looking at getting better at knowing that copyright is illegal to steal other people’s material. The children have also created some powerpoint documents with safely collected material.

Across 2 lessons the children in Year 2 enjoyed writing and responding to messages sent on our class blog. Children even began to alter the text shape and size and asked their friends questions. 

Year 1: iModel: iRepresent

Year 1 have been creating a representation of a story. They loved creating their own characters on the iPad.

Year 1: iModel: iVenture

Year 1 have been looking at understanding that a computer can be used to model an environment where choices can be made. Year 1 enjoyed playing the online choice games.

In this lesson children logged on to a blog and practiced typing skills, they used a range of prompts to decide what and who to write to and about. Some children changed the sizing of their text and also began looking to to add different literary devices such as exclamation marks, bold, italic, speech marks and commas. 

Y2: iBlog

In this lesson children learnt how to log on to the computers and access a blog. They researched what a blog may look like or include and shared some examples of how we communicate and the different types and purpose of writing. 

Year 1: iModel: iDecide

In this lesson, the children where finding about about how computer software can give choices and used to make decisions and that different things can happen according to the decisions that are made.


In this lesson, children have been getting better at understanding how to find information using a search engine, and have been finding things out online using a child friendly search engine. Some children have been designing their own web page of an animal.


In year 3, the children have been getting better at knowing the main features of web browsers, by entering URLs into the address bar of a browser, and visiting several websites.


In this lesson the children have been getting better at using basic navigation skills to browse the World Wide Web, using learnt skills from the previous lesson where children understand that the internet is many computers that are connected.

Year 1: iProgram: iHunt

The children explored 'Teddy Town'. They created instructions and routes to the different areas on the map.

Year 1: iProgram: iProgram

Children enjoyed planning routes to reach different objects.

Year 1: iProgram: iPlan

Children played against eachother to programme the mouse to catch the most cheese. Then the children used the drawing control toy to plan and then make their shapes.

Year 1: iProgram: iControl

In this session, the children gave instructions to a programmable toy and understand that the output will be that the toy moves.

Year 2: iPub

In this lesson the children in Year 2 accessed Powerpoint and created their own powerpoints choosing their own subject too. 

Today in iData, the children have been finding and entering information to create additional records in a database.The children have entered multiple records to an existing database. First they researched holidays on a booking website. Then they recorded their information. Finally they were able to input this data into an Excel spreadsheet they had created with appropriate fields.

In IData, year 3 have been doing a lesson on iCompare, building on their knowledge from iRecord. The children have understood how information in a database is organised. The children enjoyed sorting and comparing the data on paper and electronically. The children were able to recognise the advantages and disadvantages to these.

Year 1: iData: iSort

In this lesson, the children chose a category to collect data for. They created a tally and then represented this data onto the digital graphs on the iPad.

During the iSafe unit, Year 6 learnt the importance of keeping safe online by keeping personal information safe, choosing strong passwords to protect accounts, looking at scenarios about kindness and how we would help others, changing negatives messages to positive messages, thinking about using tone and written messages online, getting help online if needed and looking at different scenarios and if we would report them or not.

Year 6 - iData

In iData, Year 6 used cell references on a picture to crack a code and reveal a picture, used spreadsheets to solve calculations, entered formula, created spreadsheets to input and show data and planned a party showing costs using a spreadsheet.

Year 1 : iData: iPresent

In this lesson, we conducted a class survey about our favourite fruits. We made a class tally chart and used this to make a digital pictogram.

Year 1: iData: iRepresent

In this lesson, the children created pictograms with sweets. They then created this pictogram using the digital graph tool. We discussed and interpreted the data presented.

Year 3-IAddress

In Y3, in INetwork, the children have been getting better at understanding that devices on networks have a unique address. The children have been able to identify the IP addresses of their favourite websites.

In INetwork, the children have been getting better at understanding that the internet is the physical connection between computers and networks. Y3 have been describing how networks connect to the internet using routers, modelling data transfer, and how other networks connect to each other.

In Year 3, the children have been looking at IConnect, where they have been getting better at understanding the key parts of a computer network. The children have talked about and discussed how key information can be passed between devices.

Year 2- iAnimate

The children in Year 2 have completed their iAnimate unit by creating their own animation. They accessed animation software and then used their storyboard and script to design their animation. Some children also added sound clips to their animation! 

Year 2- iAnimate

In this lesson, the children in Year 2 were able to understand what an animation is. They made a flip book using researched examples. 

Y3-INetwork: IMap

In Year 3, children have been getting better at understanding what a Network is. The children have toured around school to find our schools computer networks, a network switch, a server, a wireless access point, a printer, and other devices. After this the children used a digital drawing app to create their own map of our school network.

Year 2 E-Safety

Year 2 have enjoyed learning about how to stay safe online. We began our learning with a whole school assembly on e-safety and then researched and explored more in our iSafety unit. 

Children have worked in groups and identified strategies to stay safe online and then presented these as a class. 

FS2 E-Safety

Reception children have learnt how to keep safe on-line.

In ISafe, Y3 have been looking at how to keep each other safe online by studying scenarios of characters. Y3 have learnt about the measures that can be taken to stay safe online, whilst understanding the potential consequences of sharing without consent. Y3 enjoyed taking part in an activity which required them to choose ‘yes’ or no’, to who would be a safe person to talk to, as a way of protecting ourself from manipulation online.

E-Safety Assembly- Internet Safety

We gathered as a School to look at the importance of E-Safety, discussing digital-footprints and how to stay safe online. 

Children will then explore the iCompute units of learning iSafe in their classrooms. 

As part of Internet Safety day in Spring 1, children completed their icompute units and shared their work online. 


In iNetwork, Year 6 have learnt about networking, the connections between the internet, internet addresses, search engines and planning, designing and creating digital content..

Year 2: iSearch

Year 2: iSearch 

In this lesson, children had to recall previous knowledge to independently navigate to webpages. They then had to answer questions, and complete a fact file. 

Year 1: iWrite


Children wrote stories using a word processor and a word bank. The children learnt how to save a document and rename it using their own names.

Year 4 have inputted data from record cards to a database so that they can understand that information can be stored as numbers, texts and choices (yes/no). 

Reception Learning Algorithms

Reception children learnt that nursery rhymes need involve a sequence and they made their own flow chart.

Y2 Computing iSearch 

Today we are getting better at locating specific information using a website. Year 2 enjoyed using QR codes to access a website and then locate facts to record on their sheets. 


Y3 enjoyed using scratch to create their simulation. Before this children shared their ideas and planned what they would like their game to include, such as buttons, controls, and rules.


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To create design, and produce a computer simulation or adventure game


Still image for this video

Year 2: iSearch


In computing, Y3 have been using simulations to help them understand difficult concepts, and experimenting with electrical circuits.

Year 2: iSearch

Year 2 iSearch Lesson 2 

During this lesson Year 2 used a QR code to access a web page and researched to find answers and crack a code. 

LO: To know that the world wide web can be used to answer questions.

Year 1 iWrite


Children explored how to type on a keyboard. They looked at the keys and used the keyboard to type simple sentences.​​​​The children also explored using the printing icon and played the user, computer and printer game. The children also printed out their work at the school printer.


In Y3, the children have been getting better at exploring the effect of changing variables in a stimulation, and using them to make test predictions. The children completed the chapters in the adventure game, by following rules.


In Y3, the children have been getting better at understanding that computer stimulations are guided by rules. The children looked at the function machine, and discussed that simulations need rules. The children had a go at figuring out the rule, and looked at the growing plants stimulation. The children developed their understanding of rules for the game to keep the plants healthy.

Year 5- iDraw- Lesson 5

To finish our computing unit in year 5, the children designed and created their very own vector images using all of the skills they have learnt this half term. Take a look at their wonderful work!

Year 4- Sorting data

In computing, Year 4 have sorted record cards using field names. 

Year 5- iDraw- Lesson 4

The children in year 5 have been learning how vector images are constructed using layering. They then created their own images by importing a resource onto Sketch Pad to design their very own Christmas tree.

Technology in FS2

Children in Reception learnt that there is lots of different technology all around us. They looked at pictures and commentated if they had seen the objects before. They also made their own contributions of other types of technology they see at home.

Year 1

In Maths, we linked our position and direction learning to our Autumn 1 unit of Computing. We discussed the keyword algorithm and recalled what it meant. We then created multistep algorithms to move Ted the Teddy around the grid. We used lots of key vocabulary to describe the movements.

Year 5- iDraw- Lesson 3


The children in year 5 have been learning how to use digital tools to improve an image using zooming in and out to resize on Sketch Pad.

Year 4- idata

In computing, Year 4 have looked at binary codes. They have discovered that computers represent data as numbers and count using switches of 'on' and 'off' (0 and 1). Children have then encoded their own names! 

Year 5- iDraw Lesson 2

This week, year 5 have been learning how to duplicate, move, resize and rotate graphical objects to create digital images. Take a look at their wonderful creations below...

Computing Lesson 1- iSearch 

Children in Year 2 used links to navigate a website. 

Year 5- QR Codes

The children in year 5 have been accessing their learning through the use of QR codes in maths. By scanning the code, they were able to access the NRICH learning platform to consolidate their learning about factors and multiples.

Year 1 iWrite: Lesson 1 iText

The children looked at different methods to create text. We used stamps, stickers, stencils and lots more ways.


In lesson 1-I explore, Y3 have been getting better at understanding that computer simulations can represent real or imaginary situations.

Year 5- iDraw Lesson 1

To begin our topic of iDraw, the children have been learning how to create vector images out of shapes and lines using the artist Henri Matisse for inspiration.

Computing in Nursery

We use interactive software on the internet. We use phones and other forms of technology such as kettles in our role play.

Year 4- iProgram

During iProgram, Year 4 have detected errors and debugged them. They have also used the 'backpack' feature to recreate and remix codes, which then create new codes. 

Year 4- iProgram

In iProgram, the children have learned how broadcasts can be used to change scenes in scratch. 

Year4 - iProgram

In computing, we have learned how to synchronise actions on scratch. 

Year4 - iProgram

Year 4 have created blocks on scratch. In this lesson the children discovered the need to reuse code in programming. 

Year 5- iProgram

The children developed a computer game and shared their work with the class in order to test and debug the program.

Year 5- iProgram

Year 5 explored Boolean variables (if statements) to make characters interact. They then programmed statements to make something happen in response to a variable.


Year 5- iProgram

The children in year 5 developed their understanding of using x and y coordinates when programming graphics on Scratch.

Year 5- iProgram

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Year 5- iProgram

Still image for this video

Computing in Reception

Reception children have used iPads to access a range of different software.

In Computing, Year 6 have designed and developed their own programs using Scratch for the unit iProgram...

Year 1 - ISay

Isilly - Today in Year 1, we are getting better at understanding that programs are executed by following precise and unambiguous instructions.

Ifollow - Today in Year 1, we are getting better at understanding, following and devising algorithms.

Y3-Computing. To import, create, and record sounds.

In Y3 children have been using Icompute, to work with scratch

Year 2- iScratch

Computing @ Holy Family


To celebrate the wonderful work the children produce in computing, they have created a display to showcase their learning for pupils and parents to see.

From EYFS to Year 6, it is clear to see that computing is an important part of the curriculum here at Holy Family.

Year 6 - iNetwork


Year 6 children developed their understanding of networking and the internet and data representation

Year 6 - iData


Year 6 developed their understanding of formula and spreadsheets

Year 6 - iApp 2


Year 6 designed and created their very own gaming app using App Inventor

Year 6 - iApp 2

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Year 6 - iApp


Year 6 wrote and created their own app with a specific action; they tested their apps and corrected any errors.

Year 6 - iProgram


Year 6 planned, created and tested their very own computer game program!

Year 6 - iSafe


Year 6 created posters and leaflets and held discussions all about the various elements of keeping safe online such as passwords, privacy settings, harassment, bullying and trusted adults

Year 1 have been learning all about programming within their current topic of computing, exploring how to programme a character on the scratch app. They have explored how to give the character instructions and direction such as to move forwards, backwards, left and right and to sequence those instructions to create a game.

Year 1 have been learning all about programming computers to do complete a simple task, we have dressed characters on the laptops using the mouse and click button. We also created our own paintings using the laptops, learning how to move around the screen using the touch mouse and click button and creating our own designs. 

Y3 - Animation

Computing in Year Two

Year 6 - Safer Internet Day

Internet Safety Day Year Two 2023

In Year Two we looked at Internet Safety and really focused on how to stay safe online. As a class we then produced information leaflets and presented them to the rest of the class. 

FS2 Safer Internet Day 2023

Children in FS2 discussed all the different types of technology they have at home. They made a ladder to rank their favourite at the top. Children answered lots of different questions and were made aware of do's and dont's when using the internet.

Year 1- Safer Internet Day!

In Year 1 we watched the video 'Hanni's window' all about the magical scenes Hanni see's outside of her window until one day she see's something she did not like. We discussed Hanni's feelings and how she could make those feelings better by speaking about her feelings. We then discussed how to be safe on the internet and what to do if we ever experienced the same feelings as Hanni. We created our own magical windows of things we really love. 

Year 1 have enjoyed learning all about data during Spring 1, exploring tally charts and pictograms. Year 1 have collected data from the class by voting for their favourite things such as colours, fruits and furble's and then inputting that data on to tally charts. Then using their tally charts Year 1 have been able to transfer that data on to pictograms, exploring the x and y axis. They have enjoyed learning how to use computers, learning how to turn a computer on, input a password, use the mouse and left click and right click. 

Year 5- iCrypto

The children in Year 5 have enjoyed encrypting messages using a cypher and then decoding them. 

Year 1 - iProgram

In Year One, programming begins using simple maps like in the picture, and children use directional language such as forwards, backwards, left and right, to navigate the map. 

Year 4 - Iprogram Unit 2

In Year 4, the children have been looking at Iprogram Unit 2 in Computing. The children have been working collaboratively to use the software Turtle Art to make their own algorithms. The children have been creating and testing different sequences of statements to see if they can get their turtle to move. The children have been using vocabulary such as: angle, sequence, forward, backwards, left, right and degrees. 

Year 2- ipublish


Year 5 have been learning different ways of communicating secret information. We really enjoyed making our own ciphers and sending messages using Semaphore. We also learnt how to send messages using Morse code.


Year 3 - iConnect

In Year 2, we have looked at how computers have developed over time. We spent time looking at the World's first computer, which was the size of a room!

Year 2 Safer Internet Day

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Year Two took part in numerous, different activities for Safer Internet Day. For the first activity the children had to sort information into personal information that should be kept private, and offline and information that is safe to share online. They sorted information such as date of birth, a photo of your food, etc. We then discussed why certain information should be kept private and why other information is safe to post online. The next activity was called relationship rings. This was an opportunity for children to reflect on the different relationships that they can have in their lives and the degree of the trust that might be placed in each relationship. The next activity was called who helps you? The children had to draw who they would go to if they needed help with anything online. Once they finished drawing their trusted adults they labelled and explained why they are trustworthy. In our final activity we displayed our creativity skills. The children imagined they are creating their own user for a magic castle game. They had to create an avatar, username and password for the game. We discussed why using an avatar and a nickname as a username is safer than using a real photo of ourselves or our real name.

Reception children learning all about Internet Safety.

Year 6 learnt all about staying safe on the internet including how to use devices efficiently and safely, potential dangers children need to be aware of, disclosing personal information and staying SMART on the internet. 

Year 6 - E-safety

Staying Safe Online

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Year 6 have been learning about e-safety through their computing topic, iSafety. Take a look at some of their amazing work showing their understanding about how to stay safe online.
