
Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 

Class Teacher: Miss Dyson 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Gibson



Welcome to Year 2, I hope you are all eager to continue our learning journey in the Spring term.

I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, especially my two young boys, enjoying walks, travelling and making super dinosaur dens! 

This is our class page which will be updated regularly showcasing all of our brilliant learning, remember to keep checking this page for updates. 

As always, we will be focusing on our School Intents:

Who can demonstrate resilience? 

Who will embrace new experiences? 

Who can build on prior learning? 

Who can be creative? 

Let us enquire together working both independently and collaboratively!

Please come and see me or contact the school office and I will be more than happy to help you in any way that I can, 

Many thanks and God Bless 

Miss Dyson


Spring Prayer 






  • School starts at 9:00am, with the school gates opening at 8:35am (allowing extra time for all the children to make their way onto the school playground).
  • Please ensure the office staff have your up to date contact details.
  • Please ring the office if your child will be absent. 
  • Breakfast club starts at 8:00am and the gates will be closed at 8:15am.


If you have any questions or concerns, please see Miss Dyson, who is more than happy to answer any queries regarding your child's progress or general well-being. Feel free to approach me after school or contact the office to arrange a meeting.

Reading books

Reading is at the heart of all our learning at Holy Family. To support this at home, please could all children ensure that they read their school reading book every night and that their reading record is signed by an adult. Children need a reading book in school each day. Books are closely matched to their reading ability and will be changed as they improve and can answer comprehension questions about the text.



All children will be given weekly English and/or maths homework along with weekly spellings to be tested each Friday. All written homework must be presented to the highest standard. Homework is to be completed and returned to school on Mondays.



PE days are Thursdays and Fridays - please make sure you bring the correct kit (white top, dark shorts and indoor shoes in the Winter term). Please make sure any earrings can be removed or are not worn on PE days. I recommend that children bring their P.E kits to school on Monday, leave it at school and take it home on a Friday to be washed.



We pride ourselves on the appearance of our children. Please help us to maintain this by ensuring all children attend in the correct uniform, including school shoes. 





Picture news- British Values

Year 2 enjoyed joining a virtual picture news assembly, we explored our British Values. Children then considered and reflected on a few statements and finally made a pledge for the upcoming week, well done. 

Picnic Lunch

Reception, Year 1 and 2 enjoyed eating their picnic lunch outside in the sun with all their friends.

Year 2 and Year 3 had a lovely day out visiting EUREKA! in Halifax. They explored the various learning galleries and enjoyed a lovely lunch with a view! Following this they have written a recount of the trip and also used photos taken on the trip to create a timeline. 

It was lovely to hear all of the facts they learnt and also experiences they shared with one another, demonstrating impeccable behaviour too. 


Children in Year 2 enjoyed learning about the significance and importance of D-Day. We began the week with a visitor who came to talk to us about D-Day and the 80th commemorations. Children then researched, designed and created a medal using clay, we will then paint the medals and create a fantastic display for all to see! Year 2 also enjoyed watching some film clips from the 1930's we discussed how different technology is now. 

Year 2 enjoyed exploring clay, they used a range of tools and techniques to create patterns and shapes. It was fantastic to see some children creating some sides for their houses and discussing how to mould the clay together. 

Year 2 enjoyed French Day, the children came to school in red, white and blue. We began the day by answering the register in French and practiced French greetings 

The children then learnt the French song Frere Jacques, we translated it in to English too so we understood the song. 

They used recorders and glockenspiels to perform the song, reading the music and following the notes. They then learnt how to say their names in French, exploring numbers, days of the week and colours. 

To finish the day we explored the French cuisine and tasted some French food, comparing their cuisine with ours. 

Tres Bien Year 2! 

Design Technology: Moving Monsters

Y2 enjoyed learning about linkages and movement. They designed their own monsters and then adapted them to ensure they were fit for purpose and suited the design brief. Well done Year 2! 

World Book Day 2024

Year 2 enjoyed celebrating World Book Day 2024, our theme this year was Heroes and Villains! Can you spot any that you recognise? 

Mother's Day- Glue Batik

The children in Year 2 enjoyed creating their Mother's day cards and learning the new skill of Glue Batik. 

Music: Musical Me!

In this lesson, Year 2 enjoyed playing the 'name game' and then singing songs using different expressions. They focused on the timbre and dynamics of songs. 

Music: Musical Me!

In this lesson, Year 2 listened to a song 'Once a man fell in a well', they then learnt the song and played some untuned percussion instruments alongside the song. 

PE: Striking and Fielding

The children in Year 2 enjoyed striking and fielding in, practicing throwing and catching a ball. 

Art: Peer Critique

The children in Year 2 enjoyed transforming our classroom in to an art gallery showcasing our work from our most recent unit, mixed media: life in colour. We shared our work with one another and then discussed feedback focusing on the key vocabulary. 

Children then worked in pairs to give warm and cool feedback to one another, fantastic Year 2. 

PE: Gymnastics

In this lesson, children were developing travelling actions and balances using apparatus. 

Computing: iAnimate

The children in Year 2 have completed their iAnimate unit by creating their own animation. They accessed animation software and then used their storyboard and script to design their animation. Some children also added sound clips to their animation! 

Literacy: Skills, present tense

During this lesson, the children in year 2 enjoyed a game of roll and read! They rolled the dice and then formed sentences using the present tense. 

They then moved on to generating sentences themselves using the present tense. 


Author event: Swapna Haddow

Year 2 were thrilled to hear from Swapna Haddow, we enjoyed listening to a chapter from her new book! 

We then researched and explored the author, maybe we will choose her for our next Spotlight author!


"Swapna Haddow is the multi award-winning children’s author of the Dave Pigeon series, which has received rave reviews since first publishing in 2016. Dave Pigeon went on to win three regional awards in the UK and was shortlisted for the prestigious Sainsbury’s Children’s Book Award."

In this lesson, year 2 were getting better at identifying fractions of shapes with different numerators. 

During the talk task they identified different fractions and then sorted them into a Venn diagram, fantastic! 

PE: Gymnastics

During this lesson, the children were getting better at linking travelling actions and balances. 

Art: Painting and mixed media, life in colour

In this lesson children were using paint to explore texture and pattern, they used a range of materials to create different textures and enhanced their designs using paint. 

Computing: iAnimate

In this lesson, the children were able to understand what an animation is. They made a flip book using researched examples. 

Music: Orchestral instruments

Year 2 have explored how to select appropriate sounds to match events, characters and feelings in the story of Red Riding hood. 

PE: Gymnastics

In this lesson the children in Year 2 were getting better at using shapes to create balances.

Art: Painting and mixed media

Today the children were getting better at knowing how texture can be created with paint. The children enjoyed experimenting with different textures and using their newly acquired knowledge of primary and secondary colours. 

Children in Year 2 enjoyed testing their athletic and teamwork skills during their fitness course this week! 

Music: Orchestral instruments

Children in Year 2 listened and analysed an orchestral version of Goldilocks and the three bears, we also used actions to retell the story in line with the music. 

Literacy- Instructional text

The children in Year 2 enjoyed our 'immerse' lessons for our new literacy writing journey. They had to follow instructions in different sequences given by the 'instruction master'. They also had to hunt for instructions to find the hidden location...which was our reading room. 

They then explored different books and instructions, focusing on a range of genres and information texts. 

iCompute: iSafety

Year 2 have enjoyed learning about how to stay safe online. We began our learning with a whole school assembly on e-safety and then researched and explored more in our iSafety unit. 

Children have worked in groups and identified strategies to stay safe online and then presented these as a class. 

Music: African Call and Response

Music: Call and Response

In this lesson, we performed our call and response song and then planned and shared ideas about the unit. Creating mind maps on the features of a call and response song. 

History: The Great Fire of London

The Great Fire of London

Children have enjoyed exploring The Great Fire of London. They have recalled facts, used tier two and tier three vocabulary in their writing and can now explain how London changed after the fire, and give reasons for many of the changes. 

Computing: iSearch


In this lesson, children had to recall previous knowledge to independently navigate to webpages. They then had to answer questions, and complete a fact file. 

Enterprise Week in Year 2

Enterprise Week in Year 2. 

We enjoyed researching, designing and creating our product to sell at the Christmas Fair. This year we chose 'Baubles', firstly we wrote persuasive letters to Mrs Barron to secure funds to purchase materials. We designed different bauble ideas and then crafted them! 

Following that we then had to decide how to present the baubles in an 'eye-catching' way, so we presented them on a Christmas tree! During the week we also created posters to advertise and adapted our designs based on the criteria for our potential buyers! 

Science: Materials

Children in Year 2 enjoyed investigating how materials can change, we discussed in particular the absorbency of some materials! We soon realised that tissue is a lot more absorbent than paper! 

Computing iSearch: Lesson 4

Computing iSearch Lesson 4

Today we are getting better at locating specific information using a website. Children accessed specific websites by scanning QR codes, they then read and gathered facts to complete a research sheet. 

Maths: Multiplication and Division

The children in Year 2 have started their new unit of learning: multiplication and division. They have explored arrays, developing vocabulary such as represent, value and commutativity. 

Computing iSearch: Lesson 3, finding answers and researching following hyperlinks.

Music Lesson 3: Learning a traditional song from Ghana

Scotty's Heroes: This weeks focus was balance, movement and control, holding different positions.

Anti-Bullying in Year 2 

Year 2 worked collaboratively with Year 1 to spread the word and 'make some noise'. They researched, discussed and created posters and information on how to spread positivity and ensure nobody feels left out or alone, producing some effective work. 


Design Technology: Structures 

Lesson 2: To understand that the shape of the structure affects its strength.

Children explored the properties of different material which will then help them decide the suitability of materials for the construction of their London Bridge. 

iCompute, iSearch

During this lesson Year 2 used a QR code to access a web page and researched to find answers and crack a code. 

LO: To know that the world wide web can be used to answer questions.

Scotty's Heroes Lesson 2- To develop teamwork skills in a ball game setting.

Year 2 West African Call and Response Song 

Lesson 2: Rhythmic Safari 

In this lesson children used a range of percussion instruments to copy a rhythm. 

We loved pretending we were on safari! 

Year 2 Music Lesson 2

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Scotty's Heroes 

In this lesson Year 2 are focusing on developing team work and communication skills. The children are working on listening well to one another and striving for a team win!

Remembrance Service 

Year 2 gathered with Year 1 in the Prayer garden outside for a Remembrance service. 

We shared prayers and reflected, thinking of those who gave their lives for us. 


Design Technology 

Lesson 1 - Year 2 enjoyed researching different structures and the suitability of different structures. Year 2 will be designing and creating their own 'London Bridge'. 


Computing Lesson 1- iSearch 

Children in Year 2 used links to navigate a website. 

Science- Uses of Materials 

As a class we discussed what different materials objects are made from. We explored different materials and then we looked around our school to see which materials certain objects were made from, some of our discoveries surprised us! 


Year 2 West African Call and Response Song 

Lesson 1: Going on safari. 

Year 2 enjoyed using a range of percussion instruments to create short sequences of sound. 

Year 2 Reading Room 

Year 2 enjoy visiting the reading room weekly. The children select a book to 'read for pleasure' they enjoy exploring different genres and sharing stories together in the reading room, particularly the soft cushion seats! 

Year 2 Library Visit 

Year 2 enjoyed visiting the library to sign up and receive their own library card. We shared lots of books together and discussed how the library was arranged similar to ours, discussing the different genres. 

Black History in Year 2 

The children in Year 2 focused on exploring the lives and achievements of Sir Lewis Hamilton and Muhammed Ali. 

We created mini fact-files highlighting their lives. We also discussed the impact they have made, exploring Black History and equality. 

Art Gallery 

The children were so excited to showcase their amazing art work in the hall. Parents visited the hall after school and were able to see examples of the fantastic learning which has taken place in Art across the year groups this half term. 

Year 2 have really enjoyed this particular unit and they are developing their own artistic flare! 

Well done Year 2, you should all be very proud! 

Art Gallery

Drawing: Tell a Story (Final Piece) 


Year 2 have created some fantastic masterpieces. They created their own concertina story book and created the two main characters in the story, linking to our literacy journey. 

They all really focused on outlines, tone and choice of material to finish and then discussed their final pieces together. 

RE- October is the month of Mary

Art- Drawing: Tell a story

Art- Drawing: Tell a Story 

Year 2 have immersed themselves in our first art unit. They have experimented with tone and texture to create their own concertina story book, retelling the story of 'The Pea and the Princess'. The children enjoyed using real life props to add inspiration to their own masterpieces. 

Science- Animals and Survival

Animals and Survival 

Year 2 have enjoyed investigating the needs of animals, exploring how animals and humans change and recognising the importance of exercise. 

They then researched the five main food groups and designed a healthy food plan. 

National Literacy Trust- Take 10 with Ziggy Hanoar and Ollie Silvester #take10toread

Tuesday 10th October 2023 

Year 2 enjoyed watching the National Literacy Trust #take10toread author event. We listened to a story written by Ziggy Hanoar and illustrated by Ollie Silvester. They discussed why they chose to write and illustrate the story the way they did and we listened to them read the story. 

RE- New Beginnings

Year 2 have explored 'New Beginnings' in our first RE journey. They discussed what a new beginning is and how it feels. They then retold the story of Creation making links, discussing how God is all around us and is always close to us. We then thanked God for all that he is and all that he has given us. 

Topic- History 'Kings and Queens'

Year 2 have enjoyed their first history learning journey 'Kings and Queens'. We have explored monarchs across the ages focusing on our enquiry question 'Who was the most powerful British monarch?' 

Literacy- Stories from the same author

Year 2 have thoroughly enjoyed their first literacy learning journey. They immersed themselves in two stories written by the talented Babette Cole, 'King Change- a - lot' and 'Prince Cinders'. We explored the authors literary devices, developed knowledge of new skills, retold the story and used 'Talk for writing'. Well done Year 2, showcasing fantastic storyteller skills, budding authors! 

Maths Numbers to 100

Year 2 have enjoyed our first unit within our math's learning journey. They have been reading, writing, represented, partitioned, compared and ordered numbers within 100. They then moved on to exploring patterns including odds and evens and tens and ones. 

PE- Invasion Games (Lesson 4)

Computing - iScratch

Numbers to 100 

In Year 2 we have enjoyed identifying, recalling, ordering and pattern spotting using numbers to 100. The children worked very hard during our investigative lessons partitioning numbers! We are now moving on to our next unit exploring addition and subtraction. 

Stories by the same author

The children in Year 2 have really enjoyed our first literacy learning journey, exploring stories by the same author. We have been reading 'Prince Cinders' and 'King Change - a - lot' by Babette Cole. During one of our immerse lessons we retold some of our favourite fairy tales and used some well known fairy tale objects! 


Year 2 CAFOD RE 


In Year 2 we enjoyed exploring our CAFOD topic- Treasures. We used a range of materials to express what treasures we have and how we are God's treasure and how we look after Earth. 

Year Two Sports Day 2023 

Year Two thoroughly enjoyed Sports Day! I am so proud of each of them displaying fantastic effort and cheering one another on! Well done Team Year Two! 

We also enjoyed our Scotty's Heroes inflatable session...thank you to Year Two for challenging Miss Dyson on that! 

Well done 

Sky Arts 

Year Two enjoyed taking part in celebrating Sky Arts by focusing on 'Movement'. The children explored identity, culture and different emotions. They created different moves and followed instructions, creating fabulous expressive dances! Well done Year Two. 

Sky Arts

Year Two visit Yorkshire Wildlife Park

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Year Two visited Yorkshire Wildlife Park which linked with topic work, we had such a wonderful day. The sun was shing and we were lucky enough to spot lots of animals, we will now write a recount of our visit and a letter to thank the staff at Yorkshire Wildlife Park in our English lessons as part of our journey in writing!

Yorkshire Wildlife Park...can you spot any of your favourite animals?

Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Music- The Friendship Song

Literacy Learning Journey- Poetry

Our Literacy Learning Journey...Poetry.

Immerse- listen to a range of poems. Discuss and share our thoughts and feelings about the poems. Listen to others performing poetry and discuss what is needed when reading aloud. As a class we then shared poems together, making sure we gave reasons for why we chose that particular poem, we then read the aloud ensuring we used fluency and expression. Perfect Poetry! We will now move on to the skills section- exploring the skills needed to write a poem and then create our own poems, Miss Dyson cannot wait to hear your poems Year Two!  

Coronation Picnic

On Friday 5th May we all enjoyed a picnic lunch together to commemorate the coronation of King Charles III. 

A huge thank you from Year 2 to all of the lunchtime staff who prepared such fantastic lunches, presented beautifully...very tasty! 

Science- Plants and Growth

Our Maths Learning Journey

Holy Week in Year Two...The Last Supper

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In Year Two we discussed the importance of Holy Week and recalled information we remembered from Year One. We then decided to retell the story of The Last Supper together, really focusing on how Jesus and the Disciples may have felt during this time.
As a class we then gathered in our outside prayer garden and shared a class liturgy, ending with a prayer and a snack in the sunshine.

Lent: Opportunities, class liturgy

Lent: Opportunities learning journey

Our Immersive Classroom...Welcome to Kenya!

Immersive Homework Challenge!

It was lovely to see the creativity and effort demonstrated by the children in Year Two for their immersive homework challenge...'To create a piece of immersive work for our new topic Life in Kenya!' A huge thank you and well done to all of the children...and parents! 

Our Virtue to live by...Resilience


Design Technology

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Our explore, research, design and create a windmill.

Shape in Maths

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We were able to build on prior knowledge from Year One, exploring and discussing similarities and differences of 2D and 3D shapes. We then investigated further and recorded all of our learning in our books.

Science Day 2023 'Making Connections'

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For Science Day we became Scientists- making predictions, working as small teams, sharing our results and discussing what we would do differently if we were to perform the experiments again!

World Book Day 2023

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For World Book Day 2023 the theme was 'Reading for Pleasure'. As a class we decided to focus on the story of 'The Enormous Crocodile' by Roald Dahl. We then enjoyed creating story spoons, retelling the story, crocodile pegs and using Talk for Writing to retell the story. We acted some parts of the story out and also explored the characters we had dressed up as and spent the day as those characters!

World Book Day in Year Two

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Art- To Design a Maquette which represents Planet Earth

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Internet Safety Day 

In Year Two we looked at Internet Safety and really focused on how to stay safe online. As a class we then produced information leaflets and presented them to the rest of the class. 

Internet Safety Day

Our RE Learning Journey: Community- Books

Science- Living things and their habitats

Our current Ark topic in Science is Living things and their habitats. To deepen our understanding, we chose to explore the school grounds and see if we could find any plants or habitats. We discovered plenty of plants and then discussed if they were alive, dead or had never lived, we learnt about this in lesson 2 of our Science topic. Year 2 really enjoyed exploring habitats and discussing which animals may live there. 


Art- Spring 1 Focus: Create a maquette to represent Planet Earth

Literacy...Non-Chronological Report

Maths- Multiplication and Division

Book Talk- Harry and the Poisonous Centipede

Spring Term- Planet Earth

RSE - Created and Loved by God...Me, My body, My health

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During one of our lessons, we chose to play 'Charades' as one of the extended activities. We all performed something that we different or special to us and other children had to guess!

Anti-Bullying 2022

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Remembrance Service

Liturgical Prayer in Year Two

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Our RE topic- Belonging: Signs and Symbols



Here are Year Two looking wonderfully smart in their PE kits, ready for their first PE lesson of the school year. We even got everybody changed before our five minute timer went off!


Thank you so much to parents for providing the children with their kits in line with our school uniform policy. PE will continue to take place on Thursdays and Fridays this term. 
