
Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 

Class Teacher: Miss Dyson 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Gibson



Welcome to Year 2, I hope you have all had a lovely summer and you are excited as I am to begin our new academic school year! I hope this new school year will be fun of excitement, embracing new opportunities and acquiring lots of learning. 

I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, especially my two young boys, enjoying walks, travelling and making super dinosaur dens! 

This is our class page which will be updated regularly showcasing all of our brilliant learning, remember to keep checking this page for updates. 

As always, we will be focusing on our School Intents:

Who can demonstrate resilience? 

Who will embrace new experiences? 

Who can build on prior learning? 

Who can be creative? 

Let us enquire together working both independently and collaboratively!

Please come and see me or contact the school office and I will be more than happy to help you in any way that I can, 

Many thanks and God Bless 

Miss Dyson


Dear Lord, 

Watch over our children as they begin their new school year. Bless them all with joy at seeing friends, excitement at new experiences, and a love of learning. 

Guide and protect all who learn, replacing fear with joy, anxiety with peace, and tiredness with energy. 

Give wisdom, patience, and joy to teachers as they support their students. 

In Jesus' name we pray, 









Year 2 Remote learning timetable


  • School starts at 9:00am, with the school gates opening at 8:35am (allowing extra time for all the children to make their way onto the school playground).
  • Please ensure the office staff have your up to date contact details.
  • Please ring the office if your child will be absent. 
  • Breakfast club starts at 8:00am and the gates will be closed at 8:15am.


If you have any questions or concerns, please see Miss Dyson, who is more than happy to answer any queries regarding your child's progress or general well-being. Feel free to approach me after school or contact the office to arrange a meeting.

Reading books

Reading is at the heart of all our learning at Holy Family. To support this at home, please could all children ensure that they read their school reading book every night and that their reading record is signed by an adult. Children need a reading book in school each day. Books are closely matched to their reading ability and will be changed as they improve and can answer comprehension questions about the text.



All children will be given weekly English and/or maths homework along with weekly spellings to be tested each Friday. All written homework must be presented to the highest standard. Homework is to be completed and returned to school on Mondays.



PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays - please make sure you bring the correct kit (white top, dark shorts and indoor shoes in the Winter term). Please make sure any earrings can be removed or are not worn on PE days. I recommend that children bring their P.E kits to school on Monday, leave it at school and take it home on a Friday to be washed.



We pride ourselves on the appearance of our children. Please help us to maintain this by ensuring all children attend in the correct uniform, including school shoes. 





RE: Prophecy and Promise

Children have been learning all about God's promise and reflecting on the special season of Advent. 

Design Technology: Structures

Children in Year 2, have designed and created a range of structures. They focused on the design brief and selected from a range of materials, working collaboratively. They then tested and critiqued their designs. 

Maths through stories

Year 2 took part in a webinar with Kersti Worsley a famous author of 'Maths through stories'. Emme also asked a question and went live, 'Did you like writing stories when you were my age?' 

Literacy: Immerse, The Great Fire of London

During one of our immerse lessons for our new genre; recount: journalistic writing children explored a range of texts. They listened to news reports, observing how facts were reported. They then role played being reporters, organised a range of statements and looked at fiction and non-fiction texts in our reading room. 

Music: Call and response

Children used a range of instruments to create short sounds with varied dynamics that represent an animal.

Year 2 had some a very special visitor, talking about the importance of dental hygiene. We discussed the importance of brushing our teeth correctly and for two minutes, making sure we brush our molars at the back. Year 2 were very excited to receive their very own toothbrush and toothpaste to practice with at home. 

Branch 1: Creation and Covenant

RE Branch 1: Creation and Covenant 

Class Assembly: Harvest

Year 2 enjoyed presenting their class assembly, focusing on the theme of harvest. They were brilliant at remembering their lines and spreading the important messages of thankfulness and the important job our farmers do for us.

As a class we gathered together to reflect on Branch 1. We said the rosary together and also sang Hail Mary, children then shared knowledge and learning. 

PE: Invasion

Year 2 are enjoying their current unit in PE; invasion. During this lesson they explored and applied different tactics for attacking and defending. 

TT Rockstars Day!

Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed the TT Rockstar day, we enjoyed using the ipads to access TT Rockstars and a whole day of maths learning and investigations....marvellous mathematicians Year 2!

RE: Creation and Covenant... art work inspired by Andy Goldsworthy

In this lesson the children reflected on God's creation, our world. They then discovered the work of Andy Goldsworthy, he uses natural materials to celebrate parts of the world. Each child wrote a prayer of thanks and we then used natural materials in our school environment and created some beautiful pieces of art work. 

Why was King John known as 'Bad King John?'

In this lesson, Year 2 used drama to understand why King John was known as 'Bad King John'. We re-enacted a battle, increased tax money and created our own list of promises for a class 'Magna Carta'. 

Children were fully immersed in our current topic 'Kings and Queens' when we celebrated a class coronation, this links to our literacy learning journey too as we are currently reading 'Prince Cinders'. 

Reading Challenge

A huge well done to Emme, she completed the reading challenge over the summer holidays. Emme read lots of books during summer and was awarded a certificate and lots of stickers.
