Holy Family School Council
Our school council works hard in school to support pupils’ needs, champion pupils’ voices and work with pupils and staff to ensure our school is a happy, safe and engaging place to come to. We look around school for things that we can improve and discuss how to make that happen. We hold meetings and take our ideas to the children in our classes to get their feedback. We share our ideas with Ms McFadden and other staff in school and then work together to make the changes in school.
Who are the School Councillors?
Every year children apply for school council jobs from advertisements that are posted around school and in classrooms. Classes then decide how they would like to vote for their class representatives. Classes throughout school held interviews and votes to ensure a fair process.
The school councillors at Holy Family are outstanding representatives that represent the views of all children and get things done. They also tell their classes about what is going on in the council meetings and answer any questions.
The Values of a School Councillor
During our first meeting together, we discussed what makes a good School Councillor and what would be expected of the children.
We decided to create a set of values that we would work towards.
The School Council team discussed their thoughts and ideas on what they feel the monies raised from the Christmas fair could be spent on. We gathered together a list and the team held discussions with their classes to further support their ideas. We then put together a final letter to hand over to Ms McFadden regarding our ideas and reasonings to support our ideas. We then shared the letter to each class and gave children an opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas about what they feel the money could be spent on. We gathered those ideas together and created a list.
With the help from our very generous parents and carers, we successfully donated 20 very full gift bags, each assigned to a child, to Dunelm to help delivery joy this Christmas to our local community. The generosity and kindness from children and adults has helped to support our local community by gifting presents to those in need this Christmas, spreading hope, joy and love amongst others. The school council team worked tirelessly to promote and encourage support from others to enable this amazing donation to happen, from designing leaflets, spreading the message and organising the gift bags for each child.
A HUGE thank you to all who donated.
Our donation tree is displayed at the front of school, with tags that contain gift wishes from children for Christmas. Every donation will help bring a smile to children during the Christmas period and spread the message of love and faith amongst our communities.
We came together to discuss how to help others in need this Christmas and came up with lots of exciting ideas. We have chosen to support the Dunelm project this year of helping to bring joy to others by donating gifts that children have wished for, for Christmas. We want to spread the message of love and faith amongst our communities by helping and donating to those in need.
We worked together to design and create a poster to celebrate and showcase our celebrations and competitions during Anti-Bullying week. The theme this year is to 'Make a Noise', we decided to create a competition to represent 'Crazy Socks in Crazy Places' to echo the true meaning of making a noise and a difference within school. Odd socks convey the message of being different and unique and showing it is okay whilst also having fun!
The School Council team met to discuss their ideas regarding Anti-Bullying week and came up with the idea of participating in 'Odd Socks Day'. Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It is an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!
The children created their own odd sock designs.
School Council 2022-2023
School dinner menu
The school councilors reviewed the previous school dinner menu and discussed their favourite meals and their least favourite meals. We then shared our ideas during our meeting and came up with ideas for a new school dinner menu. We shared this with Ms Mcfadden to which it was then reviewed. Ms Mcfadden then shared with us a draft school dinner menu to review. We discussed our thoughts to the menu such as our likes and dislikes and gave feedback, we were happy with the new food choices of the new school menu and participating towards the improvements of our school dinners choices.
Living Our Mission
The School Council are excited to be involved with a very special mission, creating shoebox gifts for children in need.
The council members are collecting small gifts, including soft, small toys, colouring pencils and toiletries that can be made into special gift boxes that will be sent to up to 8 different countries so that children in need may receive a special gift at Christmas.
Through the charity, Samaritan’s Purse, the school will be organising this mission in November.
We can’t wait to keep you up to date with our progress.
6 Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
Corinthians 9:6-8
Anti-Bully Week
The School Council members held a meeting to discuss Anti-Bullying week and we were lucky enough to have a special guest… Miss Dyson.
Together, with Miss Dyson, we spoke about what we would like to share in the assembly and how we could spread the message of ‘One Kind Word’. We all had an important part to play and enjoyed speaking in assembly! Take a look at our video to find out more!
Doncaster's Great Green Read
The School Council were asked to join in with other schools around Doncaster to meet with Ed Miliband MP and Dr Jess French, to discuss climate change.
Ed Miliband has recently written a book about climate change and wanted to discuss ways in which we can all help to prevent it.
We really enjoyed joining in with the webinar and were lucky enough to have our question answered by Ed Miliband himself!