The Intent of the RE Curriculum at Holy Family
At Holy Family, we provide our children with a religious education that encourages understanding of others and the world around them, providing opportunities for children to ask questions and learn about Christainity. We aim for religious education lessons and experiences to be unlike any other in school to create the opportunity for not only learning about the Catholic Faith, but also awe, wonder, reverence and spirituality in a creative way.
We are committed to valuing and respecting every individual as being created special and unique, in the likeness and image of God. We learn about God's love and explore our Christain responsibilities, so our children can learn about their unique place within the home, school and parish community.
We learn about and explore Catholic and Christain traditions, alongside traditions from other faith backgrounds, so we can develop an understanding and respect for all and the world around us. Visits and hands on experiences allow opportunities for children to explore and understand religions and their traditions and experience them for themselves.
In year 1, they discussed the idea of love. They looked at the words ‘My command is this. Love each other as I have loved you.’ – John 15 12-13. The children thought of lots of ways to share love like God. The children all shared one and put a precious gem on our cloth. We also practised the ‘Our Father’ prayer.
During the lesson, Year 2 'freeze framed' different scenarios to demonstrate their understanding of how to follow in God's footsteps and also how people choose at times to sin.
Children had to think of a scenario and then we had to guess what the scenario could be, can you guess any?
The children reflected on how stories can help us to learn or understand things. They completed the ‘Speak Like an Expert’ activity by telling their group everything they can remember about the Creation story, getting a point for each word off the chart that they use.
The children then learnt the ‘Creation Rhyme’ and made actions to remember it.
God made the seas, the land and sky
The plants, flowers and trees so high
He made all creatures big and small
Give thanks to God, he made us all
In Year 4, the children used drama to create their own 'conscience alley' to explore what Abram may have been thinking when he heard God's call. The children (on the left) whispered the negative thoughts he may have heard and the children (on the right) whispered the positive thoughts he may have heard.
Today in RE, the children in year 3 have been hearing and discussing the story of creation from Genesis. The children have created ‘I wonder’ questions about each gift God gave, in the creation story.
In year 1, they discussed the virtue 'respect'. They looked at the words 'Do to others as you would have them do to you' - Luke 6:31. They made suggestions of how they can show respect in school and at home.
Children explored the Bible, discussing its importance. They then recognised that the Bible is in two parts; the Old Testament and the New Testament.
The children hunted around the classroom for the parts of the Creation Story and learnt about the different parts.
Year 1 enjoyed exploring Christianity as a whole. They created beautiful pieces of art and listened to different types of Christian music.
Today in RE, children have been understanding the world as a special place for the Christian community.
In today’s RE lesson Year 3 have worked together in small groups, to create a poster on how they can bring more harmony into our school environment and Gods world e.g. grow something to enjoy and share, tidy a messy area.
They have worked out a plan and presented it to the class for action and said why this is important for Christians. The children’s learning and presentation is displayed on our website.
In this lesson, Year 2 enjoyed responding to the question 'Who is my neighbour'. Children worked collaboratively to create their own art work depicting their neighbours in a range of creative ways, using different media.
Children in Reception learnt how Sikhs wear special clothes. They made their own person from a Sikh family and used different materials to dress them.
Year 1 were lucky to have a group of year 6s lead their Celebration of the Word. They discussed friendships and how to be a good friend and neighbour. They also discussed how to look for the 'gold' in people.
The children listened to three pieces of Christian music from three different Christian communities. The children responded to what they like/dislike and what they feel about the music. They responded with art or movement to the music.The children listened to three pieces of Christian music from three different Christian communities. The children responded to what they like/dislike and what they feel about the music. They responded with art or movement to the music.
Children created questions to ask a member of the parish. They wanted to know how they follow Jesus’ example and the Christian mission.
Congratulations to children in our school community who received the Sacrament of the Eucharist on Saturday 8th June, during 6pm mass. May Lord Jesus bless these children who have received Holy Communion for the first time.
To begin our new topic, Dialogue and Encounter, where the children will be learning all about the Bible and it's origins, the children in year 5 explored other books that are special to them by sharing them together in the library.
After listening to the hymn 'O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today', the children in reception created beautiful flowers to celebrate the May - the month of Mary.
To finish our topic about Pentecost and the power of the Holy Spirit, the children visited the chapel to pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary reflecting on Jesus' journey to Heaven.
The children made their own Rakhi bracelets and learnt about what they symbolise.
In Year 2, children enjoyed using props to retell the Parable of the Good Samaritan. They discussed how the people in the Parable would have felt and the special message of the Parable, being kind to one another.
In our topic year 3 have enjoyed learning about the importance and demands of listening and sharing, and developing their ideas through discussion and literature.
Children in Reception really enjoyed learning all about Diwali and were really engaged with lots of different activities.
In year 3, the children have been developing their understanding of Hinduism and their special places, how Hindus worship and show respect for the mandir.
Children in year 2 enjoyed reflecting on the meaning of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. We gathered and discussed the fruits and then reflected on what those fruits could look like and symbolise to us.
Children then wrote a reflective piece of writing sharing their thoughts.
Year 1 completed the 'To the Ends of the Earth' unit. They enjoyed retelling the stories using role play and actions and also making crafts to remember the symbols of the Holy Spirit.
In RE, the children have studied the importance of giving and receiving. They have understood that the Eucharist challenges and enables living and growing in communion.
Children passed the bag and picked out one of the symbols. We discussed each symbol and matched it to the label. Children chose one of the symbol crafts to represent the Holy Spirit. The children challenged themselves by adding words to describe the Holy Spirit to their symbol.
First, we acted out the story of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was fully revealed.
We created an obstacle course and blindfolded a volunteer to follow instructions to reach the other side. The volunteer had to listen carefully so they don’t trip or bump into things. We then talked about how this is like listening to the Holy Spirit’s voice. After, we sent another person through the obstacle course with lots of people giving instructions at once. We discussed that this teaches us to follow one voice as opposed to many other “voices” that might influence our lives. We then created a symbol of the Holy Spirit and attached some of the virtues to live by.
Jesus’ Story Part 1 and 2
After discussing a sequencing ‘Sam’s life’, children discussed the life events of Jesus that they have previously learnt. The children then created a board game ordering these events. Children then took turns using the microphones to retell Jesus’ life.
The children played ‘What’s in the Box?’ to guess the next events we are discussing for Jesus’ life. Children completed their board games by adding final set of events. Some children challenged themselves by adding the names of the events and further details. Children finished the lesson by playing their game.
Year 1 shared a lovely celebration of the word this week. First, we gathered quietly into a circle, made the sign of the cross on our foreheads and saying our afternoon prayer. We began by reading our word: “Dear Children, let us not love with words or speech but with action and in truth”. We reflected on these words and discussed what they meant. Lucy made a great inference by saying we need to not just say something; we need to prove it like in Maths. We talked about things we could do to show love and everyone had some great ideas. We then discussed sharing love by sharing a special meal. We chatted about how we shared special meals over the Easter holidays and why the meal was specials. Finally, our mission is to remember to thank God for our day and say sorry for a time we have not lived out his message. We reflected back to our word and agreed that the next day we would take action to prove this.
Our topic for Summer 1 is 'To the ends of the Earth' we will be learning about the resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Our new virtue is 'resilience'. As a class we gathered and shared ideas on what resilience is and how it looks. Miss Dyson was very impressed that most of Y2 recognised resilience as one of our school intents!
We responded by sharing experiences of being resilient and how we could help others to develop resilience.
Year 3 and 4 lead a celebration of the word, around the events of the Last supper, and the washing of the disciples feet.
In this topic, Year 4 have built on their knowledge of self-discipline and how important it is. The children have recognised how celebrating growth of new life occurs through self-discipline.
Each class in school created beautiful Easter cards that were collected and taken to the church to be given to members of the parish at this special time of year.
Year 3 have used weaving strategies and modelled 3D flowers made from paper, to create an Easter pattern.
The children in year 5 had a wonderful time making paper that could be used to make 3D flowers to decorate their very own Easter cards. Take a look at their beautiful creations.
Reception used chalk and shading techniques to made Easter cards.
The children in year 5 created and performed a tableau depicting each of the Stations of the Cross for pupils and parents on the last day of term for Holy Week.
Reception have been learning about the events of Holy Week. The children made palm leaves and acted out the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on the donkey. Next we acted out Jesus washing the feet of his disciples and sharing the bread and wine. We pretended to be in the Garden of Gethsemane sleeping whilst Jesus prayed.
Children explored the text from God’s Story 2 page 76 and select greeting words. They wrote their own message of welcome for Jesus as he arrives in Jerusalem and created a banner. They also made some palm branches out of paper and role played the story. We shared the story of Dan the Donkey and sang some songs.
Nursery have been very busy learning about the events of Holy Week. We made palm leaves and acted out the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on the donkey. We watched a video about The Last Supper. Next we acted out Jesus washing the feet of his disciples and sharing the bread and wine. We pretended to be in the Garden of Gethsemane sleeping whilst Jesus prayed. Two guards came and arrested Jesus and put him in jail so we acted this out too. The following day we watched the story about Good Friday and we made dough models of Jesus on the cross. We also made some hot cross buns with a cross on them.
In Year 2 we began Holy Week by delivering a Celebration of the Word, remembering what happened on Palm Sunday. We enjoyed retelling the story of Palm Sunday, acting and then sharing our new hymn 'Wave your Palms!'
In year 3 & 4, the children have delivered a celebration of the word to celebrate the events of Jesus last supper and the washing of the Disciples feet. The children have collectively retold this story with narrating, hymns, and acting.
This is Year 3’s topic of Giving, along with a few pieces of their learning this term.
Children had time to reflect on the words of ‘Our Father’ and they said the ‘Our Father’ as a class.
In Nursery, we talked about things people do during Lent. We made promises and put them on a cross. We took them down to hang on our Lenten tree in school.
Year 1 discussed and made Lenten promises to hang on the school tree.
Year 6 started their Lent topic with a lovely, reflective Celebration of the Word
In Nursery we made prayer mats when we learnt about Islam. Muslim people use them to pray on. The children watched a video showing how Muslim people pray and listened to the call to prayer. The children learnt about Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) and how he cared for animals. The children enjoyed looking after our small world animals.
Year 1 explored and shared important Muslim stories. We learnt about Muhammad and his teachings.
Year 6 learnt about the 5 pillars of Islam and the what Islams do during the Zakat (give to the poor)
In year 3 children have been learning about Islam, where they have been looking at the importance of the Mosque, and the daily activities which happen within it.
Children in Year 2 and Year 3 created some beautiful pieces of art work to represent the season of Lent. They used chalks, oil pastels and paint and demonstrated lots of skills such as blending, sketching, stippling and hatching, well done.
Year 2 each made a Lenten promise, they then visited our school Lenten tree and hung our promises on. The children then gathered together and reflected on their promises.
The children in Reception wrote Lenten Promises and attached them to our whole school Lenten Promise tree. They reflected on what Lent means to them.
Reception children have been discovering what special objects are for Muslims. They worked hard to create their very own prayer mat.
The children in Year 4 enjoyed learning about the Islamic faith. They were able to understand the the name of the Islamic God and how Muslim people worship their God.
In Year 2 we studied the five pillars of Islam, we also researched what each pillar means and the importance of prayer for Muslims.
The children in year 5 enjoyed learning all about Islam and the celebration of Ramadan. They were able to understand the significance of this special time in the Islamic calendar and make links to other religious celebrations.
In year 3 the children have been getting better at understanding how people give themselves. The children discussed and evaluated the demands of giving through different people and occupations in life. They then worked as groups to create a piece of work and presented it to the class.
In Nursery we have been getting better at knowing about celebrations. We learnt about how the parish family celebrate.
In year 3, the children have completed our journey topic. The children have learnt more about the structure of the Liturgical year and its special times such as Feast days. They have looked at the church through different seasons, and the Mysteries of the Rosary.
In FS2, Prayer Bear will be going home with children to help them learn their prayers.
I’m just a little Prayer Bear,
I’ll sit upon your bed
It’s my job to remind you
When your prayers should be said.
When you put me on your pillow
As you make your bed each day
Remember as you hold me,
To take the time to pray.
Then when you go to bed at night
And put me on the floor,
Remember to take the time to kneel
And say your prayers once more.
Year 6 studied the Bible in great detail, understanding the Gospels, different books within the Bible and a range of scripture
In Nursery we have been learning about Birthdays. We have been getting better at knowing that in Advent we are waiting for Jesus' birthday which is at Christmas.
During Advent, Year 6 learnt about the time of expectation, the prophet's expectation of the Messiah, Mary's expectation, the word of God, John the Baptist's expectation and that Christ will come again.
During the season of Advent, Year 4 have learned that God’s gift of Jesus is a gift of love to all people and that Jesus reveals God’s love for humanity.
Children in Reception chose their design to make a special Parish Christmas card.
In year 1, we have been discussing the story of Christingle. We created our own to take home.
Year 1 learnt about Advent being a time for waiting and we created our own Advent Calendar to help us wait.
Year 1 are getting better at understanding that the Advent wreath helps us as we wait for Christmas.
The children have been discussing the importance of a Jesse Tree, and have designed Advent symbols which represent the family of Jesus.
In Celebration of the word, Y3 have used the word from Matthew 2:1-12 “The visit of the three wise men”. The children have been praying to God to ask for guidance on how we can welcome our own visitors.
Y3 talked about the word “ By this is all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another”-John 13:35
Y3 have created prayers, and decided how they can echo this word by playing together, and looking after each other with care throughout school time.
Year 6 enjoyed learning about another faith - Judaism. They learnt about the values of Yom Kipper
In RE, Year 6 learnt about commitment in life, the vocation of the priesthood and religious life and celebrated the word through reflection and prayer
Nursery learnt about welcoming people into our school class and welcoming a new baby home. We learnt about belonging to our own family and God's family. We acted out a Baptism in our class taking turns to do the different roles.
Y3s mission in Prayer Liturgy was to pray for the needs of others.
Y3 have enjoyed learning about the importance of promises, and how and when we should keep them. Y3 have enjoyed learning about the promises made at Baptism.
Year 2 Remembrance Service
Year 2 gathered with Year 1 in the Prayer garden outside for a Remembrance service.
We shared prayers and reflected, thinking of those who gave their lives for us.
Year 4 held a Remembrance Day Service in the Prayer Garden where they paid their respects to those who sacrificed themselves during the war. The children joined together to pray for peace and held a minutes silence.
In this topic, Year 4 have learned that through Baptism and Confirmation people are given the gift of the Holy Spirit and are called to respond in their lives.
In Nursery we listened to 'The Last Post' being played. We looked at the soldier on the cenotaph in Stainforth and talked about the names of the soldiers on it. At 11 o'clock, we did a 1 minute silence to remember the soldiers.
Year 6 held a Remembrance Day service at the local cenotaph to pay our respects to those who sacrificed themselves during the war...
Remembrance Day 2023- Year 5
To commemorate Remembrance Day this year, the children held a liturgy in the school chapel to remember the sacrifices of those who gave up their lives for our freedom. Through prayer and reflection, the children gave thanks and prayed for the souls of the fallen.
Harvest 2023
Everyone in school was excited to celebrate Harvest and were incredibly generous in donating food for the local food bank. The children enjoyed taking part in our Harvest mass with Father Joseph and giving thanks to God at this time of year.
Members of the Chaplaincy and Care for Creation teams delivered the food to the local food bank where it can help those who need it in our local community.
First, we gathered by listening to music and silently gathering on the carpet. Then we made a bowl with our hands and placed a sad or scary memory into it. We then blew the memory away.
Next, we listened to the words and discussed what they meant. We had some great discussions of how we show love and who loves us.
Then, we placed the words in the middle on our green cloth. We passed a special reflective pebble around the circle and said a quiet prayer to thank God for his love and words.
Finally, we made a mission to find a quiet place to say a prayer for someone in need. We discussed why someone might need a prayer and had some lovely suggestions like they might be poorly or lonely.
In our topic ‘People’, we explored what family means to us and that all families are different. We discussed and explored scripture explaining how God is a loving parent and we are his children.
Our first RE topic is 'people'. In this topic we have learned about our own family and Jesus' family. In this topic, we have studied confirmation and the response to being chosen.
In RE, Y3 have been recreating the scene of Baptism, by recapping on the stages of the Sacrament. Y3 have observed and acted in role to show what happens, and who is involved.
In Prayer Liturgy, children have been discussing Gods creation of the world.
Prayer Liturgy-Focus-Rosary beads - Mission- To have a quiet moment during the day to pray to God. The children in the photos stood in a circle holding hands and sang “Alleluia”.
In year 1 RE, we have been looking at ‘Families’. We have completed lots of work about our own families and belonging to God’s family. We looked at understanding and learning about God’s love in the bible. We created actions to the words of Psalm 63 line by line and create a class house. Children recognised the things to show love and care and wrote one of these things on each brick. Also, as a class, we created our own wildflower artwork like the wildflowers Jesus spoke about (Luke 12: 24-30 and Matthew 6: 24-30).
In RE our first topic we have been looking at our journey of Homes. What makes a home, How we can care for our family in a home, and how we should respect one another, including our parents.
In our first topic, children have enjoyed learning about what makes a family homes, and how we should treat each other. Children recognise that we should be respectful towards our family members in the home, and how we can demonstrate acts of love and respect.
Year 5- Ourselves
Year 5 explores their qualities, gifts and talents as the learnt about the topic of 'Ourselves'. They discovered how God gave them their qualities and talents and how He has a plan for us all and then made links to the life of St Francis of Assisi and how he was called to use his gifts for good.
Take a look at our wonderful learning journey...
Year 6's first RE topic was Family; Loving where children learned about love, God's love and the meaning of unconditional love through the story of the Prodigal Son...
In Nursery we have been learning about our name and our family. We have learnt that God loves us all and we are precious to God.
Year 2 have explored 'Beginnings' in our first RE journey. They discussed what a new beginning is and how it feels. They then retold the story of Creation making links, discussing how God is all around us and is always close to us. We then thanked God for all that he is and all that he has given us.
Year 5- Prayer Liturgy
The children planned a prayer liturgy exploring their hopes and dreams for the coming year. The spent time reflecting on their expectations and on their path that God has planned for them. They then wrote prayers asking God for guidance and help on their journey and started to fill our 'prayer cross'
Reception children have learnt that they all have a first name and family name and that they are precious to God.
FS2 children went to our chapel and reflected on the word 'respectful' Together they said a personal prayer to God.
'Thank you God for everyone'
Our Tree for Life
The Chaplaincy and Care for Creation teams have been raising money to buy a CAFOD World Gift to support those in need. Parents and children were asked to buy a leaf for our 'Tree of Life' and place their name upon it. The money raised has provided a family in need with five fruit trees to grow their own food.
'Feed the hungry and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out of the darkness.'
Isaiah 59:10
Welcome Back!
To celebrate the return to school, children and staff took part in a welcome mass led by Father Joseph.
Children offered symbols to represent their hopes and dreams for the coming year and asked God to help them achieve them.
It was wonderful to hear the whole school singing together and having parents join us for our special mass.
Archive Academic Year 2022/2023
EYFS have used their amazing printing skills to produce the flowers for our Eastertide entrance display. All the children reflected on the importance of this special time of year and celebrating that Jesus has risen.
In Year 2 we enjoyed exploring our CAFOD topic- Treasures. We used a range of materials to express what treasures we have and how we are God's treasure and how we look after Earth.
Year 4 have learned about what New Life means to a Catholic at this special time of the year. The children read and discussed key scripture and discussed how this influences our way of life.
During our topic on New Life, we retold the story of Penetcost through art. The children used water colours and annotated the story with speech bubbles and captions.
Year 4 have studied what self discipline means and why this is important.
Children in Year 4 planned and delivered a prayer liturgy about our whole school virtue 'love'. They wrote their own prayers, which they shared with the class and took home to their families.
The children across school created beautiful Easter cards to take home to their families and to send to the sick of the parish.
Using other crafts- collage and printing- each year group took inspiration from this special time of the year and enjoyed getting crafty!
Take a look at our amazing work!
Year 4 have used their printing skills to produce some beautiful Easter cards to share with our parish community on Easter Sunday.
The children in year 5 created and performed a tableau depicting each of the Stations of the Cross for pupils and parents on the last day of term.
Our Child-Led Prayer Liturgy
The children in year 6 celebrated the end of their RE topic about Unity by holding a prayer liturgy for the whole school and parents and carers. It was wonderful to hear about what they had been learning and how this has impacted their life and faith.
All of the children and staff in KS2 were able to visit church to celebrate the Ash Wednesday Mass with Father Joseph and other parishioners. Children from each year group took part in readings from the bible and enjoyed singing hymns in the church.
Take a look at some of the wonderful photos from the visit.