
Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

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Breakfast Club / After School Club

Breakfast Club Arrangements


From Monday 2nd September 2024 all breakfast club payments must be made in advance for the week that your child/children are due to attend. The cost remains at £1.00 per child per day. Payments for breakfast club must be paid for online via ParentPay. If you are experiencing financial difficulties paying for your child's place in breakfast club, please contact the school office for advice and support. 


Our Governing Body have agreed that a child's breakfast club debt will not be allowed to exceed £3.00. If the debt is not cleared we will contact you to remind you that unless payment is made immediately, then your child will no longer be able to attend breakfast club.


All children who currently attend on a regular basis will be added to the register automatically. If you require a place on an ‘as and when needed basis', please book at least a week in advance by contacting the school office who will support you with this. 


When attending breakfast club, a polite reminder that parents/carers are not allowed to drop their children off at the school gates for safety reasons. The main entrance gates will be open from 8 am until 8.15am. Please bring your child into school and take to the school hall doors.


Breakfast club runs from 8am – 8.30am Monday – Friday. Breakfast is served up to 8.15 am.







After School Club Arrangements


After school clubs are offered every half-term to our children.


From Monday 6th June all payments for after school clubs must be made via Parent Pay.


Places available in each club will be limited. To secure a place, payment for the full half-term must be made via Parent Pay. 

We will continue to charge £5.00 per person per club and this will include a week of non-payment in case of any unexpected cancellation.

Please note that no refunds will be given for non-attendance at any of the clubs or if a child is withdrawn from a club once these have started.

Parents will be notified by email of the selection of clubs available and the timetable for each current term are available below.

