
Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

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Year 3

Welcome to Year Three

Teacher: Miss McBride

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Stevenson & Miss Marsh



A huge warm welcome to all Year 3 children, parents and visitors. We are incredibly pleased and excited about working with you this year and taking you on a journey through time with our exciting immersive curriculum. If at any moment in the year you need to speak to myself, Miss Stevenson or Miss Marsh, please don't hesitate to approach us either before or after school with any queries you have; we will try our best to help you. 


I look forward to finding out about all the children's interests and talents, and seeing them flourish throughout the year!


Miss McBride


Year Three welcome prayer:

Lord Jesus,

I ask for your guidence in beginning this new school year.

Allow me to experience your presence in the many blessings you put before me.

Open my eyes to the new challenges and exciting opportunities that this new school year brings.

Open my heart and mind to new friends and new teachers.

Give me a generous spirit to be enthusiastic with my studies and courage to accept new opportunities.

Help me to be attentive to my teachers and let me experience your presence in my new friends.

Jesus, inspire me to do my best this year!

General school information

  • School starts at 9:00am with the school gates opening at 8:35am
  • Breakfast club starts at 8:00am and the gates will be closed at 8:15am for breakfast club attendees.
  • Please inform the office if your child is absent. 
  • All children need to be in the correct school uniform each day, including black school shoes. 


Year 3 key information

Reading - Reading is at the heart of all our learning at Holy Family. To support this at home, please could all children ensure that they read their school reading book every night and that the planner is signed by an adult. Children will need to bring their reading book and planner back to school each day. 


Spellings - Every Thursday, all children will receive a new spelling list based on spelling rules/patterns which will have been our focus in class. Please can all children learn the given spellings, ready for the following Friday spelling test. 


Homework - All children will be given weekly English or maths homework. This is to be completed and returned to school as required. 


PE - PE will take place every Thursday and Friday. All children must have the correct school PE kit of white t-shirt and black/ Navy shorts and trainers. (Track suits may be worn as the weather turns colder). Please ensure that all children have trainers to enable them to fully participate in this key subject. 


As always, thank you for your continued support.

Please don't hesitate to contact me at school if you have any questions or concerns.


Miss McBride
