
Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

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Our intention is that children gain a firm understanding of what music is through listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing, and composing. We believe that all children are capable of becoming confident, expressive performers. We intend to allow the music curriculum to flow through the entirety of the school. We want to ensure that music is closely intertwined with each class topic to build an immersive learning environment.

Year 4: South Africa instrumental

Year 4 have used glockenspiels to recognise and play minims, by ear and from staff notation, moving up and down by step.

Year 1: Pitch and tempo: Superhero theme tune

Children considered the features of superhero theme tunes before working in groups to create their own superhero compositions.

Year 2, Myths and Legends

Year 2 enjoyed selecting from a range of instruments to compose and perform their pieces in small groups. 

Year 1: Pitch and tempo: Faster than a speeding bullet

Pupils develop their superhero theme tunes by adding tempo changes to make them sound more exciting.

Year 1: Pitch and tempo: Pitch patterns

Using their understanding of pitch, children created a simple superhero theme tune using a low note and a high note.

Year 1: Pitch and tempo: High fliers

Children were introduced to the concept of pitch and learn to recognise low and high sounds in a superhero theme tune.

Year 2, Myths and Legends

In this lesson, year 2 enjoyed using different ways to represent and create a graphic score based on different pieces of music. 

Year 5- Composition to represent the festival of colour

The children in year 5 had fun learning how to represent music visually, in a graphic score, using colour as notes while describing what they think the music looks like and why.

Y3-Traditional instruments and improvisation

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The children in year 3 have been getting better at performing a piece of music using musical notation.


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The children in year 3 have been getting better at performing a piece of music using musical notation.

Y3-Traditional instruments and improvisation

In this series of lessons, year 3 were introducing the tal and adding a drone, to improvise and create a piece of music using a drone, rag and tal.

After being introduced to traditional Indian music and instruments, and forming an option on Indian music, the children were getting better at playing a rag. The children were using improvising skills using notes.

Children were introduced to the concept of pitch and learnt to recognise low and high sounds in a superhero theme tune.

The children explored how music can be experienced visually by associating sounds and songs with different colours and ideas. They listened to different music and then shared their ideas as a class.

Year 2: Myths and Legends

In Year 2, children enjoyed listening to the story of George and the Dragon, they then created their own rhythms. 

Year 4 - Samba, carnival sounds and instruments

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Year 4 have performed rhythmic breaks within the samba piece. 

Year 4 - Samba, carnival sounds and instruments

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Year 4 have composed a basic rhythmic break and performed as a class. 

Year 4 - Samba, carnival sounds and instruments

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Year 4 have played syncopated rhythms through clapping and performed this as a class. 

Music Showcase

The whole school showcased their Spring music learning and put on a wonderful show for our parents. The children describe their musical journey and even performed to show off their musical progress.

Year 5- South and West Africa

Lesson 5- The children created an eight beat break to play alongside traditional African music.

Year 5- South and West Africa


Lesson 4- The children really enjoyed learning how to play call and response rhythms, clapping and drumming together.

Year 5- South and West Africa


Lesson 3- The children used tuned percussion instruments to play as an ensemble after warming up by learning traditional African dancing.

Year 5- South and West Africa

Lesson 2- The children used tuned percussion instruments to play a chord progression using the A major, D major and E major chords.

Year 5- South and West Africa

Lesson 1- The children listened to traditional songs sung in the Xhosa language, joining in by singing the songs themselves. 

Year 6 - Baroque

Year 6 - Baroque - Lesson 2

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Year 6 - Baroque - Lesson 3

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Year 6 - Baroque - Lesson 4

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Year 6 - Baroque - Lesson 5

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Year 1: Timbre and rhythmic patterns: Keeping the pulse

Children showcase their work throughout this unit by using instruments in a class performance of 'The Three Little Pigs', with the focus on keeping the pulse of the rhythm.

Year 1: Timbre and rhythmic patterns: Responding to music

Children learn to identify how timbre is used to represent the different characters in 'Peter and the Wolf'.

Year 1: Timbre and rhythmic patterns: Rhythms

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Year 1: Timbre and rhythmic patterns: Rhythms

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Year 1: Timbre and rhythmic patterns: Rhythms

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Clapping the syllables in given words and phrases, pupils work in groups to create rhythmic patterns and phrases to tell the story of The Three Little Pigs, before performing whilst the story is told.

Y2- Musical Me!

Y2 enjoyed completing their Musical Me unit of learning. They researched and composed a melody using the glockenspiels. 

Y3-Pentatonic melodies

In year 3, the children have completed their final performance using tuned instruments to perform their final compositions.

Year 1: Timbre and rhythmic pattern: Starting with instruments

Building on their understanding of timbre, children carefully select and play appropriate instruments or body percussion to help tell the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'.

Y3-Pentatonic melodies and composition

The children have been getting better at using scarfs and rhythm to perform a group composition, in the form of a dragon dance.

Y3-Pentatonic melodies and composition

The children have been getting better at letter notation, and writing and perform a pentatonic melody.

Year 1: Timbre and rhythmic patterns: Character voices

Children explored timbre through the familiar story of The Three Little Pigs by creating different character voices.

Y2: Musical Me!

In this lesson the children used glockenspiels to focus on dynamics and timbre, creating their own little melodys. 

Y3-Pentatonic melodies and composition

In this lesson children in year have been getting better at pentatonic scale, and learning to use a tuned instrument to play the scale together as a class.

Year 2: Musical Me!

In this lesson, Year 2 enjoyed playing the 'name game' and then singing songs using different expressions. They focused on the timbre and dynamics of songs. 

Year 2: Musical Me!

In this lesson, Year 2 listened to a song 'Once a man fell in a well', they then learnt the song and played some untuned percussion instruments alongside the song. 

Y3-Pentatonic melodies and composition

In music year 3 children have been performing the dragon dance. After watching the ‘Story if Nian’ the children danced traditionally to celebrate the festival. The children moved in response to the musical elements: crescendo, tempo, and duration.

Year 4- Body percussion

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Year 4- Body percussion

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Year 4- Body percussion

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In Year 4, the children have studied 'body percussion'. They have created simple tunes about each layer of the Amazon Rainforest. Then, they have then built and improved their compositions through peer feedback. 

Year 6 - Theme and Variations lesson 6

In lesson 5, Year 6 used music notation to create visual representations of TIKI-TIKI, TI-TIKI and TIKI-TI rhythms 

Year 6 - Theme and Variations lesson 4

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In lesson 4, Year 6 learnt to play TIKI-TIKI, TI-TIKI and TIKI-TI rhythms

Year 6 - Theme and Variations lesson 3

Year 6 performed a theme using body percussion and then added vocals

Year 6 - Theme and Variations - lesson 3

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Year 6 - Theme and Variations lesson 2

In lesson 2, Year 6 related sounds of different instruments to pieces of pop art

Year 3-Perform like a Viking: Developing singing technique

Year 3-Perform like a Viking: Developing singing technique

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In Y3 the children have been performing in groups using music. Y3 have performed with confidence and discipline, whilst keeping in time and tune with others.

Year 1: Pulse and rhythm: Practice makes perfect

In pairs the children used instruments to demonstrate the different musical terms they had learnt.

Year 1: Texture and structure: Coral reef

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The children investigated layering to imitate the different textures of a coral reef. The children had time to experiment to create their sounds using their chosen instruments. As a class, the adult used a pointer to move across the picture. When the children saw the pointer pass their plant/sea creature they should play their sound.

Y3-Developing singing technique

In Y3, the children have been performing rhythms from notations. They have been getting better at using simple rhythmic notations to compose a Viking battle song. The children enjoyed layering these rhythms to create a piece of music.

Year 1 Musical Vocabulary: Pitch and rhythm: Underwater world

In this lesson, the children were learning about pitch and rhythm by adding a new character to the underwater piece. The children made upward and downward cascading sounds to show a deep sea diver going under the sea to take photographs of the sea creatures. See videos below.

Year 1 glissando

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Year 1 glissando

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Y3-Developing singing technique: Viking Notation

In Y3 today they have been getting better at recognising simple rhythmic notation by ear and by sight.
They have been using Viking-themed phrases to learn new rhythms, develop understanding of stave notation and learn to recognise note names by sight and sound. We have been using Minims, Quavers and Crochets in our performances to create long and short beats.

Year 2- Orchestral instruments

Year 2 have explored how to select appropriate sounds to match events, characters and feelings in the story of Red Riding hood. 

Year 4 - Body and tuned Percussion

Year 4 have explored how they can make music with their bodies. They have worked in teams to compose and perform musical rhythms about the Tropical Rainforest.

Year 4 - Body and tuned Percussion

Year 4 have rehearsed and performed ‘boom, snap, clap’ to their peers.

Year 4 - Body and tuned Percussion

Year 4 have listened and appraised pieces of music made through body percussion. The children have identified the structure of the music and identified the number of layers they heard in each piece of music.

Year 6 - Theme and Variation

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Year 6 explored musical concepts of theme and variation and practised rhythm in lesson 1 of Theme and Variation

Year 1: Dynamics and timbre: Underwater world

The children selected instruments with the timbres they think best represent the sparkling, colourful fish.

Y3-Developing Singing Technique: Sing like a Viking

Children in Y3 have been getting better at singing in time with others. Y3 have rehearsed ‘Here the Vikings come’, and practiced warming up their vocals. Y3 have also started to include actions to contribute to the rhythm of the song.

Year 5- The Blues- Playing a Chord

Year 5 enjoyed learning how to play the first line of the 12-bar Blues. They had to practice the chord of C , knowing that it is made of the notes C and E, and play it 16 times altogether. It was wonderful to hear everyone playing together as a class. 

Year 2: Orchestral Instruments

Children in Year 2 listened and analysed an orchestral version of Goldilocks and the three bears, we also used actions to retell the story in line with the music. 

Year 1: Pulse and tempo: Dive into danger!

The children used pulse and tempo to tell a story about a brush with sharks.

Y3-Singing Technique: Here come the Vikings!

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Before Y3 rehearsed their song, they enjoyed understanding about the importance of rhythm. Whilst one child clapped the other children made sure to keep in time with the rhythms of the clap, as they preformed their rowing movements. After this, the children then rehearsed their rhythm skills with their voices by experimenting with pitch and tempo.

Year 6 - Dynamics, pitch and tempo

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Year 6 - Dynamics, pitch and tempo

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In lessons 4 and 5, Year 6 composed their own piece of music as a group, using different instruments to create pitch, dynamics and texture. One member of the group was a conductor who kept the class in time. We then reflected and gave constructive comments to improve our performances..

Year 6 - Dynamics, Pitch and Tempo

In lesson 1 of our Music topic (Dynamics, pitch and tempo), Year 6 appraised the work of a classical composer - Felix Mendelssohn. We discussed what we liked and disliked about the music and thought about what the music was about..

Year 1: Pulse and Rhythm: Practice makes perfect

After identifying the pulse in several songs, the children practise performing either the pulse or rhythm to highlight the differences between the two.

Year 5- Composition Notation- Egyptians

The children in year 5 explored different forms of musical notation, creating and improvising their own piece of music using hieroglyphs. 

Year 2: Music African Call and Response


In this lesson, year 2 performed our call and response song and then planned and shared ideas about the unit. Creating mind maps on the features of a call and response song. The children were focusing on how to add dynamics (volume) to a structure of rhythms. 

Year 1: Pulse and rhythm: Happy

Using the call and response method, the children listen out for rhythms and then repeat them.

Y3-Singing their Ballads

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Year 4 - Caribbean instrumental- Calypso quavers

Year 4 have found out how and why percussion instruments can be used in Calypso music. The children have played a four-note repeating pattern and then progressed to playing this in time as a class. 

Year 4 - Caribbean instrumental - Calypso quavers

Year 4 have used the glockenspiels to perform quavers from staff notation. The children were able to listen and perform for each other and offer helpful feedback to improve their performances. 

Nursery - Exploring musical instruments

In Nursery we have been exploring different instruments. We have learnt how to play them, the sounds they make and we are getting better at knowing their names.

Year 2: West African call and response

In this lesson Year 2 were getting better at creating rhythms based on call and response. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning more traditional songs and then using the African call and response genre.  

Year 2: West African call and response

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The children in Year 2 listened to some traditional African songs and then learnt and sang the song together. 

We then deepened our learning by adding instruments. 


Singing Nursery Rhymes in FS2

Children in FS2 love singing, especially nursery rhymes. They learn new words, develop non-verbal communication skills, 

early maths skills along with learning different beats and rhythms.

Year 2: West African call and response

The children in Year 2 are getting better at copying a short rhythm. 

Y3-Music-Lesson 3

In Music, Y3 have watched a short story clip, which they used to participate in the activity. The children planned a musical structure inspired by this short story (Soar, by Alice Tzure). They discussed feelings emotions, and actions. The children then explored writing sentences to accompany a storyline. The children then read and ordered these sentences using the story mountain.

Y3-Music-Lesson 2

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Y3s final performance of Twinkle little star, and Space oddity. Y3 also performed a whole class presentation.

Music- Composition Notation- Egyptians

The children have really enjoyed the first lesson of their new music topic- Composition Notation.

They took part in warm up activities, pretending to dig the foundations of the pyramids and lifting the stones to build them. They then practised vocal warm-ups before listening to and singing the song, 'Gift of the Nile'.

Year 1: Pulse and rhythm: My favourite things

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In this lesson the children played multiple voice control games exploring pulse and rhythm.

Year 1: The Name Game

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Nursery - Drumming with sticks

In Nursery we have been exploring drumming. We watched someone drumming fast, slow, loud and quiet. He also drummed on different things. We found some sticks in our outdoor area and practiced drumming fast, slow, loudly and quietly on different things just as he did to discover the different sounds we could make.

Year 2 Music- West African Call and Response Song

For lesson 1 in our new music unit, the children in Year 2 created short sequences of sound using a range of percussion instruments. 

We then developed our learning by seeing if we could change the pitch of the instruments. 

Year 5- Livin' On A Prayer

The children were eager to perform their rendition of the famous Bon Jovi track Livin' On A Prayer. They were enjoying themselves so much that they were even caught dancing along!

Y3-R and B soul music

Year 5- Livin' On A Prayer

The children in year 5 enjoyed using movement and clapping to identify the beat and rhythm of the music.

Live music at Holy Family!

The whole school had a lovely visit from the Music Hub! We listened to live instruments being played and we even had the opportunity to ask lots of questions. It was great fun and we even had the opportunity to dance to some of our favourite songs!

Year 2- Friendship Song

Year 3 - Bringing Us Together

Year 4- 'Lean on me'

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

The children in year 5 have enjoyed learning the iconic theme tune to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. They have played dancing games to identify the beat and rhythm of the song and played along on the glockenspiels using the notes A and D. Take a look at children in action.

Reception children using musical instruments in RE

Reception childrfen learnt the song, 'We Gather Together' They took musical instruments outside and used them to accomany the song. 

What a fantastic, enjoyable and amazing experience the children in our choir from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 had at Young Voices at Sheffield Arena. Not forgetting the teachers and parents too! From the rehearsals to the performance, everyone was enthusiastic and joined in with songs, dances and routines. It was a truely inspiring event!

The Choir preparing a banner for Young Voices 2023

Y3 - Three Little Birds

Year 1- In the Groove- Spring 1

Year 1 have enjoyed listening to music, following the beats by acting out different actions and clapping to the beats. We have also explored different pitches to our voices, singing high pitch and low pitch whilst following along to the music. 

Year 1- In the Groove

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Music in Year One

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Year 4 rehearsing one of their Jubilee songs!

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Years 5 and 6 rehearsing one of their Jubilee songs!

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And another from Years 5 and 6...

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Young Voices 2022

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Our school choir had a wonderful time at Young Voices 2022. This took place at Sheffield Arena where the children sang and danced with lots of other primary schools, showcasing everything they had been learning in their Choir after school club. Well done everyone!

Year 5- Dancing in the Street

Calling out around the world- are you ready for a brand new beat?

Year 5 certainly are! 

The class enjoyed listening to a range of Motown hits and discussed the songs before picking their favourite. We then explored the history of Dancing in the Street and played games to find the beat before learning the first verse and bridge. We can't wait to perform the song later in the term.

Year 4 - Blackbird

Year 4 have started to learn their new song on Charanga which is Blackbird by The Beatles. We listened to the song, found out some interesting facts and then played some pulse and rhythm games. The children then started to learn the song verse by verse and the chorus. The children did really well learning this song so quickly!

Year 5 loved playing glockenspiels!

Year 5 have really enjoyed finding the pulse in a piece of music and then playing glockenspiels to the pulse. 

Year Two- I wanna play in a band

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This term our Charanga song is called 'I wanna play in a band'. We have loved all the warm up exercises, learning the song and experiencing playing a recorder. We have had so much fun! Enjoy our performance!

Our very own Miss Moody (Year 4 Teacher) playing the flute during our whole school assembly.

Year Two- My hands, My feet, My heart

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