
Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

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At Holy Family, we value Art and Design as an integral part of our children’s right to a broad and balanced curriculum. The teaching of Art and Design is developed to build on children’s prior learning and provide opportunities to be creative through curricular and cross-curricular topics. Children are enabled to develop and extend their creative skills with the opportunity for self-expression and a chance to build their resilience, confidence and critical thinking skills through working independently and collaboratively with others. Children are introduced to a variety of artists both local and in the wider community to enhance their cultural capital and know about life beyond Stainforth- this enables the children to reflect on their own history and heritage while understanding the richness of societies world-wide.  At Holy Family, the intent of our Art and Design curriculum is to encourage the children to be artists and create, craft and design their own creations.


In this lesson, Year 2 enjoyed responding to the question 'Who is my neighbour' within our current RE learning journey 'Dialogue and Encounter'. Children worked collaboratively to create their own art work depicting their neighbours in a range of creative ways, using different media. 

Painting and Mixed Media in Reception

Children in Reception have chose their favourite colour to finger paint with. They then experimented mixing their colours. They also mixed mud with water to create a masterpiece and then listened to a piece of music and painted to the rhythm of the music.

They then used a mix of media to make their own collage and created their own transient art using loose parts. 

Using a paper plate, children recreate their own designs of Clarice Cliffs ‘Circle Tree’ plate, using bright colours to paint circles and finishing by using black paint to createna tree design.

Year 1: Exploring colour mixing

Mixing two primary colours to create different shades of a secondary colour and using these in a decorative painting.

Year 1: Painting with colour

Children put their understanding of colour mixing into practice to recreate their own versions of the artwork '0-9' by artists Jasper Johns.

Art- Sculpture and mega materials

Year 4 have used complex carving strategies to created soap carvings. They used a variety of tools to create shapes and patterns for their sculpture. 

Year 4 - Sculpture and mega materials

Year 4 have developed ideas for 3D work through drawing and visualisation in 2D. They created their artwork on a large scale using chalks that was inspired by Magdalene Odundo. 

Y2: Art, sculpture

Year 2 were very proud of their final designs, the researched and designed clay tiles. They then used clay to create them and add patterns using a range of manipulatives, well done. 

Y3-Drawing:Growing artists

Here is some of Year 3’s art work and final pieces, for our summer 1 topic. 

Year 1: Colour Splash

Children were colour detectives and found out what other colours they can make using the three primary colours.

In year 2, children have been getting better at using impressing and joining techniques to decorate a clay tile. 

Y3-Drawing:Growing artists

Children were getting better at shaping a pinch pot and joining clay shapes as decoration. They learnt how to use slip, wet clay and smooth their pots. 

Year 2 enjoyed exploring clay, they used a range of tools and techniques to create patterns and shapes. It was fantastic to see some children creating some sides for their houses and discussing how to mould the clay together. 

Y3-Drawing: Growing artists

In year 3, we have been using A frottage technique to apply pressure and create texture using charcoal on different surfaces. After the children have torn and cut this into pieces to form a plant, flower, or tree on a piece of black card.

Year 1: Easter Cards: Printing with Everyday Objects

Year 1 enjoyed using everyday objects to print. They created some beautiful Easter Cards to share with family and friends.

Year 1: Mother's Day Cards

Year 1 used handmade paper to paint beautiful flowers for their mums.

Y2 Mother's Day Cards: Glue Batik

The children in Year 2 enjoyed creating their Mother's day cards and learning the new skill of Glue Batik creating a repeating pattern of flowers. 

Y3-Mother’s day cards

In year 3 we have been using printing skills to create flowers and using paint for our background.

Year 1: Sculpture: Giant Spider

In this lesson, the class worked together to recreate Louise Bourgeois' 'Maman' spider sculpture (1999). The children created the legs and body of the spider. They used sponges and brushes for painting large areas to decorate the class sculpture.

Year 2: Peer Critique: Painting and mixed media: Life in Colour

Year 6 - Painting and Mixed Media

Year 6 analysed a famous painting, explored how artists can tell a story through art and then creating their own artwork that told a story - children chose the media they preferred to use.

Y3-3D sculpture: abstract shape and space

The children have been getting better at evaluating and improving an artwork, compare two sculptor’s work. The children have been choosing how to add texture and colour to the surfaces of their sculpture.

Y3-3D sculpture: abstract shape and space

The children have been applying knowledge of sculpture when working in 3D, by following their sketchbook plan. The children have been making choices about how to join materials, and adapt their ideas if things do not go to plan.

Y3-3D sculpture and space

In Year 3, the children ah e been developing their ideas for 3D art work. They have been looking at positive and negative space by identifying shapes and background space, and have been working in partners to use drawings to plan a sculpture.

Y3-3D sculpture and shape

In Y3, the children have been joining materials in different ways when working in 3D. The children have planned and created abstract models as a small group, and developed problem solving skills with larger scale models.

Year 1: Sculpture: Tree of Life

The children used the paper techniques from the previous lessons to create their own Tree of Life.

Year 2 Painting and mixed media: life in colour

In this lesson the children in Year 2 were using paint to explore texture and pattern, they used a range of materials to create different textures and enhanced their designs using paint. 

Year 4 - Mixed media painting: light and dark

Year 4 used the knowledge they had gained last lesson in tinting and shading, to paint an object. The children used tint and shade to create a three dimensional appearance.

Year 2: Painting and mixed media

Today the children were getting better at knowing how texture can be created with paint. The children enjoyed experimenting with different textures and using their newly acquired knowledge of primary and secondary colours. 

Y3-Sculptures and 3D shapes

In Y3 we have been looking at experimenting with cardboard to create 3D shapes from 2D shapes. Y3 enjoyed cutting the cardboard out to create sculptures and different structures. Y3 have used glue sticks to aid them with rolling the cardboard, folding to create zigzags, and cutting slits into the card to figure the best methods of attaching the pieces together. This helped to stabilise their sculpture, into a three dimensional shape, without using glue.

Year 1 - Christmas Card Skill

For our Christmas cards, year 1 explored the skill of weaving. We used sliver and white paper and added a flame to make a beautiful candle. We hope all our grownups loved them as much as we do.

Artwork in Nursery takes many forms. To get us ready for drawing we do large arm movements which help build our muscles so we can over time control smaller equipment much more easily. We use lots of different media - water, felt tips, crayons, chalk and paint. We create collages and pictures using a variety of resources. Art is fun. It is linked to our topics and helps us develop both gross and fine motor control.

FS2 Art - Marvellous Marks

Children made marks with wax crayons and explored textures in the classroom environment using wax rubbings. They also used felt tips to develop fine motor skills whilst making patterns. Children then made marks in our outdoor provision using chalk.

Our Amazing Art Gallery at Holy Family

To celebrate the end of our Art and Design topics, each class prepared an exhibit of their work to show at an art gallery opening. The children enjoyed taking part in their learning journeys exploring artists, developing new skills and creating final pieces that were shown to parents and carers at our very own art gallery at Holy Family. 

Take a look at our special event...


Each class has their own stall...

Parents and carers were invited to see the exhibit...

Year 4 worked collaboratively to plan a Roman shield design. They then worked together to print their design using different printing techniques. 

Year 4- Drawing power prints

Year 4 have created their own compositions. The children have used wax resist to create shading using pattern and contrast. 

Year 5- Drawing

The children in year 5 had a wonderful time creating their final pieces of art using all the skills they have learnt throughout their topic- I Need Space. The artwork will take pride of place on our stall at our upcoming art gallery.

Year 2- Drawing: Tell a Story (Final Piece)

Year 2 Drawing: Tell a Story (Final Piece) 

Year 2 have created some fantastic masterpieces. They created their own concertina story book and created the two main characters in the story, linking to our literacy journey. 

They all really focused on outlines, tone and choice of material to finish and then discussed their final pieces together. 

Year 6- Drawing

Year 6 have really enjoyed their art topic; Drawing - Making my Voice Heard. In this unit children exploring different drawing techniques, looked at how symbolism can be conveyed in art, the technique of Chiaroscuro and applied this to our topic and their own design..

Year 2- Drawing: Tell a Story

Art- Drawing: Tell a Story 

Year 2 have immersed themselves in our first art unit. They have experimented with tone and texture to create their own concertina story book, retelling the story of 'The Pea and the Princess'. The children enjoyed using real life props to add inspiration to their own masterpieces. 

In Y3 we have been exploring and recreating prehistoric art and mixing media.

Year 5- Drawing

The children in year 5 have created their own collograph prints and used these to print backgrounds ready to create their final pieces of art.

Y3 prehistoric painting

In Y3- Children have been creating their own paint pallets, mixing flour and spices, flower and mud. Children have created earthy tones to resemble a prehistoric setting. They used differed textures and tones such as sand and rice, to create their own rock background.

Year 6- Drawing

Year 6 children really enjoyed their Art lesson on Chiaroscuro; adding dark and light tones to create 3D form...

Archive Academic Year 2022/2023

Let's Celebrate

To celebrate the wonderful work that the children have created this year, we have displayed their artwork along our corridors for all to see.

Year 2- CAFOD RE, Art

Year 2 CAFOD RE 


In Year 2 we enjoyed exploring our CAFOD topic- Treasures. We used a range of materials to express what treasures we have and how we are God's treasure and how we look after Earth. 

Year 6 - Sculpture


Year 6 studied the famous artist, Mary E Rodgers. Children looked at her various designs for sculptures around the world. Inspired by these, children designed their own and transferred these onto clay by making clay pots....

Year 6 - Painting


Year 6 researched the famous artist Henry Moore and even visited Doncaster Museum to see the artwork the children would be replicating! Children combined drawing and painting into mixed media artwork focusing on Henry Moore's war art....

Year 6 Drawing


Year 6 improving their drawing skills and created a design relating to our Ancient Egypt topic; the children then transferred their design onto clay...

Year Two Art

EYFS - Sky Arts Week - Identity - 2D and 3D Mark Making

Children in EYFS explored 2D and 3D mark making. They took inspiration from videos and pictures to complete their 'Identity' challenge.

Year 1-Sky Arts Week- Exploring Dance and Movement

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The children explored dance through making shapes. They made circles with their bodies and squares with their arms to the rhythm of the music and created a dance!

Sky Arts Year Two 

Year Two enjoyed taking part in celebrating Sky Arts by focusing on 'Movement'. The children explored identity, culture and different emotions. They created different moves and followed instructions, creating fabulous expressive dances! Well done Year Two. 

Art Club- Summer Term

Take a look at some of the amazing work the children in art club have been creating using paper to construct 3D sunflowers.

Year 1- Observational Drawings- L.S Lowry

Year 1 have explored the artist L.S Lowry, we researched the artist to find out information and facts about himself and his famous artwork. We then explored and experimented with different materials such as graphite, chalk, coloured pencils and oil pastels. We then went outside in the sunshine and sat across from the school. We discussed the building and structure of the school and then began drawing what we could see! Paying close attention to detail and size. 

Year 1- Holy Spirit creations for the RE Display!

Year 1- Holy Spirit creations

Year 1- Holy Spirit creations

Year 1 worked really hard to create their own representations of the Holy Spirit. We used water colours to mix and create a fire look by blending the colours together. We used the colours, red, yellow and orange to blend together to create 'fire' and added an image of a Dove in the centre to show the Holy Spirit. 

Art Club- Spring Term

The children in art club experimenting with clay to create their own portrait in the style of the artist Paul Klee.

Painting our creations using a range of natural colours made by colour mixing.

Year 3 - Artist Visit

Year 6 - Collage Easter Cards

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Year 5 Easter Cards

The children in year 5 used collage to create beautiful Easter cards inspired by the special time of year. 

FS2 Easter Cards

FS2 children enjoyed handling and manipulating chalk. They made marks and rubbed the chalk to make repeating patterns when making their Easter Cards.

Year 1- Easter cards- Collage

Year 1 have used the skill of collage to create beautiful Easter cards. 

Week 4 of Art Club- Let's Get Creative!

Week 4- Let’s Get Creative!

For the last week of art club, the children used a mixture of pattern and colour blending to create ‘Zentangle’ leaves. This activity can help children develop their creativity and can have a positive impact on their wellbeing.

Week 3 of Art Club- Mark-making

Week 3- Mark-making

The children explored alternative mark-making to compose ‘crazy hair’ portraits using paint blowing. The children chose to use their photo in black and white to contrast with the bright colours of their hair.

Week 2 of Art Club- Weaving

Week 2- Weaving

The children enjoyed learning how to weave, making decorative bowls from wool. Take a look at their fantastic creations!

Week 1 of Art Club- Colour

Week 1- Colour

The children in art club enjoyed exploring primary and secondary colours creating amazing colour wheel ‘eyes’ that show off their colour mixing skills.

World Book Day 2023

The children throughout school have been creating wonderful pieces of artwork representing their favourite books, characters and authors to show their love of reading on World Book Day.

Take a look at their amazing work!

Art and Design- Painting

The children explored painting this half term by taking part in a study of the artist William Turner, where they learnt all about his life and works. They then practiced using tint and tone to create different depths of colour which they could then apply to their final pieces. Take a look below at the beautiful artwork the children created.

Artists in Year Two- Spring Term... 'To design a maquette which represents Planet Earth!'

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Our learning journey in Art during Spring 1.

Artists in Reception

Together we became artists, inspired by Picasso, to create portraits. We looked at all the portraits Picasso had painted, decided on our favourite and used shapes and expressions to create our very own master pieces aswell as remembering all our previously learnt techniques when using paint brushes and paint.

Year 1- Sculpture 'Antony Gormley'

Year 1's art focus during Spring 1 was 'sculpture' looking at the artist 'Antony Gormley'. We explored the artist's work looking at 3D sculptures. We then designed our own 3D sculptures linking to our topic 'Travel and Transport' choosing to make sculptures of aeroplanes, cars, bikes and rockets by sketching our ideas in our sketchbooks. We explored modelling clay, using water to help mould the clay in to place and tools to score, cut and carve the clay. We then painted the clay using appropriate colours for our transport sculpture. 

Y2- Spring 1 Focus: To create a maquette to represent Planet Earth

FS2 Being Imaginative and Expressive

Children were given dinosaur skeletons and were encouraged to think about and discuss what they wanted to do with them. Children looked and them and together generated ideas. They decided they wanted to draw them. One child suggested they draw around the skeletons to make it look the same size and another child said to add detail. These comments inspired other children to do so.

Year 5- Illuminated Letters

The children have explored illuminated letters and how they have been used throughout history in texts. They enjoyed creating their own to adorn an extract of our class text- Beowulf. Take a look at some of their amazing work!

Year 4 sculpture work

Year Four have created sculptures of Roman soldiers using wire and modroc. They have carefully considered the stance of their sculpture so that they can convey an action. 

This term we have discussed the artist Jackson Pollock. We looked at images of him and his work for inspiration. We liked the that Jackson Pollock used lots of different items to paint with not just a paint brush, as our topic is all about autumn, we decided to use conkers to produce our art work.

Children were asked to place a piece of paper in a shallow cardboard box and dip conkers into autumnal colours. They then rolled the conkers around in various directions to create action paintings reminiscent of Jackson Pollock’s work. 

Year 1 - Observational Drawings

Y2- painting in the style of Sarah Shiundu

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We have been studying art by Sarah Shiundu and we have created our own artwork inspired by her. We have used oil pastels to create a blended gradient, painted figures and used fabric to create and effect.

Year 5 Creative RE

Year 5 used the media of pastels to produce some wonderful artwork which represents Our Blessed Mother, Mary.

Year 4 - Painting

In Year 4, the children have started their painting topic. The Art produced is based around our current topic which is the Maya Civilization and our Book Talk book: Middleworld. The children started by making a mood board of different designs for a Maya mask. The children then annotated these to show what features each photograph had. The children then explored mix media by using oil pastels, pens, felt tips and colouring pencils and said which ones they liked and which ones they did not like. They also decided on what colours they would use for their art piece. In groups, some children created a Maya mask design for our immersive classroom. The children worked as a team - one person drew the design onto cardboard and then the children worked as a team to choose the different colours for their mask. Some children used paint, whilst others used oil pastel. 

In Nursery we have been learning about Kandinsky, and even made our own Kandinsky circles.

Year 5- Sculpture

The children are learning about sculpture this half term and have enjoyed exploring different architecture and patterns from Baghdad and the Middle East. We can't wait to design and build our very own sculptures in this style!

Year 6- Henry Moore

Year 6's artwork was inspired by Henry Moore. We focused on including perspective in our artwork to add depth (for objects to look further away). The children have started to experiment in their sketchbooks and are beginning to develop their ideas. 

Holy Family Art Gallery

Year 5 loved experimenting with tint, tone and shade

Year 5 have studied work by Joseph Wright and Clarkson Frederick Stanfield. We have used water colours to create different colours using tinting, toning and shading. We are very excited to build on our knowledge of how to use water colours to create volcanic paintings. 

Children used different materials to dab coloured paint to create their own firework art during Chinese New Year.

Year Two Sculpture

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Year Two explored how 2D can become 3D by designing through making. First we cut simple shapes from card and used them to construct architectural forms. Then we used those shapes to create abstract elements to represent the ocean or grass. Here are our final creations. Year Two made a maquette to represent planet Earth. We loved showing our creativity and imagination through our sculptures!

Nature Art in Reception

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Reception children really enjoyed including nature in their art work. The children looked for lots of leaves and berries to create their masterpieces.

Mud Painting in Reception.

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Mud painting on a large scale. The children mixed up mud paint onto their paint brushes and became Artists. The activity provided the children with lots of different skills from strengthening shoulders and elbows to developing hand eye coordination.

Reception - Community

Reception have been reflecting on different communities through their art work.

Year 2 - The Feast of the Epiphany

Year 2 have been reflecting on the Feast of the Epiphany through their art work. 

Year 4 Religious Art

Year 4 used their collage skills to create these amazing religious Christmas cards. They tore music scores and glued them on the front and then tore patterned paper to create the stable.

Year 4 Mosaics

Year 4 created Roman mosaics using different coloured card. They used scissors to cut the tiny mosaic pieces to create a fruit bowl, a jug and a fish.

Year 4 Roman Busts

Year 4 researched Roman busts and analysed them in their sketchbooks. They planned their artwork and then used foil and clay to create their final pieces.

Reception using paint in the style of Jackson Pollock. They enjoyed action painting, moving very quickly across the painting, dribbling the paint in long, wobbly lines.

Reception were so proud of their art work they used it to create their 2022 calendars

EYFS have been inspired by the Artist Jackson Pollock.

Reception children experimented with colour mixing and tinting.

Reception children enjoying using their hands and feet to experiment with paint.

Year 4 Clay Artwork

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Year 4 have created these amazing clay sculptures of Julius Caesar. They were inspired by a famous sculptor - Andrea Ferruci and have used tools and foil to create detailed models.

Yerar 6 Creative Remote Learning

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Year 6 were very creative during remote learning and used their art skills to produce David Hockney inspired landscapes, focusing on colour and patten. They also used the the different art pencils to produce detailed sketches of key UK landscapes, linking to our 'United Kingdom' topic.