
Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

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PE at Holy Family aims to develop the knowledge, skills and capabilities necessary for mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing in our children now and their future. Physical fitness is a key part of leading a healthier lifestyle and our bespoke curriculum ensures every child has the opportunity to have an outstanding experience in PE. Our curriculum teaches self-discipline and that to be successful in life you must work hard, show resilience and have the determination to believe that anything can be achieved. We want to teach children how to independently cooperate and collaborate with others, as part of a team and as a leader, understanding fairness and competitiveness of play to embed life-long values. We ensure children reflect on their own, and others’, performance and use clear communication within PE lessons. Children are taught the importance exercise has on their physical and mental health which motivates them to exercise beyond their Primary years.

School Games Mark Gold during 2021-2022 for the school's efforts in engaging children in Physical Education during Covid

Catholic Cup!

Representatives from Years 5 and 6 competed in the annual Catholic Cup! Both teams did brilliant and represented the school with pride - the girls even progressed right through to the semi-finals!


Today in PE, year three have been getting better at developing their throwing accuracy.

Year 3 were delighted to take part in sports day, alongside the rest of Holy Family. The children were excited to partake in a series of races and cheer each other along. It was wonderful to welcome the children’s Family and grownups to celebrate sports day!

The children loved getting competitive infront of their grownups.

Amazing effort from everyone!

Year 1: Scotty's Inflatable

The children had so much fun on Scotty's inflatable. The children used lots of skills from their lessons with Scotty to really make the most of this challenge.

The children in Year 2 enjoyed Sport's day, they worked well together and cheered each other on, well done. 

Children in Year 2 enjoyed their time on Scotty's inflatable. They were able to use all of the skills they have learnt in Scotty's heroes and apply them; showing resilience, determination and team work. 


The children continued to prepare for Sport's day. They practised lots of races and followed instructions.

Year 1: Athletics

In this lesson, the children were preparing for Sport's day. They were developing their throwing, catching, running and jumping skills. 


In PE, year 3 have been practicing their relay race skills by including different forms of travelling, using various body parts. The children have enjoyed preparing for sports day.

Year 1: PE showcase

Year 1 enjoyed showcasing their gymnastics learning to their grownups. They enjoyed creating routines for our Seaside geography theme.

In Year 2, children were delighted to showcase some of their PE learning. They demonstrated a warm up and then completed an Athletics circuit and then concluded with a gentle warm down. It was lovely to see so many parents/grandparents attending the showcase!

Y2- Athletics

In this lesson, children in Year 2 were preparing for Sport's day. They were developing their throwing, catching, running and jumping skills. 

In our PE showcase, year 3 were absolutely fantastic. The children performed a new set of skills and gymnastics balances to their grownups. The children showcased a series of challenging travelling movements, sequenced with a balance. The children also began performing these balances on a bench to challenge their strength and stability. The children understood the key elements needed to be able to hold their balance for a total of 3 seconds. Year 3 throughly enjoyed their showcase, and were delighted to demonstrate their talents to the teachers and parents.

The children in year 5 were delighted to show parents and carers what they experience in PE lessons during a super showcase, displaying their hockey skills. After working through a warm up, they went on to show their skills dribbling with a ball and stick. It was wonderful to see so many parents coming to see the children working so hard.


Y3 Athletics

Today in year 3, children were getting prepared for sports day by developing their skills with passing the batons, and balancing beanbags with speed.

In year 3, they have been getting better at developing the changeover technique in relay events.


In year 3, the children have been working on getting better at developing their sprinting technique and improving on their personal best.

Year 5- Athletics

The children in year 5 have enjoyed practising their athletic skills in the first PE lessons of this half term.

Active Fusion- Sports Leader Session

The children in year 5 took part in a sports leadership session led by Active Fusion and School Games. They started with a warm up and then took part in team tasks to develop their communication skills. The children then planned their own team activities which they led with the class, ready for being sports leaders in Year 6.

Year 2: Athletics

In this lesson, year 2 explored a range of throwing techniques. 

Year 1: Athletics

Year 1 have been competing in different events and practising these skills ready for sports day.

Year 2: Athletics

In Year 2, the children worked on developing the correct javelin technique.

Year 1: Net and Wall

Children developed sending a ball using a racket and how to hit over a net.

Year 1: Fitness

Year 1 have been developing their upper body strength. Look at their impressive strength!

In PE, the children have developed overarm and underarm throwing and applied these to a cricket game. They have also developed batting techniques and understood where to hit the ball.

Year 4 In PE, children have developed their knowledge and skills in tennis. They have developed racket and ball control using bean bags and tennis balls. They have also developed forehand and backhand techniques and knowledge of when to use each one. 

In Year 4, the children have focused on fitness. The children have been taught exercises that will build their strength and stamina. 

Year 5- Scotty's Heroes

The children in year 5 were focusing on fitness in this weeks session, developing their upper body strength. 

Y3-Scotties Hero’s

In this session of PE, children have made improvements on their upper body strength and range of skill set by using apparatus and fitness techniques.

Y3-Scotties Heros

Today in PE, the children were developing their fitness and agility skills by completing a cross training style circuit.

Y2: Net and Wall

In Year 2, the children have been getting better at achieving a successful rally with a partner. 

Year 1: Fitness

Today in PE, the children developed their fitness and agility skills by completing a circuit.

Year 1: Net and Wall

Year 1 have been learning to track balls and other equipment sent to me.

In year 3, the children have been getting better at knowing how to score and use simple rules in tennis.

Y3-Scotties Heros

in PE, children in year 3 have been developing their fitness and team building skills, by working together in mixed groups. Children have developed trust, partnership and encouragement skills.

In year 1, the children have been getting better at developing all the areas of their fitness.

Year 1: Net and Wall

Year 1 have been using a ready position to move to the ball.

Year 2 enjoyed developing their racket skills and rallying with a partner.

Year 1 enjoyed testing their upper body strength on the ropes with Scotty.

Y3-Scotties hero’s

Today in PE children have been working on developing their fitness skills using various activities and apparatus.

Year 1: Net and Wall

Year 1 have been developing tracking balls and other equipment sent to them and using a ready position to move to the ball.

PE in Reception

In Reception, children have been improving their ball skills.

Today the children in year 3 have been getting better at knowing how to score and use simple rules in tennis.

Year 1: Fitness

In year 1, the children have been working on agility and fitness skills. 

Y3-Scotties Hero’s

Today in year 3, the children have been getting better at developing all the areas of their fitness. For example, their strength, agility, flexibility, speed and power.

Year 2- Net and wall

The children in Year 2 enjoyed working on playing against a partner in their PE lesson, applying previously learnt strategies. 

Year 1: Net and Wall

Year 1 have being learning how to track balls and other equipment sent to them.

PE in Reception

Children in Reception have been getting better at their throwing technique, under and over arm.

In year 3, the children have been getting better at exploring returning the ball using a forehand shot.

FS2 - Ultimate Frisbee

Children in Reception had a great time at their Ultimate Frisbee session, learning and applying lots of different skills.

Year 2 really enjoyed their Ultimate Frisbee session. They learnt how to hold a frisbee correctly in order to control the direction they wanted it to go, participated in team games and scored lots of points! Well done Year 2 

Y3 especially enjoyed taking part in their ultimate frisbee session, where they were involved in point scoring through different games, warm ups and skill practice. 

Year 5- Ultimate Frisbee

Year 5 were lucky enough to take part in an Ultimate Frisbee session learning how to throw a Frisbee, earning hundreds of points for their teams. The children had lots of fun taking part in challenges of ever-increasing difficulty and working together as teams.

Year 1: Fitness

Children developed their fitness skills and completed timed trials.

Y3-Scotties Hero’s

In year 3, the children have been working on team, agility and fitness skills. To do this, the children worked through different activities, and a planning sheet, to record performance.

Year 1: Net and Wall

 The children learnt how to throw a ball so that it lands onto a target and into the court area.

In this lesson Year 2 were developing skills on how to return a ball with their hands. 

In tennis, the children have been getting better at building on their racket and ball control skills, and developing their rally skills using their forehand. Here the children are practicing agility in a cool down.

Year 2: Net and Wall

In this lesson the children in Year 2 were getting better at understanding the ready position for defending space on court. 

Year 1: Fitness

Year 1 loved exploring the equipment and developing their upper body strength and control again this week. The Year 6 students helped Year 1 safely use the equipment.

Y3-Scotties Hero’s

This week the children have been building on last weeks skills by introducing new equipment and safety rules. The children in year 3 have continued developing their strength and balance skills.


In Cricket, children in Y3 have been playing different roles in a game and thinking tactically about the roles.

Netball tournament with Y 4,5,6

Girls from Year 4,5,6 enjoyed participating in a Netball festival at Trinity school. The children enjoyed learning new skills such as footwork, passing, defending and shooting. The girls were able to showcase their new knowledge into several netball matches. Year 4,5 and 6 girls produced a fantastic effort in participating in this event with School Games.

Year 1: Fitness and Strength

Year 1 loved exploring the equipment and developing their upper body strength and control.


Y3-Scotties Hero’s

In PE the children have been working on their climbing skills and upper body strength.

Year 1: Striking and Fielding

Year 1 have been developing hitting a ball.

Year 2- Striking and Fielding

Year 2 are developing their hitting skills particularly hitting for distance. 

Year 3-Cricket

In cricket, year 3 have been getting better at developing their batting technique and understanding where to hit the ball.

Year 1: Striking and Fielding

The children developed under and overarm throws. They played games to consolidate these skills.

Y2- Striking and Fielding

In this lesson Year 2 focused on their striking and fielding in a competitive game. 


In year 3, the children have been getting better at developing their bowling technique and learning the rules of the skill within the game.

Year 6- Rounders

In PE this week, Year 6 learnt to develop bowling technique under pressure whilst abiding by the rules of the game

Year 1: Fitness

Year 1 have been working on balance and agility. They worked hard on each activity and skill.

In year 3 the children have been working on developing their fitness skills by performing different skills.

Year 1: Striking and Fielding

In this lesson, the children have been working on control and overarm throwing and catching techniques.

Year 2: Striking and Fielding

The children in Year 2 enjoyed striking and fielding in, practicing throwing and catching a ball. 

Year 3-Cricket

In PE, year 3 children have been getting better at developing an underarm throw and applying this to a striking and fielding game.

Year 3-Fitness

In year 3, the children have been working on developing their strength and fitness with relay races, and movements such as burpees.

Year 1: Striking and Fielding

In this lesson, the children developed underarm throwing and catching skills.

Year 4 have taken part in a fitness circuit this week. They have worked on squats, sprints, sit ups and press ups. The children also learned how to stretch after exercise and the importance of this. 

Year 1: Fitness

In this lesson, the children have been working on developing their stamina and practising fitness activities.

In PE Year 3 enjoyed playing a game of laser tag. Through this game the children were able to incorporate all the skills they had been practicing and learning through this term. They used their agility to move between other teams and score points. 

PE in Reception

Reception children enjoyed exploring actions in response to a theme.

In Year 3, the children have been getting better at developing their stamina

Year 6 - Gymnastics

Year 6 created a sequence involving elements learnt from previous weeks

Nursery - Copying and Repeating Actions

Nursery enjoyed copying and repeating actions. The children showed confidence and imagination.

Year 2: Gymnastics

In this lesson, children in Year 2 were developing travelling actions and balances using apparatus. 

FS2 - PE - Creating Movement

FS2 really enjoyed creating simple dance patterns and adapting and performing them.

Athletics competition at Trinity High School

A group of Year 5 and 6 children took part in an inter-school Athletics competition at Trinity High School; children competed in a variety of track and field events and thoroughly enjoyed the experience!

Year 1 - Fitness with Scotty

The children needed to listen carefully to complete the fitness task in this session.


In PE, Y3 have been developing their circuit training methods to increase their fitness abilities.

Year 1: Fitness

 Year 1 have been exploring finding safe spaces. They have been getting better at working on agility, using movements and direction. They have been developing their listening and teamwork skill.

In PE, Y3 have been getting better at working on agility, using movements and direction through cones.

Year 2: Gymnastics

During this lesson, the children in Year 2 were getting better at linking travelling actions and balances. 


In Y3, children have been working on jumping and landing skills, team games, and strategy skills to develop their fitness.

Year 1: fitness

The children developed their agility and co-ordination during a range of activities.

Today in Y3 PE,  children have been getting better at developing strength using their own body weight.

FS2 - PE - Body Parts

This week in PE, Reception children have been exploring different body parts and how they move. They have also had to remember and repeat actions.

Year 1: Fitness

In this fitness session, the children discussed how exercise helps their brain. The children completed shuttle runs and relay races.

Year 2- Gymnastics

In this lesson the children in Year 2 were getting better at using shapes to create balances.

Year 6 - Gymnastics

Year 6 worked well in gymnastics this week focusing on developing counter balance and counter tension

Year 1 - Scotty's heroes

In year 1, the children explored an obstacle course and needed to carefully listen to instructions to complete each part.

Scotty's Heroes

Year 4 have completed an obstacle course focusing on the following skills: fitness, balance, coordination, and agility.

Year 4 - Gymnastics

In PE, Year 4 have developed control in performing and landing rotation jumps.  

Year 4 - Gymnastics

In PE, Year 4 have  developed individual and partner balances.

Year 5- Fitness

The children in year 5 developed their speed and stamina playing team games.

Year 1 - Fitness

In year 1, the children have been exploring fitness and how exercise changes our breathing.

Year 5- Fitness

In PE, year 5 have been developing and awareness of what their body is able to do by taking part in fitness activities and challenges. 

Today in Y3, the children have been completing obstacle courses to work on their fitness, balance, coordination, and agility.


In PE Y3 have been working on developing their speed and strength.

Year Two- Gymnastics

In this lesson Year 2 were getting better at performing gymnastic shapes with control and linking them together. 

Nursery PE

Nursery have been exploring body parts and how they move.

Year 2- Scotty's Heroes

Children in Year 2 enjoyed testing their athletic and teamwork skills during their fitness course this week! 

Year 1 - Fitness

We have been working on circuit training, where they have been looking at power, control, and speed.

PE in Reception

Reception have been getting better at identifying body parts and learning all about how they move.

In PE Y3 have been working on circuit training, where they have been looking at power, control, and speed.

Year 1 - Fitness

Year 1 have been exploring space and working on co-ordination.

Year 6 - Gymnastics

Year 6 were learning to develop the straddle, pencil and tuck roll this week in PE

Year 5/6 Football tournament

Year 5/6 boys represented the school extremely well in the Doncaster Schools inter-school football tournament where they narrowly missed out on the semi-finals

Year 6 - Fitness

Year 6 enjoyed pushing themselves in a body weight circuit that focused on strength

Year 6 - Fitness

Year 6 enjoyed using their own body weight to improve their strength!

In PE year 3 have been using their social skills to participate in team building skills, and fitness.

Y3-Football and Basketball

Today Y3 have been perfecting their football and basketball skills, and incorporating their existing skills into a game.

Year 1 - Dance

The children are exploring dance by copying, remembering and repeating actions that represent a theme.

In PE, Y3 have been using choreography ideas to help develop their dance.

Year 3-Fitness

Y3 have been developing their fitness skills and testing different circuits to find out which one raised their pulse more. They used strength and conditioning ,as well as cardiovascular exercises.

Year 1 - fitness

The children have been exploring different fitness activities and skills and competing in groups.

Inter-School Basketball Tournament

Year 4 have attended an inter-school basketball tournament. They performed well and showed great sportsmanship. Great work Year 4!

In Dance, Y3 have been remembering, repeating, and creating actions to show a theme (Winter wonderland).

Y2 Scotty's Heroes: This weeks focus was balance, movement and control, holding different positions.

Year 1 Gymnastics

In year 1, we are balancing and holding. 

In PE Y3 have been working on balance and coordination. They have enjoyed creating balances that require strength and balance as well as creativity.

Nursery were balancing an object on their body. It then got trickier as they balanced on one leg!

Year 5- Scotty's Heroes

Year 5 have been developing their teamwork tactics during a fun game of handball.

Year 2- Scotty's Heroes: 'Today we are getting better at developing teamwork skills in a ball game setting'

In PE and Scotties Hero’s this week, Y3 have been developing their hand ball skills and communication skills. Y3 started today’s session off with a warm and relay races.

Year 1 - Dance

We are creating our own dance actions, pathways and counts. 

In Y3’s second dance lesson they have been getting better at creating actions to move in contact with a partner. They have been practicing their ‘machine’ like movements to demonstrate unison.

Year 6 - Fitness

This week, Year 6 focused on developing speed and stamina through interval training and core exercises

Year 4 have tested out their speed, strength, agility and balance through different activities. The children have shown:

  • Speed through sprinting on the spot with high knees.
  • Strength through controlled squats.
  • Agility through sitting on the floor and standing up as quickly as possible.
  • Balance through standing on their tip toes.

The children have applied these different skills in shuttle runs, stork stands, chest throws and beanbag flicks.

Year 2

Year 2 Scotty's Heroes 

In this lesson Year 2 are focusing on developing team work and communication skills. The children are working on listening well to one another and striving for a team win!

In this lesson Year 1 are developing being active and participating in group/team work.


In PE Y3 have been using their warm activities to get ready for their lesson. They have practiced team work, through a game of handball.

Year 6 - Fitness Unit


Year 6 developed an awareness of what their body was able to do through various strenuous exercises including long distance running and even press ups! 

Year 5- Dance

The children enjoyed creating a dance using a random structure and performing the actions showing quality and control. It was wonderful seeing everyone's performances and sharing our work.

Reception - PE - Ball Skills

Children in Reception enjoyed rolling tennis balls with control.

Today in PE, year 3 have been creating actions in response to a stimulus and move in unison with a partner.

Nursery used a tennis ball today, rolling it towards a target.

Nursery used equipment safely and responsibly today passing a beanbag around different parts of their body.

Nursery PE

Nursery practised moving in and out of the spaces safely. They followed instructions to move in different ways as they played the game 'Traffic Lights'.

Nursery PE

Nursery practised staying in a space in their first PE lesson.

Year 5- Game On!

The children were eager to take part in a small sided game of hockey to celebrate the end of their PE topic and show off what they have learnt. It was wonderful to see their competitive sides come out and the amazing team work they displayed.

Year 4 - Basketball

In Year 4, we have used the skills and knowledge taught and applied this to a competitive game of basketball. 

Year 4 -Basketball

Year 4 have developed an attacking skill- shooting. 

Year 4 have developed skills in protecting the ball when dribbling against an opponent and they have 

developed passing skills so that they keep possession of the ball. 

Year 4- Basketball

Year 4 have developed attacking skills through dribbling a basket ball. 

Year 1

In year 1, we are exploring throwing with accuracy towards a target.

In PE, children in Y3 have been summarising their topic of football, where they have continued to embed learnt skills. Y3 enjoyed finishing their lesson with a cool down game, to practice their coordination, through throwing and catching.

In year 1, we have been working on co-ordination and balance.

Y3 PE- The children have been getting better at balance, coordination, patterns, and developing their floor work

Year 5- Scotty's Heroes

The children took part in activities that built their resilience and developed their team building skills. They enjoyed taking part in tasks that tested their fitness and working together to complete a challenge.


'It was hard but I kept going.'

'I really liked it because it was all about endurance and determination and we all succeeded in the end.'

'It was fun working as a team.'

Pupil voice

Year 1 - To explore tracking a ball that is coming towards me.

In Y3, we have been applying our newly learnt skills, in a football match. 

In year 1, we have been working on following instructions and teamwork.

In year 1, we are exploring kicking with accuracy towards a target.

During this week's PE lesson, Year 6 used a variety of attacking skills to beat a defender and applied this into a game situation...

Y3-PE. Y3 have been developing their fitness with a cardiovascular focus, and listening to instructions. 


Y3-PE. We have been using their defending skills to delay an opponent and gain possession of the ball.

In this Year 1 PE session, we have been getting better at controlling and dribbling a football.

In Year 1 PE, we have been working on following instructions, teamwork and basic physical floor movements and patterns.

Year 2- Invasion Games (Lesson 4)

Y3-PE This week Y3 have been working on getting better at basic team skills and relay skills, with Scotties Heroes

Year 5- Let's Play!

The children in year 5 enjoyed their PE session this week, learning how to receive a ball under control. They were developing their teambuilding skills whilst playing hockey, passing the ball to their partner and their partner stopping the ball.

During this week's PE lesson, Year 6 children concentrated on the art of being a defensive unit in order to stop an attack from scoring...

In Y3, Children have been getting better at applying attacking skills to move forwards towards the goal.


Y3 PE-Y3 were working on team skills and developing ball skills, team skills, and defending skills.

Year 5- Controlling the ball

The children in year 5 were learning how to control and move the ball when using a hockey stick.

Year 6 are being put through their paces in Scotty's Heroes - Scott worked the children on their cardiovascular fitness and teamwork...

Year 6 - Tag Rugby

Year 6 children learned how to select the appropriate skill, when to run and when to pass 

Catholic Cup 2023

Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed sports day this year! They were extremely competitive but supportive of each other and cheered each other on all the way. I am extremely proud of the resilience they showed throughout the races. They also really enjoyed the inflatable, having fun and a laugh!

Year 4 have taken part in Sports Day 2023! They showed great sportsmanship throughout the afternoon, particularly when blue team won. The children also enjoyed playing on an inflatable assault course. 

Year Two Sports Day 2023 

Year Two thoroughly enjoyed Sports Day! I am so proud of each of them displaying fantastic effort and cheering one another on! Well done Team Year Two! 

We also enjoyed our Scotty's Heroes inflatable session...thank you to Year Two for challenging Miss Dyson on that! 

Well done 

Sky Arts in Year Two 

Year Two enjoyed taking part in celebrating Sky Arts by focusing on 'Movement'. The children explored identity, culture and different emotions. They created different moves and followed instructions, creating fabulous expressive dances! Well done Year Two. It was lovely to see the children making links between PE and Sky Arts- Movement. Miss Dyson enjoyed joining in too! 

Holy Family Achieve Gold

Active Fusion- Sports Session

The children have been taking part in sports sessions with staff from Active Fusion developing their team building, leadership and communication skills. Working in groups, they have been discussing how to work well as a team and how to encourage others to build their resilience when taking part in sports activities. Then, taking to the playground, the children were able to demonstrate their learning by taking part in activities led by members of the class.

Y3 - Scotties Heroes

Dodgeball Competition

Year 4 - Royal Opera House Ballet Workshop

Year 4 took part in a workshop from the ‘shaping Stainforth project. Ballerinas from the Royal Opera House taught the children a ballet routine where children built a ‘snowflake’ through movement.

FS2 Fundamental Moving Skills

FS2 children have enjoyed learnng fundamental moving skills. They have moved in different directions and at different speeds.

Year 1 have been learning lots of skills during their striking and fielding lessons in PE. They have learnt how to throw a ball under arm and over arm and how to catch a ball. They have then used those skills to become strikers, bowlers and fielders in a game. 

Year 1- Striking and Fielding

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Throwing and catching a ball!

Y3 - Fitness

Football Club 2022-2023

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Year 6 Camp night 2022

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Sports Day 2022

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Year 4 enjoying the Scotty's Heroes Inflatable on sports day!

For Sports Day the children were able to have a go on the inflatable that Scotty's Heroes had brought. They had lots of fun! 

Year 4 - Tennis and Scotty's Heroes

This half term in PE, Year 4  have been learning all the techniques of tennis and how to play tennis. Before the children play tennis they participate in a warm up. The children have also been taking part in Scotty's Heroes.

Y3 - Scotties Heroes

Reception children enjoying an intra school competition to raise money for The Good Shepherd.

FS1 children loved taking part in our intra-school sports day. We had so much fun practising our different fine and gross motor skills.

English Institute of Sport Come and Try Festival

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Y5/6 were presented with a great opportunity to visit the EIS to try sports they'd not normally try such as Kinball, Taekwondo, Karate, Cycling, rowing and many more amazing activities.

Y3 Fitness

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Pupils took part in a range of fitness challenges. They learnt about different components of fitness; speed, stamina, strength, coordination, balance and agility. Children were given opportunities to work at their maximum and improve their fitness levels. Y3 needed to persevere when they get tired or when they find a challenge hard and are encouraged to support others to do the same. Pupils were asked to recognise areas for improvement and suggest activities that they could do to do this.

Girls Football Festival

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As a school we have pledged to increase participation in girls football by 2024 and this festival was a step in the right direction as 20 girlsl from across KS2 attended the fun filled morning.

Year Two Scotty's Heroes

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For todays Scotty's Heroes session the children had to use their memory skills to gather information. They had to look at an enemy base that Scotty had made and work as a team to recreate the same base. They had to co-operate and communicate effectively and comprise and discuss their ideas as a team. The children with the green bibs on are the team leaders. Here are Year Two’s final enemy base designs. Did they complete their mission from Scotty successfully?

In Nursery we have been learning all about how to stay healthy! Children have really enjoyed using their gross motor skills to exercise in our "home gym". We have been practicing press ups, skipping, yoga, hula hooping and weight lifting.

Reception children enjoyed climbing 'The Trunk Trail' They used their whole body to become increasingly confident, agile and flexible. A great activity to develop gross motor skills.

Year 2 P.E- Parachute games

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As a reward for improved attendance, Year 2 had an exciting P.E lesson with the parachute. We warmed up our bodies and muscles first by playing banana tig. Then we played our first game with the parachute where the aim of the game was to stop the ball from going through the hole in the parachute. After that we made a multi-coloured dome by pulling the parachute over our heads and sitting on it. In our next game we had swap places with someone in the circle who had the same birthday month and then the first initial in their names. Our final game was cat and mouse. The cat had to crawl on top of the parachute to find the mouse who was crawling underneath the parachute. We had so much fun!

Y3 Football

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Pupils were encouraged to persevere when developing competencies in key skills and principles such as defending, attacking, sending, receiving and dribbling a ball. They started by playing uneven and then move onto even sided games. They learnt to work one on one and cooperatively within a team, showing respect for their teammates, opposition and referee. Pupils were given opportunities to select and apply tactics to outwit the opposition.

Children in Reception enjoying learning new skills.

Year 1- Pirate PE!

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In Year 1 we enjoyed making links with our Topic- Ahoy There and participating in PE too. WE were able to demonstrate lots of skills and learning during this lesson such a problem solving, exercise and working independently and collaboratively. Such a fun new experience enjoyed by all, even Miss Dyson needed help navigating some of the answers!

Year Two Fitness

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Year 2 were focusing on different skills during P.E. We practiced our agility skills by running and changing directions. We practiced balancing on one leg. We improved our strength by holding ourselves in the plank position. We used our co-ordination to throw and catch a ball against a wall. We had lots of fun being resilient and working independently and collaboratively as a team.

EFL Cup 2021

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