
Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

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Our Community and Partnerships

Advent Wreath Making Workshop

A huge thank you to all our families who attended our Advent Wreath Making Workshop to provide a wreath for all classes to use during the special season of Advent.



Year 5 and 6 were joined by Year 5 children from a local primary school to watch a NSPCC play. It was a fantastic performance with an important message about staying safe on online.


Remembrance Service 

Year 5 and 6 children attended a special remembrance service at Stainforth War Memorial with the Mayor of Stainforth. 


School Council Trip to Museum Opening

Member of the school council attended an event to welcome back the final piece of coal extracted from the Hatfield Main mine which is to be placed in the new Stainforth Museum within the library. The children learnt about the rich history of mining in the village and spoke to locals about their experiences. The children were thanked for their attendance, with organisers stating that their 'presence made the event truly memorable'.

Shaping Stainforth 

Members of our Year 6 class recently visited London as part of the 'Shaping Stainforth' project. The children had a guided tour of the Houses of Parliament and the House of Lords. They were also given an opportunity to meet their local MP and voice their opinions on different ways to improve the city of Doncaster. Both children were a credit to the school and were extremely appreciative of the opportunity to visit our capital city and see the opportunities which exist beyond their own town. 


Working with the Local Community- Shaping Stainforth

The children enjoyed a visit from representatives for 'Shaping Stainforth' to discuss their ideas for making improvements to Doncaster. They spoke about what they liked and disliked about Doncaster and what their dreams for the city would be.

All of the children's ideas will be taken to the council to represent their voice and be taken into consideration when improvements are made.

Parent Artist in EYFS

One of our parents very kindly offered to revamp a very tired looking container in the EYFS outdoor area and transformed it into a masterpiece. What an incredible artist. Thank you so very much Mr. Karl Lanaghan.

FS2 Parent Workshop - Getting Busy with Numicon - Session 2

This second maths session was all about matching Numicon shapes to numerals, combining, equivalence, pattern and generalising and using Numicon to add. All the children worked extremely hard and completed some really tuff challenges.  

During the first session of the Parent Maths Meeting, we covered the objects listed below.

Daily maths activities:

An introduction of a broad range of learning opportunities to develop fluency in counting and calculating across other areas of school life.

Introducing Numicon Shapes:

Introduction of Numicon shapes.

Naming the shapes by colour.

Matching Numicon shapes to a Numicon number line.

Using Numicon shapes and picture overlays.

Children joined our meeting and enjoyed learning alongside their parents and grandparents. Everyone fully engaged in singing, games and problem solving.

Session 2 to be held on 23rd January.

Phonics Parent Meeting (2) - Listening to your Child Read

During the second session of our parent meetings, adults were introduced to how their children are learning to read words by blending sounds together. They were also made aware of Fred Talk and how he can help children with their reading. Parents were also informed of how they can help their children read at home.

Stay and Play is a free stay & play preschool session for parent/carers to fetch their child/grandchild along and meet other parents. Light refreshments are included. Every Monday morning 9:15 – 10:15am.

Phonics Parent Meeting (1) - An Introduction to Phonics

Parents were introduced to how their children will learn to read using Read, Write Inc (RWI).

They were also informed who RWI is for, what will be taught and when and the reading books their children will bring home.

Fire Fighters came to the rescue of a stranded cat on top of a neighboring roof and stayed to share their experience and expertise with the children in EYFS.

What a treat is was! All the children enjoyed their stories and especially enjoyed sitting in the fire engine, watching the water gush out of their hose and listening to the sirens.

Thank you so much South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue, what an incredible team!

Parent Phonics Meeting

What a fantastic amount of parents attending our very first phonics session. Thank you so much to each and everyone of you, your support is very much appreciated.

The first session introduced parents to phonics, what it is and how we teach it in EYFS.

Keep an eye out on parent mail for the next one in the next half term.

New Parent Meeting for Children in Reception

Our Tree for Life

The Chaplaincy and Care for Creation teams have been raising money to buy a CAFOD World Gift to support those in need. Parents and children were asked to buy a leaf for our 'Tree of Life' and place their name upon it. The money raised has provided a family in need with five fruit trees to grow their own food.



'Feed the hungry and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out of the darkness.'

Isaiah 59:10

Welcome Back!


To celebrate the return to school, children and staff took part in a welcome mass led by Father Joseph.

Children offered symbols to represent their hopes and dreams for the coming year and asked God to help them achieve them.

It was wonderful to hear the whole school singing together and having parents join us for our special mass.

Easter Cards for our Parish Family

Year 4 have used their amazing printing skills to produce some beautiful Easter cards to share with our parish community on Easter Sunday. 

Visit to see the King and Queen Consort at Mansion House

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Harvest Donations

It was wonderful to see all the donations of food be taken to Stainforth Food Bank by members of the Care for Creation Team after our Harvest Mass. It was gratefully received by staff who work there, who will be able to spread the kindness of others to those in need and help others in our local community.

A Trip to Church!

The Chaplaincy Team enjoyed an afternoon trip to church to take all of the donations ready for the Harvest Mass.

Take a look at the generous offerings.

St Bernadette Relic Tour 2022

The children in year 5 and year 6 were honoured to take part in a once in a lifetime opportunity- to visit the relics of St Bernadette.

The children travelled to Doncaster on the bus and continued their Pilgrimage of Faith by visiting St Peter in Chains church where the relics had travelled to, all the way from Lourdes.

It was wonderful to hear that members of our community had contacted school to say how proud they were of how the children behaved and how polite they were.

Take a look at the video to join us on our journey.


St Bernadette Relic Tour 2022

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Family Jubilee Celebrations

Parents, carers, grandparents, aunties, uncles and family friends turned out in volume to support and celebrate with their children. All relatives enjoyed an afternoon tea and then settled for a treat, and what a treat they were in for. The children performed songs through the decades:

EYFS The Jubilee Song

1950s  Year 6 We’ll Meet again

1960s Year 5 Dancing in the street

1970s Year 2 Dancing Queen – ABBA

1980s Year 1 We are the champions by Queen
1990s Year 4 Wonderwall – Oasis

2000 Year 3 Sing, Gary Barlow and the Commonwealth Band feat. The Military Wives

By the end of the celebrations, everyone was on their feet singing and dancing. What a great way to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee and to finish half term.

Parent Voice

Stainforth for All

We had a visit from a member of the 'Stainforth for All' team who came in and spoke to our KS2 children. Jordan was really impressed with our strong pupil voice and the different ideas that the children had for improving our local community. Lots of suggestions were made such as a swimming pool and a variety ways to improve the local park. We love making a difference for others at Holy Family!

Community Donations

Take a look at the very generous gifts donated by kind members of our community for our Summer raffle. All monies raised are being used to support us buying a school defibrillator, which will benefit the whole Stainforth community. 

Partnership Celebration Mass

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We recently attended a beautiful mass at 'The Keepmoat Stadium, Doncaster' to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of our Catholic feeder school 'McAuley High School. Congratulations McAuley and thank you for inviting us to be a part of this occasion and creating this special memory for us all.

Easter Wishes

Children from all classes, made a beautiful Easter basket containing lovely Easter cards for the parish of 'Our Lady of Assumption' Church. The cards were given to different members of the Parish community on Easter Sunday. We hope everyone enjoyed receiving them as much as we enjoyed making them!

Making a Difference in the Community

A past Holy Family student was recently invited back to school to attend a our weekly celebration assembly to receive a very special award from the mayor and deputy mayor of Stainforth. The award was given in recognition of the positive contribution that was made to the lives of those that live locally, by designing plans with a view to improve the land use in the local area. We were all very proud of this wonderful achievement!
