
Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

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The Intent of our RSE Curriculum at Holy Family

At Holy Family we believe that Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is an integral part of a child’s education so they can ‘Live life to the full’. We endeavour to ensure RSE is faith sensitive, inclusive and inspiring. Children explore how we are created and loved by God, created to love others and created to live in community. Through RSE our children understand the importance of family life, stable and loving relationships. They understand how to show respect, love and care for others as well as themselves. Our RSE curriculum helps to foster pupil well- being, confidence, self-esteem and develop resilience, values that we know are fundamental to pupils being happy, successful and productive members of society.

RSE in Reception - Feeling Poorly

Children were introduced to medicines and learnt how to be safe around them. Children drew on their own experiences of feeling poorly and taking medicines. Children were taught that our bodies are a gift from God in which we should take care of.

Year 3-Family Friends and Others

In this module, the children have been exploring and identifying complex relationships in their lives. The children have discussed what it means to be a good friend and learnt some strategies to use when it can be difficult in relationships. Here the children are doing a sorting activity of scenarios and relationships into categories (Friends, Family and Others).

Year 6 visit to Crucial Crew!

Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Crucial Crew! They learnt life lessons involving water safety, fire safety, a courtroom reenactment, arson, child criminal exploitation, bus safety, knife and hate crime and road safety!

Y3-Jesus my friend

In RSE year 3 have acted out a forgiveness illustration to resemble how “we can forgive other how God forgives us”

Year 6 - Spring 1 topics

During this half term in RSE, Year 6 learnt about body image (the importance of body image and how it can have an effect on people), peculiar feelings (knowing which behaviours are wrong and that we must take responsibility for our actions and that people can react differently based on their circumstances), emotional changes (identifying what angers or upsets them and thinking of coping strategies to use in their life), seeing stuff online (how the internet can influence people and what to do for next steps), making babies (understanding the science behind how babies are made) and menstruation.

Year 6 - Me, my body, my health

Year 6 learnt about their own gifts and talents, boys' bodies and their changes, girls' bodies and their changes and about spots and the importance of a good nights sleep!

Year 6 - British Values

Year 6 took part in an event by Picture News; this focused on understanding our British Values!

RSE in Reception

In module 1, Created and loved by God, Reception children have learnt all about their bodies and being healthy, emotional well-being and life cycles.


Me, My body, My health

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In this session children have developed a base level of what puberty is and why we change as we grow into adults, emotionally so we Can better ourselves and others. Through role play, the children have understood that it is Gods plan for us to embrace changes with confidence, as we grow up.

Year 4- Anti Bullying poetry

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Year 4- Anti Bullying poetry

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Year 4- Anti Bullying poetry

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Year 4- Anti Bullying poetry

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Year 4- Anti Bullying poetry

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Year 4- Anti Bullying poetry

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During Anti-Bullying week, Year 4 wrote their own creative poems about friendship. The children then performed their poetry to others Please take a listen to the children's amazing poems!

Anti-Bullying in FS2

Children in FS2 have explored what makes an anti-bullying superhero. We discussed what it looks like when someone is in a unkind way and how we can help those affected.

We read the story, 'Be the Kind Kid' and and learnt about a kind hearted girl called Ellie who set up a kindness club after finding out one of her friends were being bullied.

Picture News- Protected Characteristics and British Values

Year 5 took part in a wonderful session learning all about protected characteristics and British values and why the are important in everyday life. We learnt that everyone is equal and deserves to be respected. Well done year 5!

Session 2: Respecting Our Bodies 

In this session, Y3 explored the importance of respecting their bodies as a gift from God in very practical ways, such as clothing, food and physical exercise. Returning to the character of AJ (on screen) and Sophie and Aidan (played by pupils), children explored problems and solutions through role-play and discussion. Children will have reflected on their bodies as a gift from God that He wants us to look after and respect. 

In Y3-RSE this term, children have been learning about the Gospel story of Jesus healing Jairus daughter. Y3 have been learning about the sacraments of Baptism, and Reconciliation.

Religious Understanding

The children at Holy Family have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Gospels during their first unit of the year- Religious Understanding.

They now know:

We are created individually by God as part of His creation plan.

God wants us to talk to Him often through the day and treat Him as our best friend.

God made us with the desire to be loved and to love and to make a difference: each of us has a specific purpose.

God cares for us and wants us to put our faith in Him.


To celebrate their understanding and knowledge, each class created a display to showcase their learning throughout the topic. Take a look at the wonderful work below.


Year 1 performing the 'My Hands Are Yours' song.

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Year 3 - Relationships

Year Two- RSE

Year 6 trip to Crucial Crew!

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Year 1- Feelings

FS1 - Handmade with Love

In RSE, Nursery children learnt all about God's Creation. They used a range of materials to represent each day, perfected fine motor skills, used full sentences to explain the different creations and used colours for purpose.

In RSE, FS2 children have been introduced to the story of creation, where God created the earth, sea, stars, planets animals and humans. The five-story sessions encouraged children to creatively explore this topic and help them to deeply know that they are created by God out of love and for love. The children really enjoyed using their creative talents to create all things on our amazing earth that God created.

Year Two- RSE 'Let the Children Come'

Year Four- Get up and the Sacraments

Children in Year four have explored the story of Jesus healing Jairus' daughter and how He gives us life. The children have enjoyed writing a diary entry from Jairus' viewpoint, retelling the story and writing prayers of thanks for the lives we lead. 



Year 5- Calming the Storm

The children in year 5 having been looking at the topic- Calming the Storm.

We have been learning how to have faith in ourselves and God and how we can use that faith to help us through challenging times in our lives. We looked at the Gospel of Jesus calming the storm and how the fishermen didn't have faith in him and explored what lessons could be learnt from this.


" Faith is trusting and believing in God and Jesus and relying on them even though you can't see them."


"Faith can help you by giving you strength and courage when you're doing something new or experiencing new things."


"Faith in God can help when things change or there are storms in our lives."

Year 5 pupil responses.


Anti-bullying Week

The children at Holy Family have been celebrating anti-bullying week, focusing on this years theme- Reach Out!

Each class has produced pieces of work, from letters to the school council to posters to place around school that encourage the children to speak up and stop bullying.

Take a look at wonderful work below!

FS2 Anti Bullying

We made posters and plaqards to inform everyone who they should reach out to if they saw, heard or felt bullying.

Year Two: Anti-Bullying...Reach Out!

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For Anti-Bullying week in Year Two we created letters and placed them in the Friendship Garden to spread the message of 'Reach Out!'

Year 5

Year 5 discussed the theme, Reach Out and created posters to place around school to encourage children to reach out and tell others about bullying.

Year 6 Camp night 2022

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Year 3 and Year 6's trip to Doncaster Minster

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Year 4 - Trinity House

Year 4 have learnt about the Trinity and how God is Love shown by the Trinity - a 'communion of persons supporting each other in their self-giving relationship'. The children created a Trinity triangle to show that God is made of three separate persons that come together as a whole - the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. The Trinity triangles showed that God is love - each person in the Trinity is loved and each person in the Trinity loves each other. 

Year 4 - Hatfield Water Park Trip!

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Year 4 had a fantastic trip to Hatfield Water Park. The children started the day with raft building - the children worked so hard in teams and tried really hard to build rafts that would get them across the lake. Out of the 4 groups, 1 group succeeded... the rest of the children got very wet! The children then had a go at kayaks, which they really enjoyed. After lunch, the children took on the challenge of the climbing wall. Miss Bulmer was very proud of the children as they showed resilience and even when they were scared had a go at the climbing wall. The children then took part in archery, some of the children had a very good aim and even got a gold! The children had a wonderful trip. 

Y3 - RSE

RSE in Reception

Children in Reception have learnt that God is love and that being made in His image means being called to be loved and to love others. Children have engaged with their learning and joined in discussions. They have also taken part in a treasure hunt to develop their understanding of virtues to live by.





Year 6's trip to Kingswood 2022

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Year 1 - Friendship

Year 6 at Crucial Crew

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Year 6 really enjoyed their visit to Crucial Crew. It taught the children about our wonderful services that help, care and love other people. The service professionals went through a variety of role play scenarios enabling our children to learn all about being a respectful member of society. 

Year 2 - Relationships

In Year 2, we have continued to explore relationships. We have discussed who we can talk to about things that make us happy and things that make us sad. 

Year 2 - Relationships

In Year 2, we discussed who is around us in our lives and who is important to us. The children drew their 'Super Hero Squad' to show some of the close relationships they have.

Year 4 have been discussing what they are looking forward to as an adult and created artwork.

Year 2 RSE- emotional well-being

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We are learning about different feelings. We explored how we might feel in different situations and how we can make ourselves feel better. Also, we have learnt it is possible to feel more than one feeling in a situation such as angry and upset. Then we are explored how feelings and actions are two different things and how sometimes feelings can lead to actions but also actions can lead to feelings. We now know when we make good choices about how to act, we often feel better for it.

Year 6 Calming of the storm

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In the calming of the storm topic, Year Six reflected on what faith is and what storms they have had to face in their life. They created posters to show their understanding. In the next lesson, the children reflected on themselves as individuals. They explored their hobbies, values, gifts and talents. Then they drew a picture of themselves to show they are all individual and all loved and valued by God.

Year Two God made me, God made you

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Year Two have been exploring similarities and differences between each other. We have learnt about what makes us unique and special and how God made us with love. Here is a song we sing after every RSE lesson which fills us with happiness, it reminds us that God made each of us individually and how he loves everyone equally.

Anti-Bullying 2021

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This year for 'Anti-Bullying Week' the focus was kind words. We began the week with an assembly delivered by Miss Dyson and our School Council. Each class was then set a mission to complete by the end of the week. As a School we gathered together for our end of week celebration assembly and celebrated all of our good work.

NSPCC Assemblies

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KS1 had an assembly on speak out, stay safe. Made by the NSPCC. We learnt about Childline and how they can help us feel safe. KS1 then watched a video all about what to do if they are ever in a situation where they feel unsafe or scared and who they can talk to.
KS2 then had their assembly made by the NSPCC. They watched a video all about the NSPCC and who they are. They discussed who they could talk to if they're worried, both in school and out of school.
For any more information about NSPCC or childline please click the links below.
Here are the numbers to call if you ever need to speak to someone.
Childline- 0800 1111
NSPCC- 0808 800 5000

Year 6 Back to School Reflections

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Year 6 have demonstrated confidence and resilence on our return to school. following a period of remote learning. They have worked hard as a team and supported each other in returning to school as happy and successful children. Well done Year 6!