
Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

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Design Technology


At Holy Family, we value Design Technology as an integral part of our children’s right to a broad and balanced curriculum. The teaching of Design Technology is developed to build on children’s prior learning and provide opportunities to be creative through curricular and cross-curricular topics. Children are enabled to develop a creative mind-set, become innovative designers and have the opportunity to critically evaluate their own work so they can develop their resilience, confidence and critical thinking skills through working independently and collaboratively with others. The problem solving and critical thinking skills acquired through design technology lessons can be used across the whole school curriculum and taken into life outside the classroom.

Design Technology in Reception

Children learnt what it means for an animal to hibernate and discover what different species need. They then designed and made a hibernation box for a hedgehog.



The children have been very busy constructing structures in continuous provision.


Y3-Mechanical Systems: Pneumatic systems

Today in DT, the children have been testing and finalise ideas against design criteria. The children can remember that materials are selected due to their functional and aesthetic characteristics. They now understand how to manipulate materials to create different effects by cutting, creasing, folding, weaving, etc.

Y3-Mechanical Systems: Pneumatic systems

Today in DT, the children have been creating a pneumatic system, to create a desired motion. They have been building secure housing for a pneumatic systems and recalling that syringes and balloons can be used to create different types of pneumatic systems. The children now understand how to use these components to make a functional and appealing pneumatic toy.

Children tried the different fruits and vegetables needed to make the three smoothies. Children prepare and blend chosen fruits and vegetables to make smoothies and design packaging for their drinks to reflect the ingredients.

Year 5- Digital World: Monitoring Devices

The children in year 5 used the laptops to learn about and practise 3D CAD skills to build the final design of their monitoring device and its case. They were able to place and manoeuvre 3D objects on the Tinkercad interface by changing the properties of and combining one or more 3D objects on a plane.

Year 5- Digital World: Monitoring Devices

The children in year 5 explored the design development process by generating creative and unique micro:bit case, stand or housing ideas to hold their earthquake monitoring device. They created numerous designs and then built their favourite out of Lego to hold a micro:bit- which for the purpose of this lesson, was made out of paper made using a net.

Year 5- Digital World: Monitoring Devices

The children in year 5 were learning how to write a program to instruct a micro:bit to monitor movement, including an alert in the event of an earthquake.

Year 4 - Mindful moment timers

Year 4 have created prototypes of their mindful moment timers. 

In Design and Technology, the children have developed coding to program and control a product. 

Year 4 - Mindful moment timers

In Year 4, the children have developed ideas through computer-aided design for their mindful moment. 

In Design Technology, Year 6 cooked a 3 course meal based on World War 1 recipes...

Y2 enjoyed learning about linkages and movement. They designed their own monsters and then adapted them to ensure they were fit for purpose and suited the design brief. Well done Year 2! 

Y3-Cross stitch and appliqué

In year 3, children have been assembling the fabric parts into a fabric product. The children have used a template and pins to cut the fabric accurately. 

Y3-Textiles-Cross stitch and appliqué

In year 3, the children have been getting better at applying their skills of cross stitch and appliqué to creating their own Egyptian Collar, using felt and a paper template.

Nursery - Structures

In Nursery we are always busy constructing things. Some things we make need glue, some things we use sellotape and other things fasten together and are held in place by the other pieces.

Year 6 - Digital World

Year 6 read a letter from a client and created a design brief, wrote a program to provide multiple functions, developed a sustainable concept, developed this using 3D CAD skills and designed a pitch to sell the product. 

Y3 have created their own paper, by creating a paste out of PVA glue, water and shredded news paper. After this Y3 mashed and blended the paper to form a paste, which they were able to squash and roll flat. We then left it to dry before we cut out our paper shapes to stick onto our Christmas cards.

Look at our amazing puppets.

First, we looked at different methods to join fabrics. We used glue, staples and safety pins. Then, we used templates to create our design. After, we joined the two fabric pieces together accurately. Finally, we embellished our designs using joining methods.

Y3-Seasonal Eating

In DT Y3 have enjoyed making vegetable tarts. Before the children assembled and created their tarts, they enjoyed designing them. The children have used their chopping skills practiced previously, to create small tarts. We used a range of seasonal vegetables, for the taste and puff pastry for the base.

Year 5- Cooking and Nutrition: What could be healthier?

Year 5- Cooking and Nutrition: What could be healthier?

For enterprise week, Y3 enjoyed making and marketing their Christmas tree decorations. Y3 used pom-poms, pine cones and Christmas crafts to create Christmas ornaments. These ornaments were displayed and sold at the Christmas fair, alongside the children posters, for advertisement.

During Enterprise Week, Year 4 have conducted product research, assessed their budget, created a projected profit and created products for a purpose. The children created Christmas bookmarks and Christmas tree decorations that were sold at the Winter Fair. 

Year 2- Enterprise

Enterprise Week in Year 2. 

We enjoyed researching, designing and creating our product to sell at the Christmas Fair. This year we chose 'Baubles', firstly we wrote persuasive letters to Mrs Barron to secure funds to purchase materials. We designed different bauble ideas and then crafted them! 

Following that we then had to decide how to present the baubles in an 'eye-catching' way, so we presented them on a Christmas tree! During the week we also created posters to advertise and adapted our designs based on the criteria for our potential buyers! 

Nursery - Making Pumpkin Soup.

Nursery listened to the story Pumpkin Soup then we made some. We enjoyed chopping the different vegetables and putting them into the great big pan so that they could cook. It was hard work! Once the soup had cooked, we tried it. "It is delicious!" said Carter. "I like it" said Larosa. "It is so yummy" Bobby told us.

Reception - Making and Tasting Pumpkin Soup

Children explored the differences between fruits and vegetables using their senses (taste, texture, smell etc.). They listened to the story ‘The best pumpkin soup’ and discussed the key ingredients the characters used before developing a class-based vegetable soup recipe.

It tasted delicious!

In Y3, we have been practicing our cutting and peeling skills, in preparation for making our vegetable tart. The children were careful and cautious when handling kitchen utensils and equipment. The children enjoyed using their bridge and claw grip to slice different varieties of vegetables. The children also practiced using different variations of peelers and graters, on some vegetables.

In DT, Year 4 have prepared and baked cookies. The children weighed out their ingredients and combined them to create cookies. Next, they will adapt this simple recipe to create their own cookie recipe. 

Year 2: Design Technology: Structures 

Lesson 2: To understand that the shape of the structure affects its strength.

Children explored the properties of different material which will then help them decide the suitability of materials for the construction of their London Bridge. 

Year 2- Design Technology: Structure, London Bridge

Lesson 1 - Year 2 enjoyed researching different structures and the suitability of different structures. Year 2 will be designing and creating their own 'London Bridge'. 

Year 6 - Structure


Year 6 researched different designs that emergency services use for emergency shelters. The children then designed their own and made them using wood, screws, nails, saws and wood glue...

Year 6 - Electrical and Mechanical systems


Year 6 researched what morse code is and what it was used for. They then designed their own morse code electrical system and made this using electrical equipment...

King Charles' Throne

The children in year 5 were incredibly lucky to take part in a national competition to design a new throne for King Charles.

They created their designs which were then submitted. We enjoyed the opportunity to enter so much, that we decided to make our own throne. We think we made a winner!!!

Year 1- King Charles Sculpture

Year 1- King Charles sculpture

Year 1 used a range of materials and skills to create our 3D sculpture of King Charles for his Coronation day. We began with using cardboard boxes and using cellotape to tape the boxes together and in place to create our base structure. We then used modroc to mould around the boxes to create a human 3D structure. We manipulated the modroc by scrunching it together to create textured wavy hair. Once dried, we mixed together paints and painted the sculpture using a photograph as inspiration to represent King Charles. 

FS2 Sculpture - King Charles III Coronation

FS2 used a variety of materials to create an Orb for our King Charles Coronation celebrations.

Chicken wire was used to make the outline, modroc was applied and then smoothed to finish. Children then used a sponge to paint the Orb as well as using a small paint brush for the finer details. Children then researched the jewels that were used using iPads and very carefully, using fine motor skills, applied them in the correct position.


What a fantastic piece of work, fit for a King! 

Design Technology in Year Two

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Brief...explore, research, design and create a windmill.

Year 5- Pneumatics

The children have explored pneumatics and how they work, ready to create a volcanic monster of their own. They had a 'roarsome' time!

Our Volcanic Monsters

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Being Imaginative and Expressive in FS2

Children were provided with opportunities to work together t develop and create ideas. They discussed what they could make and in maths, they made a pictogram to decide on the colours to use. Children were given a range of materials for them to construct with. They also applied their joining techniques using different adhesive tape and sorts of glue. 




Year 1 was given the design brief to make a car port for Fred's car. They analysed different materials and experimented to see which ones were suitable and which ones were not. They then designed their own car port and labelled what resources they was going to use. The children then created their own 3D sculptures of a car port using different materials and resources to put them altogether. 

Our 3D car ports!

Receptions very own Jubilee Crown

Using different media in Reception.

Reception children have been experimenting (and getting messy) with modroc. They shaped and moulded newspaper in the shape of a crown and cut and wet modroc before applying it. Next job, painting and applying jewels!

Sculpture in Year One

Year One used clay to create models of a mode of transport of their choice. We practised using tools to add detail and texture to our sculptures.

Year 4 - Union Jack for the Jubilee!

In Year 4, the children have started creating our Union Jack for the Jubilee celebrations we are having in school. The children are making a Union Jack but on a grand scale! The children have started our Union Jack by painting it using the red, white and blue colours. The children have started to finish our flag by sewing some felt onto it. The children will also be cutting pieces of felt and gluing them on so that our Union Jack is mixed media. The children did a fantastic job today and were very proud of not only creating their Union Jack but also leaving a Union Jack printed on the tables! 


The finished product:

Year 6's Design Technology project was to make a 3D form of the Queen! You can see the children's process of using a variety of materials in the slideshow; the final design to follow shortly...

Reception children tasting hot cross buns to remind us of the sacrifice Jesus made.

After School Sewing Club

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What a brilliant after school club allowing children to be creative, learn a new skill, improve their hand eye coordination and develop fine motor skills whilst having fun and making something they can be proud of!

Year 4 Roman Banners

Year 4 created Roman banners by using cotton material, felt and paints. They sewed their design onto their painted material after researching all about Roman banners.

Year 3 Stone Age Houses

Year 3 researched Stone Age houses during their topic. They looked at how to insulate the house and keep it warm, the shape of the houses and what materials were best to use.

During enterprise week, Reception children practised their hand-eye coordination by sewing stockings. They used basic running stitch which helps to develop their fine motor skills. They demonstrated patience as they learnt this new skill.

Year 4 have created a Roman banner for their armies by painting and sewing material together.

EYFS have been busy designing, building and evaluating their Three Little pig house.
