
Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 


Class Teacher: Miss Argent

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Wilson and Mrs Sowdon

A warm welcome to Year 1 children and their grownups. I am beyond thrilled to be the Year 1 teacher this year. I really enjoyed getting to know many of you on our transition morning, and I cannot wait to see all your smiling faces eager to learn. I hope this new year is full of exciting stories, cool new facts, and so much fun! 


Welcome to the Year 1 class page!

Dear Lord,

Teach us how to love each other and help us to learn about one another and open our hearts and our minds. 

Kindness is about learning to love. 


Eternal God, Bless our school community that it will be a place of learning, discovery, and joy.




  • School starts at 9:00am, with the school gates opening at 8:35am (allowing extra time for all the children to make their way onto the school playground).
  • Please ensure the office staff have your up to date contact details.
  • Please ring the office if your child will be absent. 
  • Breakfast club starts at 8:00am and the gates will be closed at 8:15am.


If you have any questions or concerns, please see Miss Argent, who is more than happy to answer any queries regarding your child's progress or general well-being. Feel free to approach me after school or contact the office to arrange a meeting.


Reading books

Reading is at the heart of all our learning at Holy Family. To support this at home, please could all children ensure that they read their school reading book every night and that their reading record is signed by an adult. Children need a reading book in school each day. Books are closely matched to their reading ability and will be changed as they improve and can answer comprehension questions about the text.



All children will be given weekly English and/or maths homework along with weekly spellings to be tested each Friday. All written homework must be presented to the highest standard. Homework is to be completed and returned to school on Wednesdays.



PE days are Thursdays and Fridays - please make sure you bring the correct kit (white top, dark shorts and indoor shoes in the Winter term). Please make sure any earrings can be removed or are not worn on PE days. I recommend that children bring their P.E kits to school on Monday, leave it at school and take it home on a Friday to be washed.



We pride ourselves on the appearance of our children. Please help us to maintain this by ensuring all children attend in the correct uniform, including school shoes. 

New School Year 2024 to 2025

Year 1 loved their school trip to Cleethorpes. They enjoyed hearing about the RNLI and asking questions. They even got to try on a helmet. We then had a picnic on the beach and had lots of fun playing in the sand. They also spotted different landmarks at the seaside and used our rules we decided on in lesson 6 of our geography unit. We were all very grateful to the governors for buying us an ice lolly to finish off the day.

Picture News Assembly: British Values

The children listened to the Picture News assembly. They learnt about the different British Values and how they can implement them into their lives.

Celebration of the Word

Year 1 were lucky to have a group of year 6s lead their Celebration of the Word. They discussed friendships and how to be a good friend and neighbour. They also discussed how to look for the 'gold' in people.

Scotty's Inflatable

The children had so much fun on Scotty's inflatable. The children used lots of skills from their lessons with Scotty to really make the most of this challenge.

Picnic Lunch

Reception, Year 1 and 2 enjoyed eating their picnic lunch outside in the sun with all their friends.

Year 1 loved getting competitive infront of their grownups.

Well done to all the children's effort. You gave it your all!

Computing: iProgram: iFind

 Children learnt how sequence Scratch Jr blocks to make a sprite move.

RSE: Who is My Neighbour?

Through the story of The Good Samaritan, children learnt who their neighbour is – everyone! They reflected on what this means for them and their communities.

Other Faiths: Hinduism

The children made their own Rakhi bracelets.

D-Day: 6th June 2024

In year 1, the children explored the meaning of D-Day and reflected using the Picture News resources. The children created wonderful pieces of writing describing what the soldiers may have seen, heard and felt. The children also created beautiful landscape paintings and their own paper gliding planes.

Year 1 have been competing in different events and practising these skills ready for sports day.

Writing: Immerse: The Snail and the Whale

Children listened to the new story ‘Snail and the Whale’. The class discussed any unknown vocabulary and the moral of the story. The children developed their listening skills to follow instructions to create their own whale.

Maths: Money

Children looked at the physical characteristics and properties of UK coins. They then grouped and sorted coins according to their physical properties.

Colour Mixing

Children were colour detectives and found out what other colours they can make using the three primary colours.

Celebration of the Word

The children enjoyed reflecting in our Celebration of the Word this afternoon. We looked at the virtue and how we can show love and kindness at school and at home. The child's mission for over the weekend is to care and love for our world by litter picking.

Tower Bridge Cat Narrative: Immerse

Children listened to the new story ‘The Tower Bridge Cat’. The children developed their spoken language and group work skills to build their own version of the Tower Bridge. Children had to discuss and negotiate with their group, giving reasons to explain their ideas.

All the children really enjoyed learning the frisbee techniques and playing the games.

Year one loved French Day. We explored French greetings and learnt about different landmarks. We drew and wrote about our favourite landmark. We even tried some French sweet treats.

Celebration of the Word

Year 1 shared a lovely celebration of the word this week. First, we gathered quietly into a circle, made the sign of the cross on our foreheads and saying our afternoon prayer. We began by reading our word: “Dear Children, let us not love with words or speech but with action and in truth”. We reflected on these words and discussed what they meant. Lucy made a great inference by saying we need to not just say something; we need to prove it like in Maths. We talked about things we could do to show love and everyone had some great ideas. We then discussed sharing love by sharing a special meal. We chatted about how we shared special meals over the Easter holidays and why the meal was specials. Finally, our mission is to remember to thank God for our day and say sorry for a time we have not lived out his message. We reflected back to our word and agreed that the next day we would take action to prove this.

We completed the Jobs for Everyone!

Jobs for Everyone - Meet the Physiotherapists

Fractions: Turns

Turtle is going to see Anansi for dinner. The children described the route that Turtle takes using the star words. Children challenged themselves by finding multiple routes for the turtle.

Year 1 loved exploring the equipment and developing their upper body strength and control.

Picture News Assembly

Jobs for Everyone Programme: What is a Diagnostic Radiographer?

RE: Meals

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Children had time to reflect on the words of ‘Our Father’ and they said the ‘Our Father’ as a class.

Happy World Book Day!

Mother's Day Cards

Year 1 used handmade paper to paint beautiful flowers.

The children used the paper techniques from the previous lessons to create their own Tree of Life.

iData: iPresent

In this lesson, we conducted a class survey about our favourite fruits. We made a class tally chart and used this to make a digital pictogram.

In this lesson, the children created pictograms with sweets. They then created this pictogram using the digital graph tool. We discussed and interpreted the data presented.

National Storytelling Week event with Swapna Haddow!

Year 1 joined a very interesting author event. We met Swapna Haddow, a multi award-winning children’s author. Swapna loves to write about boisterous animals that cause mayhem and has written the Bad Panda and Ballet Bunnies series

Maths: Direction and Turns

The children investigate whole, half and quarters turns. They predicted the position and tested if they were correct. They also enjoyed listening to the turn song.

Look at some RWI phonics videos here...

School Nurse - Safe Touch

We had an exciting visitor. Our school nurse came to see us and we had a workshop on safe touch. The children were very sensible and listened carefully.

History - Transport and Travel

In our first lesson of Transport and Travel, we looked at different types of transport in our local area. We went outside to observed and completed activities when we arrived back in the classroom.

Book Club

The children really enjoyed reading for pleasure in the reading room. They chose their own books, read independently and shared books with their friends.

Year 1 - Christmas Card Craft

For our Christmas cards, year 1 explored the skill of weaving. We used sliver and white paper and added a flame to make a beautiful candle. We hope all our grownups loved them as much as we do.

Look at our amazing puppets.

First, we looked at different methods to join fabrics. We used glue, staples and safety pins. Then, we used templates to create our design. After, we joined the two fabric pieces together accurately. Finally, we embellished our designs using joining methods.

Music: Pulse and Rhythm - Happy

Using the call and response method, the children listen out for rhythms and then repeat them.

Music: Pulse and Rhythm

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The children played along to the pulse of ‘can’t stop the feeling’ using their instruments.

Then, with a partner, they practised playing the rhythms of each other’s names.

History: Toys Over Time - What toys did our grownups play with?

In History, year 1 have continued to look at toys over time. Excitingly, some of the grownups in school brought in their favourite toys from when they were little. We loved hearing about these special toys. Thank you to Miss Barron and Mr Wilson for helping us learn.

Maths Unit 4: Numbers to 20

Making a number line:

Children are making connections between the cardinal representations (quantity of cubes) and ordinal representations (positions on the number line).

Maths Unit 3: Shape and Pattern

See below the phonics links for Autumn 2 Week 2 homework

Maths - Position and Direction

In Maths, we linked our position and direction learning to our Autumn 1 unit of Computing. We discussed the keyword algorithm and recalled what it meant. We then created multistep algorithms to move Ted the Teddy around the grid. We used lots of key vocabulary to describe the movements.

RE - Judaism

We looked at the importance of family and discussed how older family members help shape the family and culture. We created our own family stars in the sky.

Odd Sock Day and Anti-Bullying Week

We had great fun wearing odd socks and we loved sharing our new story about Ellie and Lilly and their kindness club. We especially liked Smudge the Cat.

Picture News - Remembrance Day

We discussed how the poppy has changed over time and why the poppy has become plastic free. We created our own plastic free poppies to take home for the Remembrance weekend.

Year 1 and 2’s Remembrance Service and Celebration of the Word

The classes had a special service outside in the prayer garden. We reflected on why it is important to remember those who died to protect us and the symbol of the poppy.

Music Lesson 1: Pulse and rhythm: My favourite things

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In this lesson the children played multiple voice control games exploring pulse and rhythm.

The Name Game

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Computing: iWrite Lesson 1

The children looked at different methods to create text. We used stamps, stickers, stencils and lots more ways.

In this lesson Year 1 are developing being active and participating in group/team work.

Black History Week

Year 1 PE

Year 1 Computing - IFollow, ISilly and ISay

Take 10 with Ziggy Hanaor and Ollie Silvester, the author-illustrator duo behind Gory Rory Fangface Needs A Kiss.

In Art, we created a large collaborative line artwork using a variety of different techniques and materials. This piece is inspired by water and the artwork of Zaria Forman.

In Art, we created a line drawings by arranging pieces of string to create different shapes then drew these from observation inspired by the artist Bridget Riley.

Look at our Addition Sweet Challenge.

In RE, we created our own wildflower artwork like the wildflowers Jesus spoke about (Luke 12: 24-30 and Matthew 6: 24-30).

Writing - ‘Autumn is Here’

Our second unit of writing is ‘Autumn is Here’. We have been looking for signs of Autumn and we also learnt about different Autumnal festivals.

Science - Sorting Materials

Look at our Super Science. In groups, sort the objects and pictures into the correct material category.

RE - God's Love

Today in RE, we were getting better at understanding and learning about God’s love in the bible. We created actions to the words of Psalm 63 line by line and create a class house. Children recognised the things to show love and care and wrote one of these things on each brick.

Writing - ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’

Our first unit of writing was based on the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’. We had so much fun creating Gerald, experimenting with different types of dancing, and creating story maps. Here are few pictures of our learning.

Maths - Place Value within 10

Year 1 started their maths journey looking at numbers to 10. First, we looked at composing and counting numbers. Then, we looked at part wholes and the number bonds to create each number. Finally, we also compared and ordered numbers. Look at all the fun we have had.

What a lovely first week of school!

We have enjoyed lots of amazing learning. We have looked at understanding and making numbers to 10, naming materials in science and showing care and love in RE. The highlight of our week must be learning about and doing the different dances from our story ‘Giraffes can’t dance’. We had so much fun, just look at the pictures.

General school information

  • School starts at 9:00am with the school gates opening at 8:35am
  • Breakfast club starts at 8:00am and the gates will be closed at 8:15am for breakfast club attendees.
  • Please inform the office if your child is absent. 
  • All children need to be in the correct school uniform each day, including black school shoes. 


Key information


â–ºReading - Reading is at the heart of all our learning at Holy Family. To support this at home, please could all children ensure that they read their school reading book every night and that the planner is signed by an adult. Alongside this, it is also key that all children select their own reading for pleasure book which they will also have opportunities to read and share with others in school. I can't wait to hear about all the 'Recommended Reads' from each of the children and any new vocabulary which they may have collected on their reading journeys. 


â–ºPhonics- In Year 1 children will receive regular phonics homework and sounds to learn at home based on which sounds they are currently learning at School.  It is also key that the children understand any new words met and can apply into their writing as well as being able to read them. It would be lovely for children to practice any new sounds they have written and form words and then sentences using them. All written homework must be presented to the highest standard. 


â–ºHomework - All children will be given weekly English or Maths homework. This is to be sent home on a Wednesday and returned to school on a Monday.  


â–ºPE - PE will take place every Wednesday and Friday. All children must have the correct school PE kit of white t-shirt and black shorts. (Track suits may be worn as the weather turns colder). Please ensure that all children have trainers to enable them to fully participate in this key subject. 










Summer 2- Seaside Now and Then.

During Summer 2 our focus for learning will be the Seaside! We will be exploring the seaside in Victorian times and how it has changed to the Seaside's we have now. We will also be participating in an exciting trip to Cleethorpes beach to immerse into our new learning and to explore the seaside!

Our Immersive Classroom!

Our Seaside Now and Then Classroom!

Our Immersive Homework!

The children explored Scratch Jr, they created their own characters and settings and they programmed the characters to move forwards, backwards, left and right by putting the action buttons together to create a sequence. 

Maths- Numbers 50 to 100.

The children used concrete materials such as cubes and dienes to represent tens and ones within numbers to 100. We explored how many tens and how many ones there are within numbers to 100 and 100. 

Sky Arts Week- Exploring Movement through Dance

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The children explored dance through making shapes. They made circles with their bodies and squares with their arms to the rhythm of the music and created a dance!

Exploring Movement and Dance

RE- When Zacchaeus met Jesus

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Maths- Fractions- Exploring halves and quarters

We used bread and tomatoes to explore creating equal halves and quarters. 

Prayer Liturgies

RSE- My Hands Are Yours song

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RSE- Exploring Neighbours


Our trip to Cleethorpes!

Summer 1- The United Kingdom

During Summer term 1 we will be learning all about The United Kingdom as our geography topic. We will be looking at what countries make up The United Kingdom, Scotland, Northern Ireland, England and Wales and what they are known for. We will be exploring and researching famous landmarks within those countries and the reasons for being such popular tourist places. 

Our Immersive Classroom!

Our UK Immersive Classroom!

Our Immersive homework!

Observational drawings of the school building

During Art this term we have been getting better at observational drawings in the style of L.S Lowry. We have explored the artist and researched facts about himself and his famous art work. We then explored different materials such as chalk, graphite, colouring pencils and oil pastels. We then went outside in the sunshine and positioned ourselves in the front of school to draw what we could see! We payed attention to the structure and the detail of the building and drew our versions in our sketch books. 

During Geography this half-term we have explored and learnt all about the UK! We have looked at the countries within the UK and their famous tourist spots and landmarks. We have looked at the countries flowers such as a thistle, a rose, a shamrock and a daffodil. We have explored the countries flags and how they had all combined to create the Union Jack flag.

Science- Spring and Summer

In Science we have explored the four seasons, particularly focusing on Spring and Summer. We have explored the weather changes as we move in to each season and how we measure the temperature using a thermometer. We have looked at signs of changing seasons such as the weather, the trees and the plants. We have looked at how the daylight hours get longer as the seasons get warmer and what festivals and celebrations we celebrate during those seasons.

During literacy this half-term we have focused on the skill of writing a non-chronological report, we have explored landmarks in London using a virtual tour, discovering famous landmarks and tourist spots! We have researched those landmarks to find out facts and learn new information. We then used this information to create our own non-chronological reports about famous landmarks in London!

During maths this half-term we have learnt all about multiplication and division, we have practise adding equal groups and unequal groups. Discussing the word 'equal' and what it means or shows, sharing equal amounts out between groups. Doubling numbers and looking at patterns. We have practised sharing amounts out between groups, sharing equally and solving problems when there are unequal groups. Using arrays to divide numbers equally. 

Prayer Liturgy


As a school we celebrated the Kings Coronation day by having a whole school picnic style dinner! We enjoyed eating our dinner from our Union Jack picnic boxes and celebrating with our friends! We created a 3D sculpture of King Charles using a range of materials and skills, we used cardboard and cellotape to create the base and the starting structure. We then used modroc to mould our sculpture in to our design and manipulated the modroc to create detail, such as his hair!. Once dried, we painted King Charles using a photo for inspiration. We were very proud of our final result!

Our 3D sculpture of King Charles

Careers day! Meeting the Physiotherapists

Year 1 really enjoyed their first virtual event meeting the physiotherapists! We had the opportunity to listen, discuss and ask questions to two physiotherapists and learn all about their role in our communities of how they help and support people. We looked at the equipment they use and the uniforms they wear alongside other equipment and uniform health and social care workers have!

Year 1 have focused on the skills of writing a letter in our literacy journey this half-term. We focused on the story of Paddington and his adventures in London. We looked at different landmarks in London, linking to our UK topic and popular tourist destinations. We analysed different examples of letters and then put all of our skills together to create our final letters from Paddington to Aunt Lucy.

Paddington Bear

During our computing topic iModel, the children have explored how they can use computers to create different designs and how a computer can be programmed to do a certain thing. The children used laptops to help dress the characters on the screen, using the laptops to dress them in order, independently using a mouse and click button. The children then created their own paint deigns using the laptops, exploring how laptops can complete a task you have set them to do. 

RE- Holidays and Holydays display

RE- Change- Good Friday garden

RE- Change- Lenten promises

RE-Change- Prayer liturgy respond

Spring - Transport and Travel

This term we will be learning all about Transport and Travel as our history topic. We will explore different modes of transport from the past and the famous people who invented such transports, such as the 'Wright Brothers' who invented the first aeroplane in 1903. We will explore how different transport is powered such as wind-powered, steam powered and engine powered. 

Our Immersive classroom!

Our Immersive homework! - Transport and Travel

Topic- Travel and Transport

3D sculptures- Car port

Science- Amazing Animals

Year 1 have enjoyed PE this half-term with Miss Brown focusing on the skills striking and fielding. We have practised warming up our bodies by doing different movements such as running, skipping, jogging and jumping. We have discussed what happens to our bodies when we get warmer. We then moved on to looking at the positions of strikers, bowlers and fielders and practised in small groups throwing under arm and then over arm. We then practised our striking skills by using tennis rackets to hit the balls when bowled to us and practising our catching skills, we worked in small groups again. We then came together to create a whole class rounders team to put together our taught skills. 

PE- Striking and Fielding

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Learning the skill of throwing a ball under arm and over arm and catching the ball.

Year 1 have been learning all about programming! We have discussed instructions and equipment that need instructions in order to perform what it should do. We have used the Bee Bot and gave instructions of forwards, backwards, left and right to help it get to where it needed! 

Maths- Place Value (50)

Safer Internet day!

Art- Sculpture

Literacy- Instructions display!

Maths- Addition and Subtraction (within 20)

Music- In the Groove

Music- In the Groove

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Following different moves to the beat of the music

RE- Special people display!

Prayer Liturgies

RE- Other Faiths- Islam-Stories: Muhammad

Maths- Place value (within 20) display

Maths- Place value (Within 20)

Autumn 2- Toys in Time

This half-term we will be learning all about toys from the past and comparing them to the present toys we have now. 

Take a look below at all of the amazing learning we have done so far this half term! 

The children really enjoyed taking part in this year's nativity play 'Little Angel lost her wings'. Their performance was amazing along with their acting and singing skills, they did themselves, the teachers and their adults proud!

Well done Year 1!

History- Toys in Time

We have been learning all about toys from the past and comparing them to toys in the present time. We have put into practise putting toys in a timeline in chronological order. We have looked at toys from our Grandparents generation and looked at the similarities and differences to toys we have today. We have learnt all about the mechanical properties of toys and how they move and work, if they are pull toys, games, cuddly toys, battery operated or electrical. 

History- Toys in Time

Science- Everyday materials

In our science topic we have learnt all about everyday materials such as wood, plastic, fabric and glass. We have looked at the different properties of those materials which include being transparent, waterproof, flexible, hard, soft and many more. We have enjoyed experimenting with those materials to see what materials are appropriate for certain objects. 

Science- Everyday Materials

RE- Advent- Waiting

Our RE topic this half-term was Advent, a time for Waiting. We have enjoyed learning and understanding why we wait and why it helps us to prepare for things, such as the birth of Jesus. We have explored how there is things that can help us to wait, such as the Advent wreath. We discussed the birth of Jesus and the story of the Christingle.  

Other Faiths- Judaism

We have enjoyed learning about Judaism this half-term and exploring other faiths. We have explored our own family stories and discussed what we share with our families, such as surnames, religions and beliefs. We explored the family of Abraham and Moses.

Other Faiths- Judaism- Abraham and Moses.


We have enjoyed learning all about character descriptions, focusing on the character 'Bunting' from the 'Lost in the Toy Musem' story. We have focused on the skills of using capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and using pronouns. 


We have learnt how to subtract within 10 this half-term, practising counting backwards from 10 and looking at the symbols '+, -, ='. We have used different objects to support our learning such as tens and ones, cubes, number lines and numicon. 


Subtraction within 10

Reading Information Year One
