
Holy Family

Catholic Primary School

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History Intent at Holy Family


History is all around us. Our History Curriculum ignites children’s interest about the past in Britain and the wider world and is designed to build on children’s prior learning, introduce new experiences and enable children to make connections between their skills, knowledge and concepts and work independently and collaborating with others. Through finding out about how and why the world, our country, culture and local community have developed over time, children understand how the past influences the present. History enables children to develop a context for their growing sense of identity and a chronological framework for their knowledge of significant events and people. What children will learn through history can influence their decisions about personal choices, attitudes and values and enable them to enhance their cultural capital and know about life beyond Stainforth. At Holy Family, our intent, when teaching history, is to stimulate the children’s curiosity in order for them to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding.

Year 4- D-Day celebrations

Year 4 have recognised the importance of D-Day. They have marked 80 years since the event by writing a diary entry and creating silhouette charcoal drawings. 

Year 6 D-Day celebrations

Year 6 used drawing techniques to produce some beautiful pieces of artwork and write newspaper reports about the heroes of D-Day!

D-day Nursery

In Nursery, the children have been remembering the D-day anniversary, by participating in a series of learning and physical skills such as marching like soldiers, standing to attention and developing their discussion by talking about what soldiers roles were. The children were able to identify and write initial sounds regarding the soldier’s uniforms when labelling pictures. The children also explored their creative attributes by using a colour wash background of the Normandy beach and soldier silhouettes. 

D-day in year 3

To remember the D-day anniversary, year 3 took part in a series of activities throughout the day, such as learning about and ordering the events of D-day using timelines, watercolour silhouette artwork, and annotations to explain.

Year 1: D-Day

In year 1, the children explored the meaning of D-Day and reflected using the Picture News resources. The children created wonderful pieces of writing describing what the soldiers may have seen, heard and felt. The children also created beautiful landscape paintings and their own paper gliding planes.

D-Day in Year 2

Children in Year 2 enjoyed learning about the significance and importance of D-Day. We began the week with a visitor who came to talk to us about D-Day and the 80th commemorations. Children then researched, designed and created a medal using clay, we will then paint the medals and create a fantastic display for all to see! Year 2 also enjoyed watching some film clips from the 1930's we discussed how different technology is now. 


Children in Reception learnt about D-Day. We discussed pictures of the D-Day Landing and looked closely at colours. The children then tried to copy the colour using a colour wash to paint the background of their pictures and then used their cutting skills to cut silhouettes of soldiers. 

Some children also wrote about why we remember D-Day. 

A D-Day poem that will be shared on Thursday 6th June 2024 to mark 80 years since the D-Day landings. 

D-Day school visitor

This week, on Thursday 6th June 2024, we will celebrate 80 years since the D-day landing. At Holy Family, we recognise the significance of this historical event so we were delighted that Mick from the Royal British Legion could visit our school and speak to us about what happened 80 years ago. Mick explained to the children how this special occasion will be marked nationally and by our local community. 


Mick has kindly provided great resources to support the teaching in school and he left this lovely comment. 


Thank you for giving us the opportunity to come to your school and provide an overview of this weeks D-Day 80 commemorations. The pupils behaviour was impeccable and a credit to your school.


FS2 - Understanding the World - Past and Present

Children looked at pictures and books and sorted past and present pictures to find familiar situations in the past.

Year 4- Ancient Maya

In history, Year 4 have explored the culture of the Ancient Maya people. They have used sources to investigate what they think happened to them. 

FS2 - Knowledge and Understanding of the World - Past and Present

Children used pictures and listened to accounts from the past to explain similarities and differences.

Y3-Ancient Egypt

In year this term we have complete our Ancient Egypt topic. Here are some pieces of the children’s work, alongside our display.

Y3-Ancient Egypt

In Year 3, the children have been getting better at understanding how Ancient Egyptian society was structured with the hierarchy. The children participated in hot seating for the different rolls in society.

Nursery - Special Times

In Nursery we have been learning about Chinese New Year. It is a special time that is celebrated every year. We listened to a story about some animals arguing because they wanted the New Year to be named after them. We acted it out and pretended to have an argument just like the animals. We learnt that 2024 is the Year of the Dragon. We made a handprint dragon and even used some of our outdoor equipment to create an even bigger one. We loved watching the dragon dancing video, then had a go at dancing in time to the tambourine moving faster and slower. We have also been building the tall buildings that we saw on the photographs of Shanghai.

FS2 Past and Present

Children learnt about the history of a bookmark from Victorian times versus modern-day styles. They used threading to design and make their very own bookmark.

All classes at Holy Family have worked together to showcase their amazing history learning this half term. The children shared their learning with parents, guardians and other family members. Children and parents left feedback on the learning they saw and our wonderful museum.  Well done Holy Family!

Year 2: The Great Fire of London

Year 2: The Great Fire of London

Children have enjoyed exploring The Great Fire of London. They have recalled facts, used tier two and tier three vocabulary in their writing and can now explain how London changed after the fire, and give reasons for many of the changes. 

Year 1: Toys Over Time

The children have been researching historic toys on the iPads and completing online toy quizzes.

Year 1: Toys Over Time - What toys did our grownups play with?

In History, year 1 have continued to look at toys over time. Excitingly, some of the grownups in school brought in their favourite toys from when they were little. We loved hearing about these special toys. Thank you to Miss Barron and Mr Wilson for helping us learn.

Reception children gathered at our whole school display to reflect on the lives of the soldiers that fought for us to allow us to live in peace. After they said a prayer, they left their poppy as a mark of respect.  

Year 4- Roman invasion

Year 4 have learned about who ruled Rome and how Roman life was. We have also learned about how and why the Romans invaded Britain. 

Year 5- The Vikings


The children in year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about their history topic this half term- the Vikings!

They explored where the Vikings came from and the reasons why they migrated to Britain and as a class, they concluded that the Vikings were not just raiders and invaders but people who wanted better land to live on and space for their families to grow.

To conclude their learning, the children held a museum afternoon for parents to see their amazing work- it was wonderful to be able to share all of their learning.

Take a look at their learning journey below

Nursery - Black History

We have been learning about Sir Mo Farah. We watched him winning a race in the Olympics, it was very exciting! We did some exercise just like him and did his famous 'Mobot'.

Year 6 - Black History - Nelson Mandela

Year 2- Black History Month

Black History in Year 2 

The children in Year 2 focused on exploring the lives and achievements of Sir Lewis Hamilton and Muhammed Ali. 

We created mini fact-files highlighting their lives. We also discussed the impact they have made, exploring Black History and equality. 

Year 5- Black History Month

During Black History Month, the children learnt all about the lives of Katherine Johnson and Maggie Alderin-Pocock. From their interests as children, to their careers as adults, we explored the inspiration that led them to be the iconic figures we know them as today.

Year 4 - Black History Month

During Black History Month, Year 4 have learned about famous black athletes and they have celebrated  amazing sporting accomplishments. 

Black History in Year 1

Black History in Reception

Reception have explored Black History focusing on Mo Farah. The children learnt who Mo Farah is, his early life when he was growing up and all about when he won Olympic Gold and all of his other medals. 

Y3- Stone Age

In Y3, the children have enjoyed learning about the differences in life, culture, and celebrations between the stone, bronze, and Iron Age. Y3 have learnt about the hunting techniques and weapons used, the types of housing and agricultural developments, prehistoric landmarks, and artefacts within prehistory Britain. 

Year 6- Ancient Greece

This half term, Year 6 children have studied Ancient Greece; they have gained knowledge on the first Greek civilisations, how Ancient Greece was ruled, the Persian Wars, the Athenians and the Spartans, the achievements of Alexander the Great and the impact Ancient Greece still has on life today...

Past and Present in Reception

Reception children shared images of their family to develop an understanding of the past and present. We all listened to what children had to say about the pictures.

A big thank you to parents for taking the time to bring in the pictures. 

Y3-Bronze Age

Using items from the Bronze Age, to trade between peers.

Year 2- Kings and Queens

Year 2 have enjoyed their first history learning journey 'Kings and Queens'. We have explored monarchs across the ages focusing on our enquiry question 'Who was the most powerful British monarch?' 

During this topic, children learned about important issues around the world such as; different types of protests, justice, gender equality, racial equality and LGBTQ...

Year 4 - Who were the Ancient Maya and how successful was their civilisation?

Holy Family celebrates King Charles III's Coronation!

Holy Family celebrated the coronation by writing biographies about King Charles III life and creating magnificent pieces of art and even a sculpture of King Charles III himself! 

EYFS have enjoyed preparing and celebrating King Charles' Coronation. They have familiarised themselves with our new King. Children found out what a coronation is, what happens during the coronation ceremony and some of the special items involved, such as the crowns, sceptres and orbs. Children were also encouraged to use newly learnt vocabulary associated with the event. 

Year 6 - Conflict and Resolution

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Year 5- Vikings and Anglo-Saxons

The children have been learning all about the vicious Vikings and how the invaded Britain in 793AD.

They really enjoyed learning about the Viking raids and discovering what daily life was like for the Anglo-Saxons.

Take a look at our learning journey below.

Year 1- Travel and Transport

Year 1 have really enjoyed learning all about Travel and Transport and comparing modes of transport from the past and present. We have looked at famous inventors such as 'The Wright Brothers' who invited the first aeroplane and compared the different types of transport that we had in the past and that we have today. 

Year 1- Travel and Transport immersive homework

King Charles and the Queen Consort Visit the City of Doncaster!

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The King Charles and Queen Consort Visit November 9th 2022

Children from Year 5 and Year 6 were lucky enough to be able to visit Doncaster on the most memorable of days- to see King Charles and the Queen Consort.

They travelled on the service bus to Doncaster where they were escorted to a VIP area to meet the royal visitors.

Take a look at the once in a lifetime trip below!

Year 1- Toys in time- Autumn

Year 1 created their own toy museum using toys from both past and present. They presented the toys on a display in the classroom in chronological order from the oldest to the most modern. We discussed toys from the past and compared them to modern toys looking at their characteristics. 

Understanding the World - Past and Present

FS2 children have deepened their understanding of immediate family by remembering and talking about special times in their lives.

Year 5- Black History Month

"Without education, you're not going anywhere in this world."

Malcolm X                                       

The children in year 5 have been learning about an important figure- Malcolm X.

They researched his early life and family and discovered his inspiration for changing his life when he was older.

FS1 - Black History

FS1 children read the story all about Harriet Tubman. They discussed emotions and sequenced her life events.

Black History - FS2

Children in FS2 learnt all about Frederick Douglass.

Lot's of interesting facts were discussed and children made a timeline of his life events.

The King Is Coming To Doncaster!

Doncaster is to be honoured with a visit from Their Majesties the King and The Queen Consort on Wednesday November 9 to confer city status on the borough.

This wonderful news will also be available on the royal website -

 You can follow MyDoncaster social media channels which will share the good news and further public information.

Year 5- Anglo-Saxons and Scots

The children really enjoyed learning all about the Anglo-Saxons and Scots in their first history topic of the year!

From discovering the initial invasion of Angles and Saxons, to becoming historians and investigating primary sources, the children were able to discuss their learning and display it in wonderful, creative ways.

Take a look at their fantastic work below.

Year 6 have really enjoyed being creative when presenting their work about Ancient Egypt.

Celebrating the Queen in FS2

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Reception children looked at the historic day when Princess Elizabeth formly became Queen Elizabeth II. We looked at photographs taken on the day of her Coronation - 2nd June 1953. We made a crown, flags and 'God Save our Queen' banner to use to role play our very own Coronation. Children were introduced to sketching and tried really hard to study the face of the Queen. We wrote a prayer together and we looked at coins, making observations and noticing that they all had the Queens head on one side.  

EYFS really enjoyed preparing for the Queens Platinum Jubilee.

EYFS dressed in red, white and blue. They also painted a half portrait of the queen using appropriate colours and used their fine motor skills to cut and make a life cycle of the Queen.

Art and DT Work to Celetrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee

Parent Voice

Parents, carers, grandparents, aunties, uncles and family friends turned out in volume to support and celebrate with their children. All relatives enjoyed an afternoon tea and then settled for a treat, and what a they were in for. The children performed songs through the decades:

EYFS The Jubilee Song

1950s  Year 6 We’ll Meet again

1960s Year 5 Dancing in the street

1970s Year 2 Dancing Queen – ABBA

1980s Year 1 We are the champions by Queen
1990s Year 4 Wonderwall – Oasis

2000 Year 3 Sing, Gary Barlow and the Commonwealth Band feat. The Military Wives

By the end of the celebrations, everyone was on their feet singing and dancing. What a great way to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee and to finish half term.


We were honoured to have our Chair of Governors and our local Councillor joining us at our Jubilee Celebrations.

Jubilee Celebrations

Holy Family children enjoying a picnic lunch and old fashioned games to start the Jubilee Celebrations.

Year 5- Baghdad and the Middle East

Year 5 have been learning all about the history of Baghdad and the Middle East. From how it was created, to the end of the Islamic Empire, we have been exploring the culture, academia and religion of this beautiful city.

Take a look at some of the wonderful pictures of our classroom, our books and our work and we can't wait to share our finished journey.


Year 4 - Maya Civilization

This half term, the children in year 4 are learning all about the Maya Civilization in Topic. The children have been really interested in this topic so far and have learnt lots already. This week in our learning journey, the children learnt about the Maya social hierarchy, different Maya artefacts and looked at different cities where the Maya people lived. 

Y3 - Stone Age

Children in Reception have been looking at similarities and differences between things in the past and now.

Year 6 have produced some fantastic work on WWI - learning about how WWI started, who was involved in the war, trench warfare, the role women played during WWI and how WWI ended...

Reception children have been learning all about Chinese New Year.

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The children enjoyed every activity and were able to explain why they were making lanterns and red envelopes.

In Nursery we enjoyed exploring the past through family photographs from the last 100 years, as well as looking at some precious artefacts. Children compared how sweet wrappers have changed over time, from Wilkinson's Pontefract Cakes sold in tins in the 1950s to Haribo Pontefract Cakes sold in plastic wrappers in 2022. We also compared how children's cough sweets have changed too, and that they must taste a lot better now!

Reception read stories, looked at pictures and artefacts about the past to promote lots of discussion about things from long ago. We shared pictures of our families and discussed how there are many different families.

Artefacts Supporting our Learning in Year One!

Year Two Black History

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Year Two joined author Serlina Boyd, creator of Cocoa Girl magazine, to hear all about her book Cocoa Girl Awesome Hair a celebration of beautiful black hair, featuring real life girls who love their hair. Serlina spoke to children about why she wrote her book, and shared more about the history of Black hair, Black role models and Black culture. In Topic lessons we then learnt all about Mary Seacole and why she is important.We compared Mary Seacole to Florence Nightingale and their experiences as nurses during the Crimean War. Year Two combined all they has learnt about Mary Seacole and made a fact file about her!

LOOK! A beautiful collection of every significant step children have taken in their learning. A collection of photographs, their writing, painting, drawing put in a creative way.

Vibrant Historical learning environments at Holy Family are every where; walls, windows and ceilings. Thought has been given to learning prompts, key vocabulary, photographs celebrating achievement and displays show high-quality children's work.

Year 6's trip to Eden Camp

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The following video shows Year 6's trip to Eden Camp - what a fantastic day! This was used to enhance our WWII topic where children recorded lots of different facts about different aspects of the war whilst having fun with their friends along the way. Many children commented, "This is the best trip we have ever been on!" 

Year Two Dinosaurs

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Year Two really immersed themselves into our topic of dinosaurs. We sketched our own fossils as well as taking on the role of palaeontologists and finding our own fossils. Also, we learnt how to grow a dinosaur and wrote a creative set of instructions so everyone can grow their own dinosaur. We had so much fun and tried new experiences on our topic journey!
