Our high-quality, knowledge-based science education at Holy Family Catholic Primary School aims to provide all learners with the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, physics and chemistry, as well as develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena within every pupil.
Our curriculum aims to give purposeful learning opportunities that build on children’s prior learning. Children should be taught through enquiry based learning, where they are given time to investigate, prove and justify theories and reasons.
Science links in with other school intents; working independently and collaboratively and trying new experiences.
In this lesson, the children have been learning how bones and muscles work together. The children conducted an experiment to find out which arm was the strongest, by holding a weight in each arm and timing with a stop watch. After this the children recorded their results and concluded their findings.
To explore the movement of the Earth around the Sun, the children in Year 5 went outside to demonstrate Earth's orbit while it rotates on its axis. We had to take turns as we got a little dizzy!
In year the children have been getting better at understanding what magnets are, and they behave. The children enjoyed conducting a small experiment to create a method and a conclusion to their discoveries about ‘like and opposite’ poles and if they ‘repelled or attracted’.
Today in year 3, the children have been getting better at understanding how objects move on different surfaces and have been conducting an experiment around this. They have made a prediction and a conclusion following their findings.
Year 2 and Year 3 had a lovely day out visiting EUREKA! in Halifax. They explored the various learning galleries and enjoyed a lovely lunch with a view! Following this they have written a recount of the trip and also used photos taken on the trip to create a timeline. It was also a brilliant experience partaking in a Science show, children learnt lots of facts about Space and how the Sun moves around creating day and night.
It was lovely to hear all of the facts they learnt and also experiences they shared with one another, demonstrating impeccable behaviour too.
The children learnt all about life cycles, exploring the differences between flowering and non-flowering plants and the life cycles of insects and mammals.
Throughout this topic, Year 4 have investigated what happens when a circuit has multiple bulbs and one battery and when a circuit has multiple batteries and one bulb. The children have then used this knowledge to create their own burglar alarm.
Children developed an understanding of the seasons through stories and the local environment. They used their fine motor skills to cut pictures of the season and stick them into the correct background.
The children in year 5 learnt all about the properties of different materials, learning how to classify their strengths and weaknesses. They then explored different processes to separate mixtures and finished the topic by investigating famous material scientists.
In hear 3, the children have enjoyed learning about the parts of a flower, why plants have certain parts, and the life cycle of a flowering plant. Here are some pictures of our display and the children’s learning from our summer 1 unit.
In this topic, Year 4 have developed knowledge of habitats and how the environment must be cared for. The children have built on their knowledge of food chains from Year 2 by looking at food webs in Year 4. The children have also explored what organisms are and their characteristics.
Year 4 have studied states of matter. They have investigated how changing the temperature can change the state. They have also explored the water cycle.
Year 1 explored the signs of spring and summer. They completed lots of work showing all that they have learnt.
Children used images and texts to learn about the changing seasons and applied what they had learnt by matching the correct activities to the season.
Children in Reception were taught all about shadows. They engaged with their environment, developed critical thinking skills, and appreciated the magic of light and dark. Children explored how light interacts with objects and drew around the shapes that shadows made. Children were also given opportunities to express their thoughts and feelings related to light and darkness.
Y3 have conducted an experiment about how plants and stems transport water. Y3 used red food colouring, water, a jug and a celery stem. These products were left for a day before we carefully cut them open to find out our results. After some accurate predictions, Year 3 concluded that the red food colouring had been transported up the celery stem from the root.
Today the children have been looking at getting better at understanding what a plant needs to grow. The children have planted several seeds in a container, with compost and water. The trays were placed in 3 different conditions, so that the children can record over several weeks, how and if their seed will grow.
In year 3, we have completed our science topic on Light and Shadows. Here is our display, alongside some of the children’s learning.
In year 3 children have been getting better at using shadows to tell a story.
In Science, the children have enjoyed learning about how shadows are formed, and how they vary in size and position when the light source positioning changes. The children also learnt about how sundials work.
In Nursery, we have been exploring different materials inside and outside. We had great fun finding ice in the tyres, looking at the patterns it had on it, watching it melt with the warmth of our hands and smashing it up into little pieces. We sorted toys into different groups - plastic, metal, fabric and wood. We also went on a hunt to find other things and say what thy were made of. We made a bed for Goldilocks and and Three Bears and tried different materials to see which we thought they would like to make it comfortable for them.
In Year 3 children have been conducting an experiment to see how shadows are formed. They have used their predictions and observations of different objects, to summarise if faint or dark shadows were formed from opaque or translucent objects.
Reception children have been busy exploring the natural world around them, learning all about plants. They have named and described some plants, their favourite being the sunflower. Lots of discussions were made to find out how plants grow. New vocabulary was introduced and children began to use this when labelling parts of a plant. They used their creative skills too to make a sunflower, using different media and colour for a purpose.
In Y3 we have been looking at getting better at understanding if light travels through all objects. The children have completed an experiment using six different materials and a torch. They have found out that opaque objects allow no light to pass, translucent objects allowed some light to pass, and transparent objects allowed all light to pass through.
Year 6 learnt how to arrange organisms into groups, what classification is, how we can classify vertebrates, invertebrates and plants and what microorganisms are.
In science the children have enjoyed using their investigation and reasoning skills to complete experiments with soil, and learn about the different types of rocks with their uses. The children have learnt how fossils are formed, and why they remain an important role in science.
In science the children have been investigating soil permeability. The children enjoyed taking part in the experiment and accurately recording their results. From their investigation, Y3 understand that soil permeability affects which plants can grow best in a certain type of soil, from studying which soils can drain the quickest, and which drain the slowest.
Children in Year 2 enjoyed investigating how materials can change, we discussed in particular the absorbency of some materials! We soon realised that tissue is a lot more absorbent than paper!
In year 1, we are looking at seasonal changes. We looked outside for the signs of Autumn.
Today Y3 have been getting better at understanding the different properties of rocks. The children have made predictions and written down detailed responses to their experiment. The children discovered that the most Permeable type of rock is Sedimentary, as it has pores. The children found out that water and air could pass through.
Children in FS2 explored magnetism to attract and move some objects.
Science- Uses of Materials
As a class we discussed what different materials objects are made from. We explored different materials and then we looked around our school to see which materials certain objects were made from, some of our discoveries surprised us!
Year 5- Let's Learn About Space!
The children enjoyed learning all about Earth and Space in their recent topic. They explored the planets in our solar system and created graphs to show how many moons each planet had. They also discovered why we have day and night and how the heliocentric model of our solar system works. Take a look at some of their wonderful work below..
Year 4 have learned all about human's teeth and animal's teeth. They have learned how to look after their teeth and what could happen if we don't! The children have enjoyed investigating the digestive system and explaining what happens at each point.
Science Club
The children in Science club have enjoyed exploring seasons and habitats, we concluded our learning this half term with a visit to the EYFS unit.
We were lucky enough to explore different potential habitats for some animals.
Miss Dyson really enjoyed finding so many worms, slugs and even a centipede!
Well done Science club for some fantastic work this half term...Super Scientists!
In Y3, the children have enjoyed learning about Skeletons, Muscles, and Nutrition. Y3 have studied the different parts to the human skeleton, and how it differed to animal skeleton, in both vertebrates, and invertebrates. We have been looking at the different types of nutrition, and where humans and animals get it all from. The children recognise the importance of having a balanced diet, and what nutrients the human body gains from doing so.
Year 6- Light and Perception
In Science, Year 6's first topic was Light and Perception; children now understand how we see, how shadows are formed, what reflection and refraction mean, the colours of light according to Sir Isaac Newton and light pollution...
Year 4 have used materials to replicate the digestive system. The children were able to describe what was happening using scientific vocabulary.
Animals and Survival
Year 2 have enjoyed investigating the needs of animals, exploring how animals and humans change and recognising the importance of exercise.
They then researched the five main food groups and designed a healthy food plan.
Year 5- Earth and Space
The children had so much fun this week exploring how the Earth moves around the Sun. They discovered that it moved in an elliptical orbit.
Year 4 have discovered that our teeth are made from a similar material to an eggshell. Therefore, the children have set up an investigation with eggs and different high sugar and acidic liquids. Over time, they have made observations on what has happened to the eggshell and concluded why they think.
What a fantastic start to the new school year. Children in Reception have learnt to share and look at non-fiction texts and have explored their senses.
Year 6 - Circulation and Lifestyle
During this topic, children learned all about the circulatory system and the effect that exercise and drugs can have on the human body...
Year 6 - Electricity and Circuits
During this topic, children learned about electricity, electrical components, series circuits, parallel circuits, how we measure electricity and how we make electrical items safe...
Year 1 have explored the four seasons this half-term and have focused on the seasons Spring and Summer. We have explored how the weather changes between each season and what measurement we use to measure the temperature such as a thermometer. We have also explored the signs of a changing season such as the leaves on the tree's, the temperature, the daylight hours, animals and plants. We have learnt that the most daylight hours are in Summer and the temperature is the highest in Summer. We have also looked at different celebrations and festivals celebrated in each season.
Year 4 worked scientifically during Science Day as they focused on chemical reactions.
Experiment 1- The children built and decorated their own rockets, added vinegar and bicarbonate of soda and saw their rockets fly into the sky!
Experiment 2- The children discovered that when bicarbonate of soda and lemon juice are combined together, they release carbon dioxide. This gas then blew up their balloons!
Year 4 have completed a unit of work on classification and environments and produced amazing work!
Properties and Changes of Materials- End of Topic
The children in year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed their science topic of Properties and Changes of Materials. From testing acids and alkalis, to mixing their own solutions, the children were able to plan their own experiments and test their hypotheses.
Take a look at their wonderful learning below.
Reception children took advantage of the snow and joined in with an experiment. They gathered pots of snow from outside and discussed what they thought would happen. They estimated how long it would take to melt and discussed the changes they observed over time.
Year 1 really enjoyed experimenting on science day! We chose to do four experiments which consisted of 'the colour walk', 'the milk colour run', 'the magic bubbles' and the 'coke explosion!'. We really enjoyed experimenting with different materials and resources, making predictions, reflecting and re-evaluating the experiments to make any improvements to the outcomes.
Science Day 2023
To celebrate science day this year, the children explored non-Newtonian fluids by mixing oobleck- a mixture of cornflour and water. This mixture has special properties as it can be both a solid and a liquid depending on how it is being handled- it is also very messy which the children loved!
We also had fun creating a bang with coke and mentos- luckily we did this outside as it made a bit of a mess!
Take a look at the fun that was had!
Our current Ark topic in Science is Living things and their habitats. To deepen our understanding, we chose to explore the school grounds and see if we could find any plants or habitats. We discovered plenty of plants and then discussed if they were alive, dead or had never lived, we learnt about this in lesson 2 of our Science topic. Year 2 really enjoyed exploring habitats and discussing which animals may live there.
Children in FS2 have been observing and interacting with natural processes. Thay have used magnets to attract objects.
Year 1 explored different everyday materials in Autumn 2 such as metal, glass, plastic, wood and fabric. We looked at the properties of those materials such as bendy, transparent, hard, soft, bumpy etc and which materials were appropriate for certain objects. We conducted an experiment at the end of the topic to see which material was most appropriate to make an umbrella by exploring which materials were waterproof.
Year 6- Light and Perception
In Year 6 Science, we explored Light and perception learning about how we see, how light reflects, how light moves, what colour light is, understanding light pollution and completing two investigations involving torches, mirrors and shadows!
Year 5- Earth and Space
The children in year 5 have enjoyed learning about the topic Earth and Space.
From identifying the planets and how they orbit the Sun, to debating the theories about the workings of the universe, the children were able to describe their learning and use the key vocabulary throughout their work.
Take a look at their wonderful work below!
This week in Year 4, the children have been finishing their Science topic of electricity. This week, the children have been investigating what materials are conductors and which are insulators of electricity. The children have had lots of fun making circuits this half term and investigating different ideas.
In Year 4, the children have been very busy in Science! We have started our new topic this half term which is Electricity. In our first lesson, the children looked at what Electricity is, worked in teams to write safety rules when using electricity and worked together to put different appliances in the correct columns (electric appliance - mains powered, electric appliance - battery powered and non-electric appliance). In the children's second lesson they explored how to create different circuits, they worked so well together and used their problem solving skills. In the third lesson, the children have investigated how to make a lamp light up in different ways. The children have loved their science lessons so far and they are looking forward to carrying on with this topic!
FS2 children were intriged by their shadows in the play ground. This was used as a basis for thinking about shadows and asking and answering questions; What makes a shadow interesting? What is a shadow and what do shadows tell us? How does this link to night and day? Children played lots of different games.
Upon their return to the class room a child asked, "Why don't we have shadows in the classroom?" We then explored shadows using a lamp and objects and made comparisions.
In Year 4, the children have started learning about Sound. In today's lesson, the children were learning about what Sound is. The children completed some excellent work in their books and in groups, they went around the school to investigate different sounds in different areas. For example, outside the classroom, the hall and the playground.
Year 2, have started their new science topic- plants and growth. They have used the pre-topic quiz to see what they can remember about the topic. They have also spent time reading their knowledge organiser, where we looked at familiar and unfamiliar vocabulary. We have then placed vocabulary in tier 2 and tier 3.
Year 5- Life Cycles
Our new topic for science this term is all about life cycles. We really enjoyed our first lesson learning about the different life cycles of vertebrates. Take a look below at our amazing work!
Y5 Science investigation
Y5 have investigated what happens when something dissolves. They really enjoyed looking at which materials are soluble and which are insoluble.
Y5 Science investigation
Y5 have investigated conductivity by finding out which material would make the best teapot. They represented their findings using a line graph.
In Year 2, we have been studying 'living things and their habitats'. We have observed how the habitat has changed over time.